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albert e

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Everything posted by albert e

  1. It's been quiet here at the moment so I'm so I am going to make some noise on OS X Mountain Lion GM. I managed to install GM on my USB stick by replacing AppleACPiPlatform.kext with 10.6.8 version (1.3.5) as mentioned in this thread & the myHack 3.1.2 version. Successfully installed GM on a new partition(yay!), run RunMyFix/Full on the installed GM drive, no KP (yay again!) but it won't go through the boot process(oh no!); it got stuck in the middle at the dreaded "PCI configuration begins". Any suggestion, GURU's, anyone? Update: I re-install AppleACPIPlatform.kext (v1.3.5) and everything goes through the boot process. Installed iPhoto 9.3.1 from Software Update. So far so good, have to do more tests. BTW, didn't install any EDP yet!. I will update the thread as I goes out to tests running some applications: iMovie, iPhoto, Adobe products, etc. It should all work but just want to perform some testing. yay!
  2. You are in the wrong subject. This is for Mountain Lion.
  3. Rjjd, in OS X ML, if it is not "signed" by Apple it won't open. That's a fact. You have to "Right-click/Open" mouse to open the application. But anyway, I have the same issue with EDP 3.1, no keyboard/mouse/trackpad functionality (with Voodoo kexts) & SleepEnabler.kext (KP). Back to the drawing board. I suggest to remove Voodoo kexts such as the VoodooPS2Controller, VoodooPS2Keyboard, VoodooPS2Mouse & VoodooPS2Trackpad. Run "myHack/RunMyfix/Full". Your keyboard and mouse will work after ( using ApplePS2????.kext(s), no need to add these). The mouse & trackpad is not smooth to work with (at that moment until....) but at least you have the keyboard to work with but not so great mouse. Use USB mouse if you want more functionality (i.e. scrolling). Good luck!
  4. Sure will try it. I'll let you know. Thanks!
  5. Got DP4 running on my D630; things not working are the Voodoo kexts for the keyboard/trackpad/mouse( 64-bit in DP4) & Sleepenabler(KP). Using a USB keyboard & Apple Trackpad. Here's hoping for the team to fix those issues for the final release of OS X Mountain Lion in July? Didn't not installed EDP 3.0. Donation coming Update: There is a new upgrade of OS X Mountain Lion through "software Update"; Install "AppleACPIPlatform.kext" using KextWizard after software upgrade (12A248). Works!
  6. I don't understand. There was no mention of EDP 3.0 on the "Download" area of EDP menu? Is there?
  7. Mr. Syonagar, thanks on the guide for OS X Lion 10.7.4 upgrade and OS X Mountain Lion installation. So far, I have tried your guide on getting my D630 to install Lion 10.7.4 and the other D630 to OS X Mountain Lion (DP3) to no avail, fails to continue in USB install despite the guide. It bothers me that I've not seen any member or user who were successful in doing so (or they are just lazy to let us know). You're the only one who made your system worked. Is it possible for you to write a step-by-step guide on how you did it successfully in detail, please. Updated: Disappointed, no answer from Mr. Syonagar?
  8. Don't bother with this. You'll not get too far; no QE/CI. It's because of the HD4500M video, no support (kext).
  9. There's no such peripheral for Dell Latitude D6xx, D8xx. There's a docking port that extends to external display and ports.
  10. Perform a "Repair Permission" task using Disk Utility.
  11. Updated: System now is unstable under EDP 2.1 Where is the EDP 2.2?
  12. Where is EDP 2.2 for 10.7.2?
  13. I have a D830 & Nvidia 140M graphics but the highest resolution is only 1280x800. Is my system laptop display the problem? Is there a D830 model for 1920x1200 display? Thanks.
  14. Remove FakeSMC 3.1 kext in Extra/Extensions/
  15. No problem on my D630, Nvidia system though using EDP 2.1.
  16. @robi62, you 'sneak little devil'; that Broadcom43XXFamilyrev2.kext is actually the same Snow Leopard IO80111Family.kext (v3.1). You just renamed it. I looked at the the Kext package that you enclosed. Ha ha ha! Way to go to fix the problem!
  17. FYI: FakeSMC v3.1 creates havoc (KP) on my D630 Nvidia after upgrading to EDP 1.91 on Snow X Leopard 10.6.8. After removing the kext, I'm back to business. Update 1: Installed EDP 2.1 for Lion (11C71). Broke the Firewire (kext won't load due to apple.iokit.AppleFire???) & sound too does not work! . Installed VoodooHDA v2.6.1 next and it seems to work.v2.7.3 Update 2: VoodooHDA v2.7.3 has the wrong device ID in info.plist. I edited & modified the device ID to 0x284b8086 that correspond to my D630 Intel HD audio. Works now. Here's the link to change some parameters in info.plist: http://olarila.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=454
  18. It is the "Rebranding Broadcomm Wi-fi" process, that did it. You are lucky you did not brick it. The rebranding is a little bit tricky and you have to be very careful with the "subv ID & subp ID" when you use this command "ssb-sprom -i ssb_sprom_copy –-subv 0×106b –-subp 0×0087 -o new_ssb_sprom_copy". It looks like after rebranding your BCM4312(?), it did not changed it to an Airport (should be the result). I have a BCM4311 a/b/g, so I have to use subp id as 0x004e. Use this link, it is better documented with screen captures: http://prasys.info/2009/12/rebranding-broadcom-802-11abgn-cards-as-airport/#more-2366 Here is my rebranding result. Rebranding success.tiff Good luck.
  19. D630 T7500/ BCM Wlan/ Nvidia 135M/Screen 1440x900/ OS X Lion 10.7.2 Installed Wi-fi BCM4311 In Extra/Extensions Kext: - AppleACPIBatteryManager - AppleHDADisabler - BCM5722D - FakeSMC - IntelCPUMonitor - legacySTAC9205 - lspcidrv - NCClockX - Patched_10.7_AppleRTC -VoodooPS2Controller - VoodooPState5.30.05 AM In S/L/E Sound: VoodooHDA.kext Boots in 32 & 64-bit (Keyboard does not work), QE/CI enabled
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