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Everything posted by Zeppo
Yup, I just read that in another forum. As well as the "good" news that other (cheaper) brands cause trouble with OS X and could been run onyl as an external drive. 380€?! Well, ain't that a good news? I can get a refurbished D430 for this kind of money. Sheeeeesh!
Well, I hoped it could take more than 2GB RAM. But I read some forums saying a strict "no". Apparently BIOS supports it but not the board. If the MB Air reports are to believe, SSD gives you more than RAM. So, I might try this. What about this SSD: http://www.kingston.com/ukroot/ssd/v_series.asp Kingston SSDNow V-Series G2 128 GB SNV425-S2/128GB – up to 200MB/sec. read; 160MB/sec. write?! Sounds good. And I had some very good experiences with Kingston. And is around 190€. Runcore 380,00€. EDIT: if RAM is FUBARed, I hope it is the 1GB I can replace. It costs just 30€. But if it's the one onboard... S***!
You'll lough now: just a few days ago I needed to replace 2x2GB RAM DDR2 sticks in my office machine because one was delivering garbage. Well, that one might have been faulty all the way, but 10.6.6 didn't take it gracefully. Luckily I am Carbon Copy Cloning my HD1 to identical HD2 every night. And have all my data secured on an external drive via TimeMachine. But it took a while to find out that RAM was broken and then to find out which stick. My machine just crashed and my HD1 was corrupted beyond repair with Disk Manager. I couldn't even unmount it. But with CCC that was a non-issue. BTW: What choices do I have re RAM and HD? LEon uses SSD, correct? Might be a choice for me as well. 2GB RAM are cheap. Can I stick more RAM into D430? Is there a 4 GB RAM module working in D430? 8GB would be desirable (for Parallels). THX!!
Will do. Since I am not into Linux (or BSD...) any live CD to suggest? Oh, BTW: I run your /Extra version from my HD. KP Now I'll try what happens if I boot froms stick ee Boy, it is weird. But I already tried all tricks I knew. Permissions repair, volume repair, new set of permissions, a complete new install - nada, nix, niente. Well, I'll keep up digging. THX!
Well, I know that. But if I try to turn it on via check box in energy prefpane, the whole icons in status bar (from the date on) move to the left. There is an empty space created, where the battery icon should appear. But it does not. Whole icons move back to the right. The check box goes unchecked. But the battery is not recognized anyway. So, probably battery meter goes away, since there is nothing to show (no battery).
Well, you said you have everything working (including battery meter and sleep). If your /Extra works, I know where to look for my own issues (bootloader, DSDT and/or kexts). If your otherwise working /Extra produces the same results as mine (KP), that's something which has purpose as well - I will know where NOT to spend time looking. Than it must be BIOS or HW. OK, in fact it does boot from HD but the boot process always end in a KP. Every single time at the point processor identification and HPET status. This sounds rather as an DSDT issue to me. Another reason why I wanted to test yours. THX!
OK, I appreciate the fact that it worked for everybody else. But it didn't for me. And I did 2 separate installations following the guide steps like you posted. Both time with the same results. So, it is very likely that error is somewhere on my side, but I don't see what and where went wrong. The statement that something *is on my side* doesn't really help me. That I see myself. But I would really like to find out why I cannot boot from HD, my battery monitor is missing or why the sleep does not work properly. You asked for my BIOS settings in order to compare it to your machine. I posted it a few days ago. Since te download counter for the file is still on zero, I take for granted that you didn't have the time or the will to compare it to your BIOS. This might or might not have helped. But it would be interesting to find if there are differences and which they happen to be. Apparently you do not want to share your /Extra folder either (I asked twice. Nicely) but you might want to compare my /Extra folder with yours? I would upload it gladly. It might help solving the issue. THX! Zep
Bump! Leon? Others? No ideas?! THX!
It works. Ooops, so easy. Usually when I push the RSS Feed button, the feed is added automatically. Here I just get plain text. But adding manually works fine. Apparently I am just spoiled. And lazy.
In my first post here I already expressed my appreciation for this forum and good work of people involved. But, since this is a feedback page, I'll gladly do it one more time. So: thanks again. One request: is it possible to have an RSS feed for the new content? It would be a very nice addition to already positive user experience. I was really happy to see the RSS icon right next to "View New Content". But, by pushing the button, I get only plain text in a new browser page. Is it just me or is that button not connected to RSS feed? THX!
OK. Status. I expanded .mkext file out of HD's Extra folder. Overwrote all .kexts with correct versions out of different directories. Moved all kexts to /Extra/Extensions (which suits Chameleon fine, if I have no .mkext file in /Extra folder). Removed .mkext file from /Extra folder. Copied com.apple.boot.plist, dsdt.aml and smbios.plist from EDP 1.5 RC6 /Extra/Models/D4x0 to /Extra on HD. Repaired permissions. Set Extensions permissions. Cleared Extension cache. Cleared System Apps cache. Run touch for Extensions folder. Booted from HD -> KP Booted from stick. Renamed /Extra folder on my USB stick to /Extra.working Copied /Extra folder from HD (no changes made since last manual config and KP) to USB stick. Rebooted from USB stick. NO KP. But sound is now missing. And my battery as well. Well... not perfect but it's booting. Now go figure. This is just killing me. However, my view of "not altering the OS X installation on a HD" just got some more creditability. Ideas?
Is there a way to just dump the content into a file? It's huge - dozens of pages. As I said: funny, I don't change anything between the boots via HD or USB. EDIT: OK, I made photos of every single BIOS page. Attached. Thank you for your support! EDIT: Another wired behavior: I run the edptool again and configured .kexts new and booted. KP as shown in a picture above. Copied unchanged /Extra folder and replaced the one on stick. Boots fine from stick. Go figure. D430 Bios.zip
Whole BIOS config? Or just particular parts? It's big. So, if you could tell me what you are looking for it's easier. However, what strikes me funny is that CPU (panic report claims it incorrect configured) works if I boot from USB stick but doesn't if I boot from internal HD.
See my new install steps? Attached panic report. I am screwed. Again. Help! EDIT: With my old config I can boot fine but my keyboard and trackpad are lost again. Reconfigured to voodoPS2, works again.
OK. It didn't work out. Off I go to a new install. If you can think of anything I forgot or I should give extra attention, please let me know. Many thanks and keep your finger crossed for me. EDIT 1 First step finished. 10.6.0 runs fine. WiFi, sound, keyboard, trackpad and battery meter working fine. Downloading 10.6.6. Meanwhile installing Chameleon 2 RC5 r665 and EDP 1.5 RC6 on HD. EDIT 2 Chameleon installed, EDP Extra folder installed in root folder, run edptool. No errors were reported. Installing 10.6.6 combo. EDIT 3 Kernel Panic, Gray Screen Of Death. Booted verbose. System is stuck on reporting the kernel version. However, I can boot from stick into the new installation?! Battery is gone again but that was to be expected, since I am using the "old" combination of kexts. Any ideas? THX!
Well, I tried it. KP, GSOD. The good news is that this time around I was able to boot from stick again. Run Disk Utility - stopped. HD corrupted, need repare run from DVD (stick in my case). Just doing it as I write this. If successful I'll try again to boot from HD. If not, I'll just run the whole process again from scratch. Just to be sure about the steps: Boot from USB stick with Chameleon 2 RC5 r665, 1st install Extra folder (per tutorial) OS X 10.6.0 retail DVD Install OS X 10.6.0 on HD Boot into OS X Install Chameleon 2 RC5 r665 on HD Extract EDP 1.5 RC6 in root directory run ./edptool.command and configure for D430 no reboot get 10.6.6 update combo and install after finished, remove USB stick and reboot from HD Everything should be working fine applying tweaks for sound, speedstep and such Correct?
Oh well... what the hack... if you think that's the reason for my issues, I'll try it. Nope, Original DELL part. But I am using the extended (bigger) version. I'll try and insert the small one. THX for your help!
Ummm... not sure what you mean. I tried configurations with both kexts out of the EDP rc6, AppleACPIBatteryManager.kext and VoodooBattery.kext. No difference. AFAIK A09 I use is the latest. Thanks for the pointer! Sounds interesting. If I understood correctly, I wouldn't need DSDT any more, but all kexts are still needed? Nope. I am booting from an USB stick, keeping the OSX HD vanilla. A long story, short version: building my first Hackintosh PC I installed Chameleon on my HD. After I've made some changes in config there, every boot ended up in a KP, big time. Tried to recover from USB stick but, as long as Chameleon was on HD, Chameleon on USB stick will ignore DSDT and Extra folder there and take the ones from HD. Hence, I had an endless KP loop. Back than I found no means to mount the HD and replace the faulty configuration with a good one. (spent many nights in different forums like InsanlyMac, kext.com, tonycrap, etc. looking for solution and discussing options. Found none.) So, I ended up buying a new HD (couldn't afford to lose data from the old one) and repeating the whole hack again. Since than I followed an advice from many hackintoshers: don't alter your HD. Use two Chameleon USB sticks, one safe and one experimental. If you screw up something on experimental, you can always use your safe stick to access your machine. However, I don't see a connection to my battery issue. The working environment (machine as such) is defined by BIOS, EFI (Chameleon) and DSDT. Additional functions or devices are triggered by OSX embedded kexts or kexts out of .mkext file (or /Extra/Extension folder if there is no .mkext). AFAIK, it does not make any difference if EFI is a HW or SW solution or if the bootloader is on stick or a HD. Well, I already manually tried this: expanded the .mkext file to see what kexts are needed, copied the original kext versions out of appropriate EDP RC6 folders into my /Extra/Extensions folder and booted without .mkext. Nothing changed. But I will try your suggested steps. THX!
OK, now I officially run out of options! My battery still doesn't show up. I tried all of the possible EDP choices and ended up blank. However, this testing brought me the PS2 support for my keyboard and trackpad back with Apple PS2 kext (for good or bad of it). I don't really know what went bad in my first try but it didn't occur in my last attempt to use it. @Leon Are you using OS X 10.6.6? Apparently your config shows the battery status. And apparently you ignored my request for your extra folder. However, you could prove a real sport and save me a complete new installation and data migration (which takes very looooooooong hours) and share your extra folder with me. I would be really grateful!!!! And I am really saying a very nice "please"! OK? Here: PUUUUUUHHHHHHLEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSEEEEE! THX!
Well, I thought Apple battery kext might simply refused to work with Voodoo PS2 and power kexts. So, I tried Voodoo battery kext but to no avail. I have downloaded and am using the 1.5 RC6 out of your post announcing it, so... I have no idea where to begin to look. Hence, I thought to try your config. And than dig some deeper and try to pinpoint the differences.
Well, looks like a software config error. What are you using, Apple or Voodoo PS2 kexts? Since you have the exact matching machine, would you be willing to zip and upload your complete extra folder (or send it via email)? THX!
Native. That's the one I had after the 1st installation. Basically I didn't consider istat because I read a lot of comments on its inaccuracy. Also, I thought, if the system is not delivering the battery load status how could istat show it?
OK. I tried both, Apple and Voodoo Battery kext, but to no avail. I still don't see the battery status or am able to enable it. If I remember correctly, battery was shown after my first installation but disappeared right after I installed the EDP RC6. Do you know what prevents battery status to be shown?
Well, I kinda solved this issue by trial & error. But I still kept the /Extra folder on my stick. Nope, no blue folder. Not in the original .zip, not in the config which failed me, nor in the version I run now.
THX Leon! But without those I wouldn't be able to run 10.6.6 anyways. So: been there, done that, have a T-Shirt. Well, I did follow the guide meticulously. Hence, the bootloader or EDP themselves couldn't be the cause of the issue. The only logical thing was to look into the things I created myself. And that would be the .mkext combined driver out of the EDP. Meanwhile I spent some time evaluating this. The only reasonable explanation was the PS2 kext, which manages I/O from KB/TP, is causing trouble. So, I rerun the the EDP script again and installed Voodoo's PS2 kext instead of Apple's. And my KB/TP are back! Strange, I read that few people here had some issues with Woodoo and switched back to Apple. I will try to use the correct kexts in Extensions folder (without combining them in a single .mkext file). There might have been a glitch in the compressing (compiling) process and driver might have been corrupted. Now I have this one irking issue I would like to solve: I cannot see my battery status. And I cannot turn it on in energy preffs. It's really a bad thing for a laptop: if you don't know how much power remains, you can just run out of juice in a wrong moment. Any ideas? THX! Zep