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Everything posted by Zeppo
Paulo, I would strongly suggest you stay with Chameleon and EDP. If you throw other bootloaders into the mix, the team here would most probably be unable to help you. EDP solution we use is built around Chameleon 2 RC5. All other bootloaders might defer in their needs and we cannot cover them all. That does not mean we don't want to help, but it would be very challenging task for our small team to stay on top of all and every bootloader out there. Hope you understand. Thanks!
Well, I am being ignorant. From time to time.
Hi Nick, this forum is dedicated to delivering best possible OS X experience on any of Latitudes. However, the solution this forum offers is based on Chameleon 2 and EDP. EDP being a collection of configuration files and kexts suited for Chameleon bootloader and Latitudes. EDP is configured by an edptool, which offers automated setup of all needed configuration files and kexts for a certain Latitude model, its HW configuration and the OS X version you would like to run. There is no support provided for any other bootloaders, at least by the OSXLATITUDE crew. However, we do not prevent any of our registered members to offer you advice. If you wish to try OSXLATITUDE solution, please read Wiki. It's straight forward, easy and rewarding, as many happy OSXLATITUDE users found out. If you have any further questions do not hesitate to ask. Have fun!
Sorry, I really don't know anything about iPod Classic. Well, my HD just works. But, in the beginning of my OSXLatitude history I had similar issues. Booting from stick was OK but from HD always KP'd. It was weird. However, we (OSXLatitude team and I, as a user) found out that I was using case sensitive format of the drive. This somehow didn't go well with Chameleon. After a reformat with Extended (Journaled) but sans "Case Sensitive" my HD started to work flawlessly. So, check the format of your HD. This might be the reason for your issues. If not, I am out of my depth then. Someone else might chime in and help.
OK, I might be biased, ignorant or just unable to grasp the concept: why bother installing such a complicated configuration? With OS X you have a perfect platform to virtualize virtually (pun intended) all OS's you might need. I am using Parallels for a long time now and whenever I need Windows (which version ever), I just start it, without the need to power down, reboot and tinker around complicated setup environments. The same is valid for Linux and some other Unix OS's. You can also run an instance of OS X in an VM (server by default, client with some tricks). And, at least according to some involved, you would be even able to virtualize Lion within Lion by default. If Parallels or VMWare are to expensive, you can always use Virtual Box. It works out of the box. Well, that's me, your milage might vary.
Well, I never managed to use media base and I am not avare of anyone who did. The focus of the team was to get as many different Latitudes OSXed as good as possible. Hence, the media base (or port replicators) is one of those things in need of some additional wok to be done. So, if someone knowledgeable and with some spare time on their hands is reading this and is willing to give it a try - we all be happy to provide the results to the OSXLatitude community. Sorry mate!
Apple AppStore shouldn't be a problem. I use several machines with my AppStore account and am able to install all purchased apps on all of them. So, if your UID changes, it will only be regarded as a yet another machine connected to your account.
Grmpf! I just tinkered a long time to keep my temperature low and found out it works best with nullcpumanegement. Now this. Well... EDIT: Well, somehow the temperature - even with coolbook and PStatemenu - will not go below 62-65 degrees C. And a lot of time it's 70 or above. Which will probably kill this old machine soon. Sad, with other config it was around 52-53 usually. Any ideas?
Is this valid for all EDP's, including 1.9? THX!
Leon, that's what I did with D430 and SL, experiencing the same problem. It worked for SL. Did it work with Lion?
Well, I even have less qualms to use Apple OS on non-Apple HW. Basically because German law experts are claiming since ages, that Apple EULA would not hold the water in front of the court. It's just too one sided and contains some paragraphs which are not covered by or even entirely opposite to German laws. That's probably the reason why Apple never tried to sue any private person acting against EULA in this country (and, AFAIK worldwide). Now, they did sue but then, they sued people who tried to build up a business around hackintoshing.
That's why I said "all new hackintoshers" will have trouble with it. You will not be able to obtain official Leo or SnowLeo DVD, after Lion is established. Hence, it will not really make any difference, if you torrent one of those to buy Lion trough the AppStore or torrent Lion directly. You will need to pirate one or the other. Not that this will keep many of doing it... but it was kind of "clean" the way it worked.
Me thinks that, by selling Lion trough the App Store only (you need to have SnowLeo running) or as an add on to new mac on an USB stick (hence, officially buying Apple HW), Apple is effectively and efficiently killing the discussion if hackintoshing is legal or not. Buying the DVD online or in Apple Store, one could at least claim "I bought it and I can do whatever I want with it. Even install on a non-Apple-HW". Even though it was strictly forbidden by EULA to use it on any other than Apple HW, this EULA was not recognized by courts in many countries. Apple couldn't do a thing about it and hence - they didn't. But now, without App Store, all new hackintoshers will be unable to buy Lion officially. They will need to use torrent to get a copy. And there is no court covering this. I am curious if Apple will remain tolerant of the hackintosh scene or - now with a clear unlawful situation new hackintoshers will be in - if they'll try to hunt down the scene.
I solved the screen brightness issue with my D430 by disabling surrounding light sensor in BIOS. After that, I could adjust brightness to levels I couldn't reach before. And the brightness I set is staying even after an reboot. Also, the power saving would dim the screen as usual, if there is no activity.
Thanks for your tip! BTW: your trick works with CCC (Carbon Copy Cloner) as well. Only for free (donation ware).
Well, since the last one for D430 is A09 - it might be a problem. Sure. But if an BIOS update is due, you should try CRC's modified BIOS as per this thread. It works like a charm. You don't need a DSDT anymore and all things are working fine (including supported WiFi)
Here is an interesting find which could be useful for all of us using laptops and/or external LCD displays: In Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, Apple removed the ability for the user to adjust font smoothing via System Preferences. For a flat panel monitor, some may prefer to view with the anti-aliasing turned up or down. This simple tweak can reduce eye strain, and improve the rendering of fonts on larger non-Apple branded monitors. To adjust, open Applications/Utilities/Terminal and type the following: defaults -currentHost write -g AppleFontSmoothing -int 2 Then reboot to see the changes. You can use any number between 1 and 4, which is the default. The value 2 is apparently best for flat panel screens. Source: http://www.macworld.com/article/145157/2009/12/smoothsnow.html I tried it on my D430 and, after a reboot, the fonts really do look nicer, beefier and I like it. Your milage my vary.
Errr... you really see the difference between Google data mining on your computer and Apple data mining on your computer? If you don't (I don't) why don't you just try Chromium? It is an open source version of Chrome, but without the data mining part (well, that's what community claims. But, at least you can see the sources and try to check if it's true). You have a choice to use releases (stabile versions) or run a small tool which can update the nightly releases (developer versions) and gives you the latest development trunk (still not really a release quality but remarkably stable). That way you'll have the newest browser technology and the fastest browse for OS X. Some gadgets (synching your bookmarks, ad block, readability and such) are rally nifty. A lot leaner than Firefox or Safari. Have I mentioned it's fast?
I use both, Parallels and Fusion on my main machine. I started with VMWare back than and just tried the test version of Parallels, out of pure curiosity. I already had bought Fusion license, so... not really looking for a replacement. However, when I tried to transfer my D430 WinVista into a virtual machine with VMWare, I was not able to do so. And I don't say "the software" was not able. Might be just me. But when I tried Parallels, it went without a glitch. So, I bought Parallels 4 (I think it was for 10.5.whatever) license, successfully upgraded to 5 and than to 6. I could import all my VMWare machines and generally never had any issues. It just works like advertised, despite Chameleon. It feels faster to me and I deem it better integrating into the Mac environment. The only time when Parallels let me down was when I was trying to import the Fusion image of Lion. It simply failed with no big explanations why. So, I run Lion in Fusion. All other things (Win7, OS X 6.7 Server, Ubuntu and such) in Parallels. Having said that, I think performance and usability wise they are no really big differences. Finally, it comes down to your own personal taste.
Oh you smarta**! I did my search. The point is, I found way to many links. Some of those are useless, some not working anymore, some are now offering their services for money. Also, I haven't found any which really offers a decent access speed or all the groups I need. It is a major pain in the ass to add a server in my Thunderbolt (takes a bit time) just to find out it doesn't work. And I did this like 20 times now. Hence, I though someone might have a hint for me, out of his own good experience.
Hi, off topic as it can be. My ISP just ceased their NNTP service, which they were providing flawlessly for many years. Apparently Newsgroups are not an vogue anymore: no Flash, no Twitter, no "I like" button, no place for adds. Hence, no interest to offer it in the future. Does anyone of you out there knows a free and reliable NNTP server with reading and posting capabilities? Many thanks!
Well, thanks for the hint. I already downloaded and installed it. Apparently there are no issues working together with Soundflower. At least so far. App works like advertised. Although I have some really distorted sound watching YouTube movies. I'll need to tinker around in the next 7 days and find out if it can be optimized a bit. THX!
Nope, what I meant is running both sound apps in parallel. Like in simultaneously. Well, I had same issues with Soundflower. You need to change the owner of the app folder and the app. After you start Soundlower you need to choose Speaker (Analog), like described in Wiki. After that it should work. However, sometimes after waking up from sleep, Soundlower might be gone and needs to be restarted. But it works good eliminating the sound delay.
Nice to know! Thanks! Have you used it instead of SoundFlower (delay fix) or in parallel? If in parallel, do they interfere with each other? THX!