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Everything posted by EMlyDinEsH

  1. Here is the patched AppleHDA, I did my best so hoping this should work otherwise binary patch must be experimented. Here are your Codec pathmaps and verbs: path maps: HP: 0x4 -> 0x2 1f 10 21 04 -> 40 10 21 04 SPK: 05 -> 0x2 10 00 17 90 -> 10 01 17 90 MIC: 08 -> 0x3 30 00 a6 90 -> 20 01 a0 90 EMIC: 06-> 0x3 3e 10 a1 04 -> 30 10 81 04 VERBS: 00571c10 00571d01 00571e17 00571f90 00671c20 00671d01 00671ea0 00671f90 00771cf0 00771d00 00771e00 00771f40 00871c30 00871d10 00871e81 00871f04> AppleHDA_patched.zip
  2. Plz read my thread for details on each feature since some features needs some steps to be followed and especially i suggest you to read plist editing section since most of the features are not enabled and most importantly about CommandKeyPosition which is important for some features. Also adjust your trackpad settings in system preferences becoz some features are enabled based on those values so read my thread very well.
  3. I will upload updated IOAudioFamily kexts for 10.8.3 this week
  4. https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/1945-dsdtssdt-patching/ Follow this thread and send me your dump so i can add your model to our EDP and can try to fix your keyboard/screen backlight. Did you edit the dsdt for the patches I did in the first post?
  5. Which version of touchpad you have? This tap to click has been improved and fixed an issue which was not releasing the click in finder and browser in my next update. Also last time the tap to click was faster than normal speed but this has to be normal for double tap to drag to work so you might see little delay but its normal speed which we see from USB mouse and others. There were some bugs and its been fixed so try the next update which will be release this week and let me know.
  6. use the attached kexts and dsdt for your video. The issue is that you have new 3rd gen chipset with 2nd gen processor so you need some edits in frame buffer but still this has little artifacts rarely and disappears after sleep. Let me know after testing this. NOTE: patched kexts are for 10.8.3 DSDT.aml.zip Patched_GPU_Kexts.zip
  7. I have already patched battery for asus notebooks by converting those 16bit values and other things. So, send me your dsdt and I'll patch it for battery.
  8. PM me and i'll take a look at this one more time and try to give a workaround or permanent fix in my driver by someway. Also send me your skype id in PM. EDIT: I found a way to fix your problem from Apple USB Keyboard sources. PM me and I'll explain that.
  9. send me your system log from Console app after installing my kexts so i will check the problem.
  10. I know about this keyboard right keys and its fixed in my next coming update. For your scroll issue, there is another scroll effect which is inertial scroll which does some auto scroll based on the force you gave on the flick for scrolling so adjust the speed of the scroll for better or disable inertialscroll effect in plist. For IOAudioFamily plz PM me and i'll help you with this.
  11. Hello everybody, I don't have v4 hardware to test everything so I need beta testers since right now the peopleI had for beta testing are busy so PM me if anyone wants to be beta tester so i can fix everything in v4.
  12. Will take a look, Send me your patched AppleHDA as well. And did you play any audio after sleep and see if you are getting any log in System log like "EAPD xxx"?
  13. My kext is focused on Intel GPU only so far, but I'll take a look at nvidia and see if its possible then let you know. What does Fn + F7 and F8 does in Windows for you? Is your sleep working? Thanks for trying to support me with a donation.
  14. There is a dsdt/ssdt patching thread in DSDT section, so go over there and send the files as asked in the thread and you can get your files patched free(takes little time) or sponsored immediately.
  15. Sorry it cannot be enabled in touchpad driver since those are ACPI events so i specifically written that driver for that. I'll help you to get that working with Fn key driver so PM me.
  16. Was your keyboard working fine in last version? Can you try to remove the old version kexts manually and reinstall back? Also can you send me your system log after installing my new kext?
  17. Do you get any errors about ApplePS2xxx in the log? What are the kexs you have in Extra/Extensions folder of myhack? try -x -v
  18. Hi, I've received your files but I need some details. Does both models have Nvidia GPU and HD4000? Do you have options to disable Nvidia GPU in bios for any of these two models? And resolution of laptop screen? EDIT: I've received your details and sent patched files to your mail. Let us know your progress after trying those.
  19. Did you try "BrightnessAtBoot" value which sets brightness(1-11) at boot?
  20. Yes, you just need to enable keyboard backlight in plist.
  21. Your keyboard not working completely? explain your issue clearly plz
  22. For corner tapping, did you enable Hot corners and configured in Mission control? And also you just need to tap like a single tap click unlike last version where we can tap and hold it also. The corner tapping won't restore the pointer middle but this time it can start from absolute position where you touch the touchpad which is rather good since you can start from anywhere you want just touching the touchpad at the position. For double to drag on windows, its working for me and also the testers of v4 so i did not understand about this. So, are you doing double tap and drag very fast? can you double tap and hold a second before drag. For disabling gestures, I've explained that -1 should be set to the gesture. For NumLock, you mean num lock key not turning it on/off? What about pinch zoom. are you changing command and control key positions or using default? For no sound after sleep in ALC269, you need patched IOAudioFamily which I've already did in my AppleHDA section, so check that. I'll look into your suggestions and issues reported by other users and will try to release an update soon.
  23. You see my driver makes use of the brightness levels used/set by the Asus which are only 10 in bios. And Apple brightness levels are more becoz they are soft controlled instead of using the bios controlled Asus brightness values so you get 17 values. Also for minimum value, brightness its not completely turned off in asus and you can check this from Windows as well. And I've accommodated those 17 values to 10 in soft way in my driver so you get some steps without changing brightness. And I also think max value given by my driver is max allowed by Asus in their bios.
  24. Did you copy the kexts I sent to myhack Extra/Extentions usb and fixed permissions? If you did that then will not get waiting for root device and also try to plug in USB in USB2.0 ports if you have.
  25. I'll consider this and add these options in next update.
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