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kfiatos last won the day on October 16 2016

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  1. @Jake Lo do you have.a clue what value to change in info.plist for ApplePS2SmartTouchPad.kext to make 2 finger scroll faster? Or maybe there is a way to contact the developer of this kext? Tried some changes but didn't work (Asus with FocalTech) touchpad
  2. Is it worth upgrading from 10.12.3 to newest Catalina on E7440? Performance is the same? I am ok with current build but curiosity is stronger @Jake Lo
  3. Tried that and it changes nothing. Another issue. Im having trouble getting my e7440 to post. Everytime I shut down my 10.12.3 I can't make my dell to boot at all (have to wait and try again many times). I mean no bios even. I had this issue before and motherboard was at fault? Does Your also not boot from time to time? Is it maybe related to osx? Maybe dsdt patching brokes something? I dont know
  4. Ditched hibernation idea. Could You help me with battery indicator? I just used my dell for over one hour having 1% of battery. Is it possible to fix it? Tried googling but, don't know what to look for
  5. Is it even remotely possible to get hibernation to work on our hackintosh? Tried googling but can't find straight answer
  6. This seem to be working perfectly for my problems with usb after sleep. I have only one little issue. After waking from sleep and logging in, I can work for about 40-60 seconds and then screen goes black. If any key is pressed the picture comes back and it never occures until next sleep. Any thoughts? HD4400 with HDMI working
  7. Thank you. I'll do more testing tomorrow, going to sleep now. Ill edit this post with answer if this worked
  8. Could You please remove not needed lines for me? You're very profficient with dsdt
  9. My DSDT DSDTtest.aml.zip
  10. Could you please elaborate Hervé? It was almost year ago when I last touched DSDT and I can't remember what I did then with DSDT
  11. I'm having trouble with bluetooth after sleep. I use DW1550 and bluetooth is properly loaded when system is booted but I get bluetooth unavailable when waken from sleep. I managed to pinpoint that usb is at fault. When booted the 2070 chip is listed in usb devices but after sleep it is not there anymore. I really don't know where to start debugging? Clover? DSDT? SSDT? Maybe I miss a kext. I'm using Bluetooth firmware uploader 3.1.5 from this forum, same issue is with Rehabman's version. Please point me a direction to go to
  12. On Sierra 10.12.1 and V3 inertia is little choppy in last phase of scrolling. Same kext (R5) on 10.11.6 is super smooth. Apple changed something?
  13. I cloned my 10.11.3 installation to Liteon SSD (256L9M) and so far it works ok. I still can't figure out what caused filesystem corruption on sierra. Anyway, Yesterday tried to update 10.11.3 to sierra and I failed miserably. What is the upgrade procedure that You guys used? I downloaded Sierra from appstore, prepared efi (working for my previous tries with sierra) booted installer (worked fine, WIFI even working), installed and after reboot, KP. I cant even tell what caused KPs because error not saying this. If I boot system in safe mode I get "Invalid sandbox profile for PID xxx " at it never ends. Any suggestions? Today I'll revert to 10.11.3 and try updating from usb key
  14. Pablo2401, On E7440 trackpad inertia is working just fine, maybe it is an issue of 6430u. What touchpad device do You have?
  15. Kudos Dr. Hurt for this version! It is progress for me. Right edge works ok but bottom was still dead. I set FingerZ = 1 SwipeDeltaX/Y = 400 and it is perfect for me. E7440 Rushmore V3 Gestures work, trackpad works all around, 2-finger scroll is perfect, trackstick works with scrolling. After editing above lines it is final version for me. If someone wants, feel free to check it out. Thank you Dr. Hurt, now I can update to Sierra. This one thing was holding me back. Release 5 RC3 by Kfiatos.zip
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