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Everything posted by griftopia

  1. @bronxtech - Yes you are right, sir. With my Inspiron 1720 I didn't even upgrade to El Capitan yet but I'm perfectly happy with it. So I'm going to wait till 10.11.5 patched graphics kexts are available, then upgrade and give one more shot, else I will revert back to 10.11.3. With a couple of 10.11.4 FB kexts, laptop worked reasonably well and I can live without DVD player. Matter of fact, that 10.11.3 FB kext might be working best with 10.11.4. Meanwhile, would appreciate if I can get help to solve my remaining outstanding problems. I think I need DSDT help and tried a few things but couldn't get anywhere. 1) Sleep - It does seem to work. Laptop goes to sleep, i see blinking power button and fan turns off. However, a couple of seconds later, it comes back to life. After googling I grep'ed on syslog. The reason for wake is EHC2. I understand this is some USB port waking it back up. However, I don't have any USB devices. Anyways, I tried patching it based on info from a few posts, but always got unbootable laptop. 2) Brightness setting does not stick (whenever I get reasonably working FB kext of course). It is always at 100%. Thinking some stupid clover setting. 3) VoodooHDA works for audio without any "Fix" edits. Initially couldn't get it to work, then googling informed me VoodooHDA does not work from "kexts" folder. So I installed in /S/L/E and voila! However, once again, like brightness, my VoodooHDA preferences do not stick. My DSDT is in one of my posts above. Really appreciate any help.
  2. @bronxtech - Attached the kext. I want to add, I had reached out to Jake Lo since he had pointed me to that kext first. My problem is the FB kext that worked for me in 10.11.3 does not work in 10.11.4. I've gone through ALL FB kexts for 10.11.4 twice already and while some let me get to desktop, none worked as QE/CI. So the error code I get 70017 might not be because of the DVD kext but because QE/CI not working in 10.11.4. I dunno what I'm going to do. Might have to wait till 10.11.5 FB kext is available and try upgrading, maybe. Going to be hard to convince any one none of the FB kexts for 10.11.4 is working for me, because they will surely believe I'm making some stupid mistake, but I'm not . I had QE/CI working perfectly with 10.11.3 IOAHCISerialATAPI_Injector.kext.zip
  3. Sorry bronxtech, I don't see anything interesting there. I assume you meant under the AHCI family text, in the plugin I should look at info plist for the kext. I'm attaching it here. IOAHCISerialATAPI.plist.zip
  4. Guys I'm at step 5 !!! Booting int 10.11.4. Needless to say no QE/CI yet since I don't have correct Graphics kexts However before I continue, I need help. My IOAHCISerialATAPI_Injector.kext is not longer working. I get DVD Initialization Error. I need this to work so when I eventually get QE/CI working I can confirm 10.11.4 broke IOAHCISerialATAPI_Injector.kext (worked in 10.11.3). Can someone please help?
  5. Okay I have it working with 10.11.3. QE/CI working. I have NOT installed any kexts in /S/L/E. My graphics kexts are in Clover/kexts/10.11 and I'm still booting with -f. Can someone please tell me if this is correct way to upgrade? PS - This is NOT what I did the first time but thinking is what I should do 1) Remove Graphics Kexts from Hard Disk. 2) Reboot with USB stick and selecting Hard Disk. It should boot (because it did the first time) using 10.11.3 graphics kexts on USB. 3) Install 10.11.4 combo update. It will reboot to messed up screen. Power off. 4) Boot of USB stick and go to Utilities->Terminal. Remove AppleIntelHDGraphicsFB.kext and AppleIntelHDGraphics.kext from /S/L/E (since 10.11.4 update installed them back there). 5) Make sure correct new Graphics kexts for 10.11.4 are on the USB, then select Hard Disk and boot. If the Graphics kext on USB are correct for 10.11.4 then it should boot to Hard Disk (like it should in Step 2 with 10.11.3 kexts). Make sure QE/CI working. REPEAT until correct AppleIntelHDGraphicsFB.kext is identified. 6) Copy 10.11.4 Graphics kexts to Clover/kexts/10.11. 7) Reboot straight from Hard Disk. (It better boot or I will push fist through laptop). 8) Take all the kexts from Clover/kexts/10.11 and install to /S/L/E. Then remove -f and boot from Hard Disk without USB. 9) If it works, permanently remove -f from config.plist. 10) Dance. Thanks in advance,
  6. What i did was go to this URL and get the 10.11.4 kexts for graphics. For the FB kext I got the one closes to what I had for 10.11.3. I DID boot with those kexts on the USB stick chosing Hard Drive, then put those kexts in CLOVER/kexts/10.11. I thought I was done. Then I couldn't boot from Hard Drive. Tried again to boot from USB stick and I can't get in. Huh? When I boot using USB stick but chose the Hard Disk, is it using kexts from my USB stick or from my Hard Drisk Clover/EFI? I'm still using -f of course. Do not dare put anything in S/L/E yet. I might have to start all over This really bites. I wish I could boot with Enoch. Clover is causing me too much grief. I'm going to try to get things back to where they were initially and may be by that time someone can tell me exact order to proceed in to get the graphics kexts with 10.11.4. PS - The time I was able to boot with 10.11.4, I did notice brightness was low and this time I didn't even have brightness control in System Preferences->Display.
  7. Guys, finally got Clover to boot from Mac OS partition. Phew! I have Sound and Wifi USB working too. However have some issues 1) Display Brightness does not stick. Keeps setting itself to 100% brightness after reboot. 2) Voodoo Preferences do not stick, e.g. I check "Enhance Stereo" but after reboot it stays unchecked. 3) Wifi sometimes will not rebind. Have to Turn Radio Off/On. I have profile saved for my wifi network credentials. Also Wifi Utility keeps popping up every time I restart (very annoying). Anyway to stop that? 4) Selecting Sleep restarts computer (I thought it was strange if I stepped away from computer, I ended up back on Clover Menu, it went to Sleep and then restarted while I was away). Finally, I went ahead and updated 10.11.4. I got graphics artifacts again. So booted off USB and deleted AppleINtelGraphicsFB.kext from /S/L/E of hard disk (since update put it back). However now I'm stuck on Apple Logog
  8. @Bronxtech - Unfortunately no. I don't see partitions in my Boot List, just the Hard Drive and if I select it, it will boot to Windows. And my BIOS does not let me put any path to any partition. Not sure if I didn't select all options when I installed Clover to the 1st partition. It did create additional EFI partition too, and I have noticed sometimes on boot EFI is mapped, but most times I have to mount manually. Needless to say the only way to get into OS X right now is always through USB. I followed the same steps I always do when dual booting. Use USB stick to partition, install Windows on 2nd Partition first which makes it the Active Partition. Machine will always boot to windows, until I install OS X on first partition and after installing bootloader, it makes IT the Active Partition and I'm good to go. Has always worked with Chameleon/Enoch. With Clover it does not seem to me making 1st partition active Partition. I went and checked in Windows - windows partition is still the Active Partition. If what I'm saying above is not my issue, then I dunno what is.
  9. Guys I need some help. I simply cannot boot Mac OS of the hard drive partition. I do have both Windows and Mac OS installed but it will always go to Windows. I do have Clover installed on the Mac OS partition. I don't think I'm doing anything wrong. I will upload my files shortly. Once I know I can boot of my HD without USB I can work on other peripherals (I'm bummed even VoodooHDA not working) PS - I do have QE/CI working !!! Now the "bible" instructions to use Ubuntu CD to figure out what kind of connector I have didn't work for me because the Ubuntu CD did not even have the command necessary to find it out. However I took a chance I had LVS connector. T510_Files.zip
  10. Well, like I said, wanted to finish installing windows first so I can then install Clover on the HD. Device Manager in windows clearly says Intel® WiFi Link 1000 BGN. So that's that. So I have a Realtek RTL8188CU wireless usb 2.0 adapter. I looked at the inventory of supported cards and I found RTL8188SU, RTL8188CUS, RTL8188EUS. Can I try with the latest 10.8 version for v2.0.1? Fixing windows now and will be able to resume with OS X shortly.
  11. Bummer on the wifi . Let's see how adventurous I feel. Hopefully Realtek USB works OOTB. There is no wifi card that will work with Lenovo? Matter of fact, the wifi card I have in there seems to be recognized in System Info, but I can't tell what it is. Do I have any hope with that? Will note that command for next time.
  12. Is there an easy way to remove the kexts. I tried rmdir -p AppleIntelHDGraphicsFB.kext but it keeps saying directory not empty. I might have 4 more such kexts to remove. I can only do brute force and go to each directory then delete files then remove directory. So lame Anyways, that worked Deleted AppleIntelHDGraphics and AppleIntelHDGraphicsFB kexts. Able to boot from hard drive. Resolution seems fine but seems sluggish. First will dual boot windows and then come back install Clover and work through the rest. Also need to figure out how to install DW1520 card. Ethernet working, so that's good. Will start separate post when I'm ready to resume.
  13. Okay how do I do that? I tried -s option, but every time I type a key I get lot of text getting inserted on the screen. Besides, I removed AppleIntelGraphics kexts from /S/L/E before installing, so how come it got there? I'm saying boot without kext cache.
  14. I have that. I actually managed to get it to install using bunch of boot flags and dsdt changes I gathered from googling... !!! Frankly don't understand since some flags foreign to me. So now it went through the install, and I booted of the stick again as usual and then selected my hard disk, so I can set up the first time. EXCEPT, I'm getting a garble screen - Some white veritcal lines with some purple and a lot of black. I Huh? I googled some more for a IOGraphicsFamily Kext patch and tried it. No dice. Patch still in my config.plist. I'm attaching my config.plist and kexts I'm using along with my DSDT. If someone can help me figure it out...T T510_Clover_WIP.zip
  15. Okay. So that link does not mention any drivers. I was afraid to mix information from two guides, but will hunt around for "drivers". Maybe I just select them when I prepare the Clover install? Is there a problem if I select all of the drivers?
  16. I'm not even logged into iCloud. Besides like I mentioned, I'm getting random reasons for not sleeping, they are not consistent. I keep getting the feeling there is a DSDT patch somewhere...
  17. First I realized I'm supposed to boot MacOS from USB. It just takes a while before it boots. Second, I used Clover to install, so not sure what you mean by FAT32 or FAT16. I formatted using GPT UId Mac OSX Journaled then used Clover to do stick as per the guide Herve linked. Okay, I now get kernel panic on IPPLatformExpert.cpp. Message is "Unabke to find driver for this platform". Also one more issue. Boot args listed are the default, i.e. kext-dev-mode=1 rootless=0. But I went and specified -v -x -f GraphicsEnabler=No acpi=off, none of them stuck. Why? I have a feeling I'm supposed to select some drivers when creating the USB installer, but the guide does not say that. So many options in Clover is why it is so difficult
  18. Okay guys, I'm trying clover. Boot OSX from USB simply halts on an underscore on top left of screen. Boot from EFI gives me b1f:init b1f: error with blinking cursor. please help
  19. Okay, but first I should make the laptop go to sleep right? It is not doing that. The fan still running, only screen blanks and I see it trying to save state to hard drive (or seems like it when other laptops go to sleep), but it never does. After I restarted now I get sleep prevented by AddressBookSourcsSync, apsd, UserEventAgent, UserEventAgent, UserEventAgent. I will restart and again try with Patched DSDT, then after it does not work, once again see what it says. Maybe someone can make sense of it. Now, there is no reason specified...
  20. Output of sudo pmset -g is : Active Profiles: Battery Power -1 AC Power -1* Currently in use: hibernatemode 0 halfdim 1 lidwake 1 womp 1 networkoversleep 0 sleep 10 (sleep prevented by apsd) ttyskeepawake 1 disksleep 10 hibernatefile /var/vm/sleepimage displaysleep 10 Please note hibernate mode used to be 3, I set it to 0 because bronxtech asked me to try. Didn't make a difference. Output of ls -la /var/vm is : total 4194304 drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 102 May 1 15:38 . drwxr-xr-x 24 root wheel 816 May 1 15:40 .. -rw------T 1 root wheel 2147483648 Apr 29 18:46 sleepimage I put hibernate mode back to 3 and tried the Patched_DSDT.aml. Didn't make a difference. Same symptop. Screen blanks, Power button never goes to Blink. Pressing does not bring display back. Only option is Power Cycle. Funny thing, is I ran pmset -g again, and this time I see "Sleep prevented by AddressBookSourceSync" So it seems like multiple things preventing sleep. Seems wierd. Ran it once again, this time - sleep prevented by softwareupdated, storeassetd. Makes sense since I decided to apply final updates from AppStore. Or does it? Updates are still getting applied and I didn't try to put laptop to sleep. Huh?
  21. If you notice though he is using VoodooSDHC to get his SD Card working. In all dell laptops I have tried, I can always get SD Card working with that kexts, but it always also breaks sleep. So I'm still hoping there is a way out. PS - That guide seems to need so many fixes for Mavericks, I didn't need any. The only extra thing I needed was that kext for DVD drive from Jake Lo.
  22. Okay, like I asked at beginning, I'm using a e6410 DSDT and installed with it. USB ports and QE/CI work fine. Not sure what HDEF is. Anyways, everything is working (SD Card i don't know and don't care because I know it always breaks sleep for me). The only thing I care about right now that does not work is when I put/let laptop to/goto sleep, screen will blank, but power button is not "blinking", it is on steady. Pressing it does not bring back the screen. I have to power cycle.
  23. Okay so back to my sleep issue? Is this a dead end? No kext or anything that can do the trick? Googled yielded this Evoremore something kext, but not sure if its legit.
  24. Hehe. Thank you !!! What would I do without you guys.... Now if I can only get sleep working. Will keep searching, but could use some pointers. Should I look for DSDT patch or kext?
  25. That's exactly what I'm doing, actually. I attached my plists and kexts earlier as well. Can't seem to get past the what looks like graphics related issue. I never muck with /S/L/E and /L/E on the USB stick anyways. Only this time, first time, since instructions said to delete the Intel Graphics text I backed up and deleted from /S/L/E on the usb stick prior to attempting. Needless to say I've tried all different ways I can think off with different command line options, but can't get past the bluetooth lines.
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