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Jazzoo last won the day on August 22 2024

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Community Answers

  1. Hello, can you share your efi for latitude 7400 ventura. thank you

    1. Jazzoo


      Hi. You can use the EFI from my GitHub page - Dell 7400. Put the appropriate kexts for Ventura Wifi/BT. Enjoy.

  2. You can provide the correct info about your Wifi/BT card or you can replace the working Wifi/BT kexts from your old EFI. It's up to you.
  3. What's the exact model of your Intel card ? Did you reset the NVRAM ?
  4. @ZainAnjum - Your EFI is really messy. Try this and give us feedback: Dell 7490 Ventura Intel OC 0.9.4
  5. It's a common issue with laptop hacks, you are not alone. I also have this problem with some of the laptops I (use to) have - 5470, 7490, 7400, Precision 5510. The only laptop I've never had problem with the HDMI after sleed/boot was the Latitude 5450.
  6. Hello and welcome! Latitude 5450 is known as hack friendly so it will be relatively easy. I am not sure about the SSD in your system as some people reported compatibility issues before. Make sure to update the firmware in Windows and enable TRIM in MacOS. Here's my 100% working EFI under MacOS Monterey. Since I don't have the actual laptop anymore I didn't update the OC and kexts but the provided version will boot to MacOS Monterey so you can update the OC and kexts yourself with OCAT for example. Keep in mind that this EFI is configured to work with Intel Wifi/BT using itlwm.kext and HeliPort. You can also use the latest version of Airportitlwm.kext for Monterey instead of itlwm.kext. Use ONLY ONE of them, never use both. Enjoy! Dell Latitude 5450 OC 0.8.3 Intel
  7. Absolutely! I did it with one of my Latitude 5450 and it worked without any problems. As @Hervé said no need to reinstall OS after that.
  8. @wing - Hmm that's very strange. My EFI is fully working with 7400 and the latest MacOS Ventura 13.5 (other users also reported that they have a stable working system with my EFI), and 2 in 1 model shouldn't be different except for some minor changes. Keep in mind that the current EFI will NOT boot MacOS Sonoma, I can upload my Sonoma EFI if you want to try as well. BIOS version on my 7400 is the latest 1.25. I remember being stuck before in the same boot loop while trying to fix the Wifi/BT functionality. Did you try booting without any Wifi/BT related kexts loaded ? And don't forget to reset the NVRAM when you apply any changes.
  9. I was never able to achieve 4K@60Hz with my Latitude 7400 even after setting the DVMT to 64MB. Whatever I try it's always 4K@30Hz. Same result in Windows. I also have the Dell WD19S docking station, everything's working great but still 4K@30Hz. Some people report that they were able to hit 4K@60Hz through a TB docking station and DP. @wing - I have working location services with Intel 9560NGW and the latest Airportitlwm.kext, Bluetooth also works just fine. Here's my EFI if you are interested to give a try. Everything's working on my side. Dell 7400 OC Intel Ventura
  10. You need to specify the model of your card and also make sure you are using the latest Airportitlwm.kext - 2.20 For Ventura.
  11. What is the exact model of your wifi/bt card ? Intel wireless kext is still in alpha version for Ventura which means support is questionable despite it's working for many people including me. Intel 7260/8260/8265 will work without crashing the system. Newer models like 9560/AX201 etc still doesn't work stable on Ventura, but works very well in Monterey. For the touchpad you didn't specify what is your touchpad but shooting in the dark you can try these kexts and see if it's working for you. As for the touchscreen - if Voodool2C included in the zipped file doesn't work for you we need to find out what is the exact model of your touchscreen. Touchpad.zip
  12. I wonder your system even boots with the current SSD. It's reported that PM981/a is not working correctly in MacOS. I would start with replacing the ssd first and then continue the troubleshooting.
  13. Hello @Eddar_Stark, In order to get DW1830 fully working you need to place the appropriate kexts in EFI/OC/Kexts and config.plist accordingly. Easy to find as it is discussed many times. Your EFI contains kexts for Intel WiFi/BT card so I suggest to remove them. As for the audio jack - use alcid=77 and alcverb=1 as boot flags and apply the fix from this repo - ALCPlugFix-Swift @BillDH2k kindly provided the config file for the fix ALC295-DELL7400.plist.zip
  14. @Hervé you are absolutelly right. May be my memory misleaded me with Legacy Boot when setting up the DVMT on other hack long time ago. Soo the problem with the grubshell was something messed up with the plist. I redo everything manually and finally was able to set the right parameters. 4K@30Hz is working without any problems now. Thank you so much @Hervé and @BillDH2k! I added some properties in DP to fix the finnicky HDMI hot/cold plug and now it's working well for both. Here's a screenshot of my DP with the properties I found to be the best for the moment.
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