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XPS 12 9Q23 Mojave, no GPU Acceleration


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Strange, Capri FB + HD4000 kexts are loaded, yet SysInfo shows "no kext loaded" in Graphics section. :huh:





Everything looks Ok from a kexts point of view (in /S/L/E and /L/E).


Can you try:

  1. a slightly older Clover version like r5093/r5098 (that's what I use without issue on my Ivy Bridge/HD4000 Latitude E6230)
  2. remove Lilu + WEG injection, even if temporarily
  3. rebuild your cache once you've booted Mojave with the older Clover (details available in FAQ section if required)

NB: No Ethernet/LAN card visible in your system so you'll need to identify the model and install the required kext, then get the card registered as 1st interface en0 if you want apps such as AppStore/iMessage/iCloud/etc; to work.


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