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[Closed] AppleHDA patching requests


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@InsanelyDeepak: G'day mate!

You've successfully helped me to create an AppleHDA patch for my laptop in the past and for that I am very grateful.

I'm doing another hack for a mate of mine but have not been able to get the audio working. I've tried using AppleALC and all the layout-ids for the codec, and i've also tried using your cloverHDA, both without success.


I was wondering if you would mind helping me once again? 


The computer in question this time around is an Acer Aspire Z3-605-UR22 All-In-One. Even though it's a desktop, it has mobile hardware. It's using Realtek ALC269VC for audio. It has the following physical ports:

  • Internal Microphone
  • Internal Stereo Speakers
  • Front Headphone/Microphone combo jack (4-pin 1/8" iPhone style)
  • Rear Stereo Line Out ( 3-pin 1/8" Jack ) [Line Level - No Amp]
  • Rear Stereo Line In (3-pin 1/8" Jack)

I have attached to this message a copy of the codec_dump.txt for it. If we can create a successful patch, I'd like to be able to add it to AppleALC so that I can keep it in the Clover kexts folder and /S/L/E remains vanilla (I find this to be the best approach). If you need any more information, please let me know.

Thank-you in advance for any assistance you can provide.

Yours truely,


codec_dump.txtFetching info...

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Tank you for your help @Jake Lo. I already tried this. I may have done something wrong and I do not know where.

I'm using voodoohda with patched IOAudioFamily but audio lost sync after a certain time.

I have a acer aspire 4745z laptop and another problem is the jack in voodoohda, which is manual.

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