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Bluetooth Firmware Uploader


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Hi I have a BCM94352 Card http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00JY6X9HM/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1. On a gigabyte z97-n board and an i3 4160. I had this working before on yosemite 10.10.1, but Had to reinstall. Im using chimera (chameleon, stolen and rebranded) (chameleon, stolen and rebranded), now I can get wifi to work but not bluetooth. No matter what I do. I feel like Im missing something do I need to configure any of the plist files for this card, or download the firmware for the uploader to upload? I installed the kext using Kext beast. Any Help would be greatly appreciated. ps. under system report in OS X under bluetooth it says no information avaliable

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Hello Everyone,
It works. Thank you very much. 
VID: 13d3  PID: 3411 (Dell Alienware 4352)
Patch Firmware 2.8.
1) I added IdProduct and IdVendor in file info.plist under "Microsoft 2.0 USB" 

<key>PID 156 0x9C VID 1118 0x45E</key>
<string>Bluetooth 2.0 USB</string>
2) I copied BTFirmwareUploader.kext under /System/Library/Extensions/
3) Terminal


Last login: Tue Mar 17 11:08:53 on console

Stephanes-iMac:~ root# chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/BTFirmwareUploader.kext/

Stephanes-iMac:~ root# touch /System/Library/Extensions/

Stephanes-iMac:~ root# kextcache -Boot -U /

Stephanes-iMac:~ root# reboot


Voilà, It's great !!!

Thanks a lot,
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  On 3/17/2015 at 10:55 AM, stephane654 said:


Hello Everyone,
It works. Thank you very much. 
VID: 13d3  PID: 3411 (Dell Alienware 4352)
Patch Firmware 2.8.
1) I added IdProduct and IdVendor in file info.plist under "Microsoft 2.0 USB" 
2) I copied BTFirmwareUploader.kext under /System/Library/Extensions/
3) Terminal


Voilà, It's great !!!

Thanks a lot,



You don't need step 1 which is adding your devices ids to BT kext as my kext already does this part too. Can you try that without?

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  On 3/31/2015 at 10:03 AM, EMlyDinEsH said:

You don't need step 1 which is adding your devices ids to BT kext as my kext already does this part too. Can you try that without?

Hello EMlyDinEsH,


Yes. After, I tried again and I understood that I haven't need to change the BT kext.


Thank you, for your feedback.

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Hello there I have a what seems to be an eBay knock off iMac BCM94360CD wifi/combo card with device id 4500 and vendor id 0a5c


I've added entries in the two info.plists as so:





I've tried DeviceSpecificFw as true and false.

The messages in the log are as follows:

2/04/2015 9:40:06.000 pm kernel[0]: BTFirmwareUploader :: Broadcom WiFi/BT combo Bluetooth controller found
2/04/2015 9:40:06.000 pm kernel[0]: BTFirmwareUploader :: ProductID 0x4500, VendorID 0xa5c
2/04/2015 9:40:06.000 pm kernel[0]: BTFirmwareUploader :: failed to find Bulk OUT pipe
2/04/2015 9:40:06.000 pm kernel[0]: BTFirmwareUploader :: HCI command request failed with error (0xe000404f)
2/04/2015 9:40:06.000 pm kernel[0]: BTFirmwareUploader :: Firmware patch failed.

I also have the requisite IOreg, system.log and system profile files if needed. How can I send them?


Many, Many, Many Thanks!

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  On 3/15/2015 at 12:15 AM, KariNeko said:



Hi there!

On 10.10.2..

System Profiler:

Broadcom USB Bluetooth 4.0 Controller (AzureWave CE123H 4352 WiFi/BT combo):

  Product ID:	0x3404
  Vendor ID:	0x13d3  (AzureWave Technologies, Inc.)
  Version:	1.12
  Serial Number:	40E2303AF6B9
  Speed:	Up to 12 Mb/sec
  Manufacturer:	Broadcom Corp
  Location ID:	0x14400000 / 8
  Current Available (mA):	500
  Current Required (mA):	0

DPCI Manager

14E4, 43B1, 1A3B, 2123, Broadcom Corporation, BCM4352 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter

It fails with:

3/14/15 6:29:48.000 PM kernel[0]: BTFirmwareUploader :: Device is Azurewave 4352HMB combo
3/14/15 6:29:48.000 PM kernel[0]: BTFirmwareUploader :: Using device specific firmware v14 c5575
3/14/15 6:29:48.000 PM kernel[0]: BTFirmwareUploader :: Started the upload of firmware (70103 bytes)...
3/14/15 6:29:49.000 PM kernel[0]: USBMSC Identifier (non-unique): 000000264001 0x424 0x4064 0x190, 2
3/14/15 6:29:48.000 PM kernel[0]: BTFirmwareUploader :: Read event failed with a timeout

Does somebody have an advice?






How did you install my kext? Get me your ioreg and system log with my kext installed so i can take a look.


  On 3/15/2015 at 4:38 AM, HackMyTosh said:

Hi I have a BCM94352 Card http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00JY6X9HM/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1. On a gigabyte z97-n board and an i3 4160. I had this working before on yosemite 10.10.1, but Had to reinstall. Im using chimera (chameleon, stolen and rebranded) (chameleon, stolen and rebranded), now I can get wifi to work but not bluetooth. No matter what I do. I feel like Im missing something do I need to configure any of the plist files for this card, or download the firmware for the uploader to upload? I installed the kext using Kext beast. Any Help would be greatly appreciated. ps. under system report in OS X under bluetooth it says no information avaliable


Can you install my kext using kext utility and get me your system log and ioreg file?

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  On 4/2/2015 at 10:54 AM, thedecline said:

Hello there I have a what seems to be an eBay knock off iMac BCM94360CD wifi/combo card with device id 4500 and vendor id 0a5c


I've added entries in the two info.plists as so:







I've tried DeviceSpecificFw as true and false.

The messages in the log are as follows:

2/04/2015 9:40:06.000 pm kernel[0]: BTFirmwareUploader :: Broadcom WiFi/BT combo Bluetooth controller found
2/04/2015 9:40:06.000 pm kernel[0]: BTFirmwareUploader :: ProductID 0x4500, VendorID 0xa5c
2/04/2015 9:40:06.000 pm kernel[0]: BTFirmwareUploader :: failed to find Bulk OUT pipe
2/04/2015 9:40:06.000 pm kernel[0]: BTFirmwareUploader :: HCI command request failed with error (0xe000404f)
2/04/2015 9:40:06.000 pm kernel[0]: BTFirmwareUploader :: Firmware patch failed.

I also have the requisite IOreg, system.log and system profile files if needed. How can I send them?


Many, Many, Many Thanks!


Upload somewhere and give me link in PM instead of here. Also tell me how did you install my kext and boot loader you are using?

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