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M4300 10.9.2 can't get sleep to work :-((


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Hi there,


tried to install a M4300 (A15 Bios) with 10.9

Using EDP Bootpack and myhack with 10.9 install image.

Everything went fine, use EDP after successful install, works like a charme.

M4300 go to sleep with command or with clsoing the lid and the led blink slowly.

i can restart with a short press on the power button. 

But everytime i try to update with th 10.9.2 combo update, sleep is not working anymore.


This is a clean new installation, tried every different combination of Kexts, even a D830 default config.

Try myhack full fix, remove problematic kexts and so one - no success so far.


when i close the lid or try the command the laptop screen goes black, the LED don't get to blink, it is always on.

And the only thing i can do is press the button over 4 seconds to restart  new.


every help and directions would be appreciated..





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No sleep issue with 10.9.2 on D630 nVidia here... But I'm using native power management/SpeedStep with Kozlek's FakeSMC.


Try and use the M4300 pack I posted a few months ago.

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No sleep issue with 10.9.2 on D630 nVidia here... But I'm using native power management/SpeedStep with Kozlek's FakeSMC.


Try and use the M4300 pack I posted a few months ago.

Hi Herve,

Could You provide me a link, i mean you post a lot here .... :-)


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Try removing AppleACPIPlatform.kext if you have it in your Extras/Extensions folder. Make sure the AppleACPIPlatform.kext in S/L/E from the 10.9.2 install is not modified or removed. Then run myFix (full) with myHack and restart. That did the trick for me and restored my native sleep function on D830 Nvidia.

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Try removing AppleACPIPlatform.kext if you have it in your Extras/Extensions folder. Make sure the AppleACPIPlatform.kext in S/L/E from the 10.9.2 install is not modified or removed. Then run myFix (full) with myHack and restart. That did the trick for me and restored my native sleep function on D830 Nvidia.

Thx, you made my Day.... Works great....

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I'm having the same issue but the above fix doesn't seem to work for me. I have a Dell Precision M4300 and I removed the AppleACPIPlatform.kext from /E/E and verified that the original was still in /S/L/E. When I do that not only does it still lock up when I put it to sleep but I lose my sound as well. I'm running Mavericks 9.2 (not an upgrade) with the M4300 EDP from this site.


Any ideas?

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