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[Guide] E7440 with Clover


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If you run 10.10.2, are using clover and have fixed the QE/CI issue of 4400 applying the kexts of Jake Lo or the patch of salamaanm, could you please let me know in clover Graphics if you have Inject Intel and the value of ig-platform-id.


I see that the patch of salamaanm is replacing in the kext files the Device ID of HD4600 that is supported in Azul framebuffer and the 5000 Graphics kext with the Device ID of HD4400 (I guess because both are hardware compatible). Therefore I understand we should not be injecting or faking ID, the driver will pick the hardware up (As I said I am not an expert on osx, correct me if I am wrong).

In my case when I as running 10.10.1 I had in Clover the option Inject Intel and ig-platform-id of the HD4600 so that Azul and 5000.kext will pick it up. After uprade to 10.10.2 and patching the Azul and 5000Kext it does not work. Also after removing Clover option Inject Intel and ig-platform-id it is not working. Also injecting the correct ID of 4400 it is not working. I see in boot log

1:251  0:000  PCI (00|00:02.00) : 8086 0A16 class=030000
1:251  0:000  Found GFX model=Intel HD Graphics 4400
but still the patched 5000.kext is not loading and QE/CI is not working. Any suggestion is appreciated...
Thank you
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Install this to SLE. Remove the salamaahm's patch and add IntelGFX = 0x04128086 to FakeID, ig-plaform-id = 0x0a260006 to Graphics. Restore original/unpatched Azul and 5000Kext to SLE.

run from terminal

sudo touch /S*/L*/E*

sudo kextcache -Boot -U /


then reboot, report your result

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Jake Lo,

  thank you for your guidance. I did as you described and still I have the following issues:

- after boot artifacts (apple sliced in many instances)

- after login flickers (screen redrawing fast but very obvious)

- menu bar on top is not transparent

- dock is not transparent

- google chrome flickers on every keypress

- launchpad  + win key animation is not smooth

(attached is the config.plist file that was used)


The steps you propose in your post are very similar to what is proposed here:  http://www.tonycrapx86.com/yosemite-laptop-support/145427-fix-intel-hd4200-hd4400-hd4600-mobile-yosemite.html

The only difference is that the two Kexts FakePCIID.kext and FakePCIID_HD4600_HD4400.kext are installed. I tried this too, there is transparency on the menu and in the dock, but there are artifacts on the windows (that are fixed after scrolling) I have not tested this thoroughly...

Nevertheless, I prefer salamaahm's solution than the FakePCIID kext solution, I believe it is a clearer solution - if it will work for me.

Thank you

config.plist.zipFetching info...

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  On 2/21/2015 at 9:09 PM, Jake Lo said:

Remove the salamaahm's patch and remove IntelGFX = 0x04128086 to FakeID and add install the kexts from here and here to SLE.

Just tested on Clover with Yosemite 10.10.2


I have kept the clover Graphics {InjectIntel=true and ig-platform-id=0x0a260006} and it works great!!!! Thanks a million Jake Lo!!!

On a different subject, for AppleHDA did you use the clover patching mechanism? I have 3 entries for KextsToPatch in my AppleHDA, and I suspect I do not really need them.

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The patches have comment "AppleHDA ALC 292 #1" also 2 and 3, therefore I will keep them. In Preferences the only option for sound output is "Internal Speakers". I appreciate if you provided the AppleHDA version you are using. Thank you again.

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My e7440 with clover has the i7 4600 CPU and 1920x1080 display with Intel HD4000 graphics booting with clover UEFI.  For sound I use the ALC892 kext. 

Ive noticed that when I boot from scratch I get sound.  But when I do a restart from OSX or from Windows 7, it comes back up with no sound.  Similar to when it sleeps.   Is this DSDT related, as in I possibly captured my DSDT when it was booted one way vs another.

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