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D830: graphics issues with nVidia 140M


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i think that's the case bro.  Can that be repaired?  I've got one of the best D830 too, and i'd hate to let it go and get another one with less specs.  Mine is the Nvidia 140m, 2.20 ghz and it has the finger print scanner too. 

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:excl:  USE AT YOUR OWN RISK !  :excl:

I have the same issue on mine. One solution is to bake the mobo. It's not a permanent fix but it has been working pretty good for me so far.
First, make sure you disassembly entirely the D830. Here's a good video :


Don't forget any part including CPU, RAM additional cards, plastic caches etc. and clean the graphics chip too !
Then put the mobo into your Owen for about 5/7 min at 200° Celsius maximum (do the conversion if needed).
Good luck !

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Mobo baking is indeed not a permanent fix and one will require to re-bake again; can be sooner, can be later. It really does depend on the quality of reballing and long term usage but it does fix the GPU issue. I've had to re-bake my D630 about 3 times in the last 4 or 5 years. 10 good minutes at 200C, then stop the oven, open its door and leave the mobo cool off.


Make sure to have native CPU+GPU SpeedStepping in good working order + fan free of any dust clog + non-dry thermal paste onto CPU+GPU. If you heavily use your laptop, pay a little annual visit to the mobo inside the casing.

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OK guys, I'll make sure to do that when I'm feeling adventurous. In the meantime, I'm waiting for my other D830 to arrive this week. I plan on using it mainly for media purposes like music creation. Trying to get back into music production.

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