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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/20/19 in all areas

  1. Replace DSDT and Config with attached Use Fn+F3 and Fn+Insert to control Brightness BirghtnessFix.zip
    1 point
  2. Hi idjundje, you will have to replace the wireless card, e.g. with a DW1560. I would upgrade the memory, 4GB is quite low. Create an install stick and use the bootpack for the e5550. I attached my clover folder, maybe it of some kind of help for you. cheers .d CLOVER.zip
    1 point
  3. Go ahead and upgrade the following kexts from links below: Lilu.kext Whatevergreen.kext AppleALC.kext AirportBrcmFixup.kext VirtualSMC.kext NoTouchID.kext SMCBatteryManager.kext https://github.com/vit9696/Lilu/releases https://github.com/vit9696/Lilu/blob/master/KnownPlugins.md
    1 point
  4. should be fine. looks like it goes through but just to make sure. try this sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ Mojave.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia --volume /Volumes/"USB" --nointeraction
    1 point
  5. answer the questions above issues with permission...did you use a different tool to repair permission and rebuild cache previously?
    1 point
  6. What's the source of your installer? Is it a Distro or vanilla ? post your clover folder for review
    1 point
  7. run it again a second time last line is normal
    1 point
  8. feels like deja vu follow instructions here
    1 point
  9. Yes, make sure to copy the bootpack after installing clover.
    1 point
  10. Can't really tell since the error occurred way before that last line. Try this, go to Option during Clover boot. Go down to graphics injector and change ig-platform-id to 0x12345678 and faked to 0x12345678 see if you could boot from that
    1 point
  11. are you still booting with -igfxvesa?
    1 point
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