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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/21 in all areas

  1. Again, knowing your hardware is a mandatory pre-requisite to succeed in building a Hackintosh... Back in the days when I had one, I posted a guide for the E6440 which basically listed the hardware specs. LAN/Ethernet card is Intel so please, pretty please, get rid of those Realtek or Atheros LAN kexts non-sense. Also get rid of those FakePCIID kexts, you're highly unlikely to need them now given that they're mostly deprecated these days. Please specify the make and model of your wireless card (remove the bottom tray to physically check it if necessary) then head over to our R&D->Wireless forum section to, at minimum, consult our posted inventories. With regards to essential kexts such as VirtualSMC (& PlugIns), Lilu (& PlugIns such as AppleALC or WhateverGreen), make sure you've grabbed the latest versions off their relevant repositories on the Net. Use Google to find them if required. With regards to BIOS settings, please check the dedicated thread on the matter in this very section and adjust your settings accordingly. With regards to the actual Clover config itself... well... ouch... it's a pile of crap! Whoever used this could not possible run a 6440 properly! Far too much duplicate, deprecated and incorrect stuff in there, from ACPI patches to injected device properties or boot args, binary patches and other patched ACPI tables. I'll try and post an adequate alternative asap because -again- Ouch!
    1 point
  2. We have plenty of guides and threads relating to the E6440 here and I would suggest you grab your Clover pack from there rather than any other obscure place you must have grabbed yours from. You must clean up your Clover setup and get rid of all those useless kexts you've got in the kexts folder. Knowing your hardware is a mandatory pre-requisite. Had you done so, you'd have quickly realised how mad (not to say anything else) it is to just throw all sorts of LAN / wireless / XHCI / RAID / SATA / FakePCIID / etc. kexts at the system. E6440 is a Haswell laptop and therefore built on Series 8 chipset. As such adding kexts for Series 100, 200 or whatever else is pure non-sense for instance. Clean-up and start afresh. Use Clover v5119 max to avoid the Big Sur-related quirks stuff.
    1 point
  3. EFI.zip Test this EFI . If you do not start photos of the block , you have to try to use my basic acpi files and try to make mix in the config and with the kext PS2 , I remind you that in Hackintosh there are continuous evolutions , what you have done in 2014 may have been outdated and according to me in the EFI you have passed initial there are many errors ACPI . Example you have 2 SSDT EC so duplicates , if you open SSDT PNLF read that it works on IGPU and you have it disabled by factory so it is NOT needed . SSDT HPET without a rename in config section ACPI Patch will never work. If you use SSDT EC, you don't need to rename in config EC0 to EC. If you use VoodooHDA I don't think you need any SSDT HDEF, I can still write things that are NOT good in your EFI and you can also answer that everything is fine for you, but technically I'm right. The parts highlighted in the photo are NOT needed
    1 point
  4. I saw from Ioreg to the Nvidia, this caught my attention, I have never done Hack on similar Laptop I am Italian, of course I am on these days
    1 point
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