Wifi in Sonoma & later: Patching for legacy Broadcom wireless cards
Sonoma has dropped support for our beloved legacy Broadcom wireless devices (DW1560, DW1820A, DW1830). If you opt for a legacy BCM4352, BCM4360 or BCM43602 wireless card, you'll need to apply OCLP root patches and boot with OpenCore in order to bypass vanilla IOSkywalkFamily kext and inject replacement IOSkywalkFamily+ IO80211FamilyLegacy kexts.
Assuming you have a working Broadcom wireless config prior to upgrading to Sonoma. the following steps are added:
1) Download latest OCLP (v1.1.0 at time of writing)
2) Download the necessary kexts (attached below)
3) Configure the following in your Config file
a) System Integrity Protection is set to 0x803 csr-active-config | data | 03080000
b) Reset NVRAM or add csr-active-config to Delete to ensure the new variable is set
c) Secure Boot Model is set to Disabled
d) Following kexts are blocked:
i) com.apple.iokit.IOSkywalkFamily Set the Strategy of the blocked kext to "Exclude"
a) Set MinKernel to 23.0.0 to ensure patches only apply on Sonoma
e) Following kexts are injected in these order:
i) IOSkywalk.kext
a) Set MinKernel to 23.0.0 to ensure patches only apply on Sonoma
ii) IO80211FamilyLegacy.kext
a) Set MinKernel to 23.0.0 to ensure patches only apply on Sonoma
iii) IO80211FamilyLegacy.kext has a plugin, AirPortBrcmNIC.kext, ensure this is injected as well
a) Set MinKernel to 23.0.0 to ensure patches only apply on Sonoma
iv) AMFIPass.kext
f) add to bootarg
i) -amfipassbeta
4) Once these are injected, you can run OpenCore-Patcher's Post-Install option and root patch.
Systen will reboot after patching is done.
On reboot, Wireless support should be restored assuming your machine was configured correctly to the above."
Necessary Kexts