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hoel last won the day on September 17 2014

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    Mavericks on laptop asus r500a/k55
    Lion on dg31pr

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Sergeant (6/17)



  1. Thanks very much Jake Lo, i appreciate
  2. Update to 10.9.5 ( App Store ) without problem, just lost again audio for HDMI.
  3. Here the kext to enable HDMI audio under 10.9.4 Thanks to Jake Lo for it. http://www.mediafire.com/download/p84asul1cc01jo9/AppleIntelFramebufferCapri.kext.zip
  4. Yes, I have... AppleIntelFramebufferCapri for 10.9.3 work well under 10.9.3 but since 10.9.4 i lost the sound for HDMI I try to patch appleIntelFramebufferCapri on the fly with clover as AppleHDA but without success.
  5. Thanks for your help and share, don't work. :/
  6. arf sorry my revolution is 1920*1200
  7. work for me on HDMI but without sound.
  8. Hi, I may have a ALC270, try the method on my post #254 https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/2184-asus-k55vm-mavericks-1092-update-2314/page-26
  9. arf i have layout HD4000 ID 9, try patch capriFB but don't work :/
  10. I have always patch my dsdt, can you share your capriFB patched for 10.9.4 ?
  11. Hi, Someone have the sound on HDMI under 10.9.4 ? if yes, please share it, thanks in advance.
  12. hi, What is the guide that you're follow to install ? Are you read this good guide ? --> https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/2184-asus-k55vm-mavericks-1092-update-2314/
  13. problem know ( i have had the same problem during beta test ), update the kext AsusNBFnKeys 2.3 to 2.4 and update also EAPDFix 1.5 to 1.7.1 about scrolling change plist/preference/keyboard PalmCheckMinPressure and PalmCheckMinWidth at 255.
  14. update to 10.9.4 via app store without problem. all fine for me //// Edit : Yes, you lost QE/Ci if you install the last patch kext AppleIntelFramebufferCapri. If you have the AppleIntelFramebufferCapri.kext 10.9.4 you have QE/CI but no sound HDMI The new AppleIntelFramebufferCapri need to be patch...
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