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Everything posted by hoel

  1. I have always a bug with sleep/wake, sometimes work fine, the first always ok but second time is random. A advise ? @marzas : the atheros 5b195 is fine.
  2. Hi Rufabf, I have the same problem here on mavericks even to update clover to 2330. Have you find a solution ? thanks in avance. --> oki find, don't put the same time sceen off and sleep.
  3. Hi, I try this guide and make also my home install clover but nothing work for the problem reboot/wake up. I will follow the post if someone find the good solution. thanks for this guide
  4. Hi Dinesh, you write me : he right context menu button is being used as Fn e key but if you don't want these fn keys mode then disable it in plist and you'll get Context menu back working as showing list. --- do you mind the option in applePS2keyboard - info - this option " Fnkeys mode " on off, but nothing do, always right control ( alt gr & list ) disable... this is this option ? and this option " disable right app key " default NO ?
  5. great job work really good on asus série k55 !! precision is fine, Yeesssss !! - just one thing, the 2 commands button right side, command and option are disable ( alt gr & list ) I try to enable iso layout but nothing... Added ISO layout option and can be enabled/disabled from plist file entry "Use ISO Layout"a idea ? donate done ps : what is the option to reduce the speed for the scroll two fingers ? ok, just reduce the scrolling speed in trackpad setting mac
  6. Yes i have install bettertouchtool, it's work but not totaly ( not reconize by soft ). Yes i will donate soon
  7. little problem : On my asus r500a - série k55 - i have install the v2 version for mountain lion 10.8.3, the touchpad work but the precision isn't very good, little jump when i want clic :/ I try to increase the mouse pointer dpi to 1600 but don't work, lauchpad don't reconize What is the preference to change to increase my touchpad ? thanks by avance.
  8. work on my asus R500A - série K55 - but only V2, i don't know why
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