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acquarius.13 last won the day on September 5 2024

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  1. Hi, there is the guide written by JakeLo in the dell installation guide section: That should be the right place where to start from
  2. Hi Hervè, just to confirm I was able to install Sonoma onto my Z240 as per signature, using the latest opencore and all necessary kexts. I just switched SMBIOS from iMac18,1 to 19,1 and set MaxKernel to 22.99.99 for AirportBrcmFixup and NVMEfix. Bluetooth is working while wifi is broken, as many others inside insanelymac.
  3. Found this useful for my Dell DW1560 on my HP Z240 workstation: https://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/356769-update-to-ventura-134-bluetooth-no-longer-works-bcm94352hmb/?do=findComment&comment=2804933 Beats studio buds worked immediately. 1st gen Magic Mouse I had to unpair and re-pair again. Seems again working..hopefully
  4. I agree @Hervé. I just wanted to share my negative and positive attempts in using OCLP on unsupported hardware. I also share the spirit of the forum: try to understand by yourself, try your own solutions. At the end, if still in trouble, ask for support and/or share your experience.
  5. Today, after some other trial-and-error procedures, I was able to update to ventura 13.0.1 from monterey 12.6.1 with a more stable system. I was probably using a corrupted installer. Softwares (like Dropbox and Google Drive) are now able to sync data from local to cloud folders. Moreover, I looked at the differences between my EFI and that one builded by OCLP. After merging the differences, the system is now usable. Notification center is still buggy, but since I don't care it too much, this is not an issue to me. I just wanted to share what I did to improve my installation. And it is a pleasure to do this in the forum
  6. Hi everyone! For my E7450 I'm running Ventura using MacBookPro14,2 as SMBIOS to install/run and OCLP 0.5.1 for patching the graphic card. The system is running smoothly apart an annoying issue with dropbox and google drive sync clients, which both start but both crash and reboot after a few seconds, in a continuous loop. Does anyone of you encountered a similar issue? I know that my hardware does not support ventura but I want to ask you all anyhow. Thank you in advance
  7. I suppose it is something related to the igpu. If I understood correctly, I always have those kind of beeps in all of the 3 hacks that I have. For the record, the desktop one is the machine that particularly suffer of this issue.
  8. From the homepage, I would say that the issue still remains
  9. Hi everyone, as per title (and in signature), I encountered an issue when my laptop updates the bios: latest bios update was quite mandatory (due to a problem with embedded batteries). I'm able to downgrade it but, at reboot, bios starts again to update to the latest version (01.17) without any possibility to avoid the procedure and to stop it. The issue: this latest bios gives me an acpi battery error and shows me no battery at all in macOS (both 11.6 and 12.0.1 RC2). I'm not at all an expert in acpi patching so I'm here to ask you an hand. I already tried to patch it using SSDtime but with no effect. You can find as attachments the current EFI, the acpi tables extracted with OC 0.7.2 debug, ioregistry file and some screenshots (I have a video of boot verbose, if needed). Hope this can help to understand the issue (and to make you solve it). Thank you so much in advance MacBook Pro di Marco 2018.ioreg.zip EFI.zip SysReport.zip
  10. No. Beta 7 and 8 are difficult for me to be installed. I'm waiting for a new final release of OC to try something different, but I will first test it on a laptop
  11. Sure. Here you are on gdrive. Always remember to change MLB, ROM, Serials and UUID Cheers
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