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  1. i got it, i can't stable connect to 5Ghz because this connector, got ripped out, dmn i wish i knew earlier that my laptop wifi card was soldered with the antenna. anyway thanks for your guide and support for this card.
  2. hahaha thanks , but is there any way to force macOS to use the 5Ghz channel, sometimes the channel change itself to 2.4Ghz, or do you think that i broke the Built-in antenna, because that time when i'm replacing the device, i didn't know the antenna soldered to Intel wifi 7265, and now i'm using cheap small ngff antenna, does the antenna affect the network band???
  3. Hi, i'm only use brcmfx-country=#a , and removed your Device patch from clover, the driver still loads AirPortBrcmNIC withous any issues, if i'm not using AirportBrcmFixup the device detected as third party wireless device.
  4. Card: DW1820A, #0VW3T3, 1028:0021 Hackintosh: Acer Swift 3 SF314-54G macOS versions: High Sierra OK Mojave Ok Catalina not tested Patch: "compatible pci14e4,4353" property injection in Clover (using 4360 kext) Patch: "compatible pci14e4,43a3" property injection in Clover (AirPortBrcmNIC kext) Kexts: BrcmAirportFixup Boot parameter: brcmfx-country=#a Tricks: pin-masking
  5. Thanks for the pin mask guide on your site DW1820A works like charm now 😂

  6. Thanks for the pin mask guide on your site DW1820A works like charm now 😂

  7. Hi everyone, just re-purchased the correct 0VW3T model and everything works now, even until now i'm using AirPortBrcmNIC driver, but the wifi sometimes disconnect from 5Ghz to 2.4 Ghz, because i broke the NGFF antenna connector, but it's ok though, shutdown, sleep, wake restart OK, wifi still works, Airdrop, handoff, but sometimes DW1820A wont connect to Instant Hotspot, cheers. also yesterday i watched movie for 4 Hours and no sudden freeze, kernel panic, or cpu usage increase. P.S : i used the pin mask fix from @DalianSky WORKS Great for me, using Acer swift 3 notebook
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