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Jake Lo

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Everything posted by Jake Lo

  1. You need to determine if your system has eDP or LVDS. Seems if eDP, you won't be able to get full graphics acceleration even though eDP is suppose to be supported in the new MacOS. This issue has been covered a few times before for this model.
  2. No High Sierra and Mojave are basically the same when booting with Clover. Just make sure you're using the latest Clover loader v4910 as of today. What issue are you encountering? Make sure to select boot Install MacOS from.. a few times or until that boot option is gone to complete.
  3. Yes, use Karabiner-Elements app. It's F11 and F12 for brightness control, don't need Fn combo.
  4. After reboot, there will be a new boot option in Clover. Select Install MacOS from ... Might require 2 reboots to complete the upgrade.
  5. Try this At Clover gui, press O to get to Options. Go down to Graphics Injector and select it Select FakeID and/or platform-id and change it to 0x12345678 Try booting with that
  6. try adding memory info to the Config file under SMBIOS
  7. graphics issue. does this model have Nvidia Graphics? Try adding this to boot arg -disablegfxfirmware
  8. Try enabling it from HS in the Config file
  9. boot with verbose + debug 0x100 mode while pressing the spacebar at Clover GUI
  10. Hmm, not sure which guide you're following but you have way too much drivers in drivers64UEFI Go ahead and delete that folder. Reinstall Clover using the latest version v4895 with the following settings Install for UEFI booting only Install Clover in the ESP Drivers64UEFI\DataHubDxe-64 Drivers64UEFI\FSInject-64 Drivers64UEFI\SMCHelper-64 Drivers64UEFI\ApfsDriverLoader-64 Drivers64UEFI\AptioMemoryFix-64 Drivers64UEFI\PartitionDxe-64 Install Clover Preference Pane Add to Drivers64UEFI\HFSPlus.efi (Not included in Clover installer) Then replace this into /EFI/Clover overwriting the existing Set your BIOS to Load Defaults, apply and then go back and set to UEFI/ AHCI and Enable Legacy Option Roms. Secure Boot should be disabled too
  11. No need for installer. You can install it from your running High Sierra. Just launch the Install Mojave App from HS and select the 2nd HDD as the destination drive. Make sure to have it formatted to GUID / Extended Journaled prior. On reboot, select the new boot option "Boot from Mojave Install...."
  12. If it's working well on the HD, then yes, you can copy it to the USB.
  13. Mojave does not support SandyBridge HD 3000. You can but loses graphics acceleration and requires roll back of graphics kexts from High Sierra, not recommended.
  14. AppleALC.kext and Lilu.kext are not copied correctly. When you right click and select show contents, you should see the contents folder, not a kext inside as you have now. Redownload and replace from MacOS, not from windows.
  15. As I stated above Looking at your raw IOREg file, it appears to show an Intel which is NOT supported in MacOS. Replace the card with a DW1560 is my recommendation.
  16. You have an Intel Wireless card, it has an Intel chip. Replacing with an Atheros like @Leook has is fine but I don't recommend it as Mojave no longer supports it and requires rolling back kexts. I recommend DW1510 or DW1550 as stated above.
  17. Files are a bit outdated. Remove AppleHDAIDT.kext from /L/E or /S/L/E where ever you had it installed Repair permissions and rebuild cache Add AppleALC.kext + Lilu.kext to /Clover/kexts/Other ( google for them) In Config.plist file, disable the 3 AppleHDA patches under KextToPatch ( Use Clover Configurator to edit the file) Reboot
  18. The bluetooth most likely have a Broadcom chip, but not the Intel Wifi.
  19. It would help if you have stated what wifi device it has. But looking at your raw IOREg file, it appears to show an Intel which is NOT supported in MacOS. Replace the card with a DW1560 is my recommendation.
  20. 1) Launch Disk Utility. Delete the Windows partition so it'll become unallocated. Now you should be able to merge the entire drive. If fails, then just reinstall, during boot, wipe the whole drive and format to GUID / Journal extended 2) What Wifi device does it have? FYI, Intel is not. supported, needs to be replaced...DW1510 for just wifi, or DW1550 for wifi/bluetooth combo
  21. Did you install with UEFI Only? Install for UEFI booting only Install Clover in the ESP Drivers64UEFI\DataHubDxe-64 Drivers64UEFI\FSInject-64 Drivers64UEFI\SMCHelper-64 Drivers64UEFI\ApfsDriverLoader-64 Drivers64UEFI\AptioMemoryFix-64 Drivers64UEFI\PartitionDxe-64 Add to Drivers64UEFI\HFSPlus.efi (Not included in Clover installer)
  22. Go in the BiOS, under Boot Options Create a new Boot Option, name it MacOS or whatever. Point /EFI/Clover/Cloverx64.efi Then move the new boot option to the top Save and reboot
  23. You need to install Clover to the local drive with the same settings as you did with the USB Installer. Then replace the EFI folder with the one from your USB Installer since that got you going. If you don't know how to mount the EFI partition, you could use Clover Configurator.
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