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Jake Lo

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Everything posted by Jake Lo

  1. You''ll need to patch the DSDT for that if it's even possible. See here on how to
  2. I'll need new debug file. But before you do, let's remove some unnecessary kexts AtherosE2200Ethernet.kext IntelMausiEthernet.kext RealtekRTL8100.kext Replace DSDT and Config with the attached audio.zip
  3. You can boot to Clover, press O for options. Here you can disable the SSDT-xxx.aml you had just added, and see if it boots. Removing those kexts should not cause this issue.
  4. Not sure which Config you use to boot, but change Inject layout-id from 3 to 12 Add the 2 aml files to the Patched folder and kext to the Clover kext folder Should get you battery status, brightness control and maybe audio too BatteryBrightness.zip
  5. Remove from clover kexts USBInjectAll.kext USBPort-E7x50.kext IntelGraphicsDVMTFixup.kext Remove from /L/E AppleBacklightInjector.kext You're missing a few SSDT-xx.aml in the Patched folder as well SSDT-GPRW.aml SSDT-XHC.aml SSDT-EH01.aml SSDT-EH02.aml Repair permissions and rebuild cache
  6. post debug file You need to find out what codec it has for the audio.
  7. remove EmuVariableUefi-64.efi and APFS.efi from drivers64UEFI
  8. try adding this kext to kexts/Other SATA-RAID-unsupported.kext.zip for FakePCIID.XHCIMux.kext, you need FakePCIID.kext in the same directory
  9. Can you boot to Windows? Did you enable Bitlocker?
  10. Make sure you have NTFS.efi in drivers64UEFI folder
  11. Post full system specs and attach Clover folder currently using
  12. Check here, might work for Mojave too. Your Intel Wifi will need to be replace, not supported. SD Card not supported either. AMD Firepro will be disabled via DSDT
  13. Follow guide here to fix the USB issue
  14. Replace these into /EFI/Clover usb.zip
  15. You're not even using the files I attached....Download it and replace it into /EFI/Clover Clover version is old, update it to the latest version
  16. Intel Wireless is not supported. Will need to be replaced with a supported device ...DW1560 or DW1830 as samples. Make sure you had set your BIOS to default. apply, then change to UEFI/ AHCI/Secure boot disabled if still failed with same error, try removing the patched folder Boot to clover gui, press F4. Compress and attach /EFI/Clover/ACPI/Origin folder here by mounting the drive on another system
  17. Hard to read from the raw IOReg file. Try this app and attach the file Also try this config config.plist.zip
  18. @moah11111 Without knowing more info like ethernet, wifi, touchpad, you could start with this Follow the install guide here, use attached bootpack -> goes into /EFI/Clover Inspiron5557.zip
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