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Jake Lo

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Everything posted by Jake Lo

  1. check /EFI/Clover/drivers64UEFI, compare it with your other working system. Might just be needing drivers. Also try F3 to show any hidden partition
  2. post IOReg http://forum.osxlatitude.com/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=3591
  3. from terminal - diskutil list (take note of the EFI partion, normally /dev/disk0s1 - sudo mkdir /Volumes/EFI - sudo mount -t msdos /dev/disk0s1 /Volumes/EFI or try ESP Mounter Pro, google it
  4. trackpad should already be working with 2 fingers scrolling, tap and drag...etc. Brightness control, did you copy the kexts from /EFI/Clover/kexts/Other/LE to /Library/Extension Repair permission and rebuild cache?
  5. don't forget to copy the kext in /EFI/Clover/kexts/Other/CopyTo/L/E to /Library/Extensions Repair permission and rebuild cache sudo chmod -Rf 755 /L*/E* sudo chown -Rf 0:0 /L*/E* sudo touch -f /L*/E* sudo kextcache -Boot -U / That should get the Bluetooth to work. Also check in system information under Bluetooth and USB to see if it appears.
  6. should just work, I believe I had already included all the kexts and patches
  7. It your wireless is Intel, it's not supported, replace it with a DW1560. No need to repatch the DSDT/SSDT for later OS X unless you have made hardware changes for BIOS changes. Replacing the display will not need any change, should work right away.
  8. Replace contents into /EFI/Clover Files patched from your Origin folder Updated Config and kexts E7270_HS_kimtuyen.zip
  9. Here, replace contents into /EFI/Clover patched DSDT/SSDT from Origin, updated Config & kexts E7250_HS_abottwool.zip
  10. Try Fn+F4 and also check the root if there's an EFI folder.
  11. replace https://osxlatitude.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=9891 to /L/E run permission.sh again.
  12. did you add Lilu.kext & CoreDisplayFixup.kext?
  13. here, patched from your files. Replace Config file and replace / don't merge DSDT/SSDT to /EFI/Clover/ACPI/Patched E7270_longboy9977vn.zip
  14. let's try spoofing skylake config.plist.zip
  15. Try going into Options when you see the Clover loader, use the right arrow to navigate Select ACPI patching-> Tables Dropping-> Go all the way down and deselect Drop all OEM SSDT Check all the Drop "SSDT-xx" below that Select Return Change DSDT name: BIOS.aml or anything other than DSDT.aml Select Return, Return Hit spacebar to select Verbose mode + debug 0x100 mode
  16. Ahh, I see. You must be using an older version of Clover and Clover Configurator. Latest CC moves FixHeaders to the root
  17. Here, update everything for HS. Replace contents into /EFI/Clover E5470_1.7.3_HS.zip
  18. I'm assuming you're installing the latest 10.13.4 which has a new 15 port limit patch. Give this config a try. config.zip
  19. Your file is invalid. Try using the E7470_1.17.5_HS files or re-upload the file
  20. At Clover GUI, hit F3 to show hidden boot option You might have it hidden in the Config file under GUI
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