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Everything posted by scram69

  1. I have the same exact DW1510 (BCM94322HM8L) in my e6230 and e6430. Both are running Catalina under OpenCore. For some reason, the bluetooth module shows up on an internal USB port in the e6230, and Bluetooth works provided that port is enabled in my USBPorts.kext. But I cannot get it to show up in the e6430, even when I boot with USBInjectAll.kext and apply the port limit patch in OC. I have even swapped cards between the two laptops just to make sure one wasn't bad. Wifi works on both laptops. Is there some fundamental hardware difference that would prevent the bluetooth module from accessing internal USB in the e6430?
  2. Right - once I have everything working smoothly I will probably just set "Hide" to True again. Remind me - are the brightness keys (Fn F11/F12) on the E7270 supposed to work with SSDT-BRT6.aml and the BRTX,2, ACPI patch? I've found that Fn-S and Fn-B work, but not F11/F12.
  3. Yes - of course you are correct. I meant to say above that I set it from True to False in order to expose the NVRAM options.
  4. Hi Jake, Thanks very much for the advice. I was able to get ApplePS2Contoller.kext to respond to the trackpad in the installer. However, I needed to add an entry in config.plist for the AppleACPIPS2Nub.kext in the Plugins folder it addition to the ones for the keyboard and mouse plugins before it would work. Also, I found that if I set Misc>BootProperties>HideAuxilliary to True, I could see the Reset NVRAM option in the OC picker.
  5. I am planning on installing 10.15 on a E7270, and I would like to use opencore. I have been reading through both the documentation as well as Dortania's excellent and very detailed guide. Nothing against Clover, but the amount of documentation available for opencore likely means that I will have a much better chance of troubleshooting when things inevitably don't work. I have prepared the open core /EFI/ folder using the one Jake Lo uploaded to this post. Booting the installer USB with this EFI/ gets me to the Catalina installer, but the trackpad does not work. Note - booting the same USB with the Clover /EFI/ from Jake's guide (using ApplePS2Controller) does result in a working trackpad. So, I swapped the VoodooPS2 kexts for the ApplePS2Controller.kext under opencore (including editing config.plist), but still no trackpad. I also tried the VoodooPS2Controller configuration from the E7270 opencore EFI in this post (slightly different from Jake's above), but no luck. Does anyone who has had success with the E7270 trackpad under opencore have any advice? i.e. is there a specific version of VoodooPS2Controller.kext or the trackpad plugin I should look for? Dortania's guide specifies that VoodooInput.kext must precede VoodooPS2Controller.kext in the config.plist. But is that true in all cases?
  6. Has your freezing on wake issue remained fixed, or has it come back? I've found that even though I set hibernate mode to 0 (as you probably did as well, given the guide that you linked in your first post), it periodically will change itself back to 3.
  7. Hi Herve, Thanks very much for the reply. It's been a while since I reviewed my power management settings. I realized that instead of dropping specific SSDT tables, I was setting DropOem=true, which is only recommended for SandyBridge and older CPU's. But I have two follow-up questions if you wouldn't mind helping me a bit more: 1) RehabMan's "generic" HD4000 1366x768 config.plist also drops Cpu0Cst and ApCst. What about those two? 2) I did not think I had the KernelPm patch enabled as it is both unchecked and "greyed out" in Clover Configurator. RehabMan only recommends it for Haswell and later. But sure enough, when I open config.plist in a text editor, KernelPm is set to /true. Is this a bug in Clover Configurator? Should I just edit config.plist by hand and change /true to /false? Thanks again-
  8. Following the update to Catalina 10.15.5, my E6230 is experiencing frequent freezes (requiring holding the power button to restart). I noticed Herve's comment for this update about the cpu-specific SSDT, but I had already generated that and put it into EFI/Clover/ACPI/Patched. I also have the SSDT-PNLF.aml from Jake's guide in there as well - do I still need that? I'm running Clover r5118 I've attached my debug file. Thanks in advance for any advice- debug_28499.zip
  9. Hi Herve´, Thanks for the valuable advice! Actually, that AppleAHCIPort kext came from here, posted a few months ago in this forum, albeit in a thread on Mojave. But knowing the right search terms to type into Google is sometimes half the battle... The last link you provided contained most of the solution in several pieces. Fortunately I was able to find a reddit post that I could link to here that contained the complete solution without the "8 zeroes vs 9 zeroes" confusion. First, I removed both the AppleAHCIPort.kext and the IOAHCISerialATAPI_Injector.kext. I used this converter to convert the Base64 strings from the reddit post into Hex that I could paste into the "kext to patch" page in Clover Configurator. Make sure to apply all three patches from the reddit post, the two in the question and the one in the reply.
  10. Just finished a new install of Catalina on my E6430. Under Mojave I was using the media bay for a time machine drive, with AppleAHCIPort.kext injected by CLOVER/kexts/Other. Under Catalina, with a drive in the media bay, I get the old "the disk you have inserted is not readable" error, and the E6430 eventually freezes. I have tried several Mac-formatted HDD's, all of which can be read via a SATA/USB adaptor, but the media bay will not read them. I have also tried moving AppleAHCIPort.kext to /L/E. This results in a KP on boot I have also tried adding IOAHCISerialATAPI_Injector.kext to /L/E - the drive is still not readable. I have HFSPlus.efi in my CLOVER/drivers/UEFI. I suspect my DSDT might be the issue, since I had copied it over from my E6230; it worked in that machine under Mojave and Catalina. I have attached my debug files. Thanks in advance for any suggestions- debug_18561.zip
  11. OK, so I was successful at getting Bluetooth working with my BCM94322 "DW1510". I used acidanthera's latest kexts, but because I was too lazy to rebuild the cache, I put them in Clover for injection (the "preferred method according to the readme). Following the instructions, I used BrcmFirmwareData.kext instead of BrcmFirmwareRepo.kext.
  12. Hi Herve, Yes - thanks, I did come across your bootpack when I was trying unsuccessfully to get my wifi working again. Of course the wifi issue had nothing to do with Clover. However, I found that your Clover files caused my screen to go extremely dim about every 15 seconds, and I needed to constantly punch up the brightness. At that point I guessed I needed to be on BIOS A20 in order to get your setup to work properly (my E6230 is still on A11).
  13. It's actually a BCM94322 that is labeled "DW1510". They have been dirt cheap for several years now on flea bay. Thanks for the pointer to the updated kexts from acidanthera. I'll give them a try.
  14. OK - getting rid of them fixed the delay I was seeing starting the network on boot. They did work to get me Bluetooth on the DW1510 under Mojave, but it looks like I'll need a new card if I want both wifi and bluetooth under Catalina. There are a huge number of cards listed in Herve's latest inventory post. Which are you using/would you recommend? Looks like the DW1550 or DW1560 would be a good choice... Thanks again for your help-
  15. Thanks again for the tip - does it make any difference whether these go into /L/E or /S/L/E/ on Catalina? It seemed to work either way. However, it takes ~5 minutes following boot for the network panel (com.apple.preferences.network.remoteservice) to start responding and recognize any of the network interfaces. I've tried both the Mausi and AppleIntelE1000e.kext; same results. Should I still be using the Brcm kexts in EFI/Clover/kexts/Other ?
  16. OK, that's good to know. In that case, I'm not sure why my DW1510 wifi card is not recognized. It worked perfectly under Mojave. I'm using the latest Lilu and WEG kexts, and RehabMan's most recent Brcm kexts. However, the Brcm kexts date from May 2018... I've attached my debug log if you would be willing to take a look- Thanks! debug_8634.zip
  17. Thanks Jake - since you don't have a 6X30 IvyBridge bootpack for Catalina, I had rolled my own using my files that are working for my 6230 under Mojave, with the updated kexts (Lilu, WEG, AppleALC... Rehabman's stuff hasn't been updated in over a year...). I just didn't notice the embedded controller patch until I read through the rest of the "Upgrade" post Should my E6230 DSDT from Mojave still work, or does it need to be updated for Catalina as well?
  18. Over the years, I have used Jake Lo's excellent Clover guide for numerous installs/upgrades. The post has something like 300 Gazillion views, so obviously others rely on it heavily as well. So I was surprised recently when things did not go smooth as silk for a clean install of Catalina. I followed the instructions for creating the USB installer, but booting on the USB would hang. However, I believe I was able to solve the issue (E6230 in my case, although it is likely this issue may be more widely applicable). Below the "New Installation" section of the Catalina post, scroll down to step (3) of the "Upgrading to Catalina" section. Note the patch to "Change ECDV to EC" This DSDT patch needed to be applied to Clover on the USB in order to boot from the USB into the Catalina installer. I used Clover Configurator to enter the patch info. Once I had patched my Clover installation on the USB, I could boot from the USB and access the installer.
  19. Best way to get help is to post a full debug report. See instructions here.
  20. Note: if you happen to be using an ANSI keyboard on a US model Latitude and you are not seeing the proper behavior for the ` (back quote) or ~ (tilde) key, even though ANSI is selected in the mac OS control panel, then you likely want to set "Use ISO layout keyboard" to false.
  21. Thanks for the link. From the description, it sounds like lilu+VirtualSMC is more forward-looking, so I will give that a try.
  22. Hi Jake, In your link above (post from October 6th), your 6230 bootpack includes FakeSMC.kext, as it did in HighSierra. But in the E6X30 bootpack from November 26th, you include VirtualSMC.kext and SMCBatteryManager.kext. There are also a few other differences. For the 6230, would you recommend the kexts from the November post? What's the difference between them? Thanks-
  23. Attempting to pull this thread back on to the topic of the E6X30 + Mojave 10.14.2... Herve - do you think the requirement for USB2 controller renaming depends on BIOS? I am still using A11, have not yet upgraded to A19+ On the other hand, if A11 is working for me on the E6230, is there any reason to upgrade to A19 for Mojave? Thanks-
  24. galab, Since you successfully completed all 19 steps of the Hackintool guide for USBPorts.kext, I hope you might be able to answer a few questions: -Step 1 describes the action "Clover Rename..." How exactly does someone "Clover Rename..." something? -Step 8 says to "Change the HS01,HS02 ports to the ones you have your mouse and keyboard attached". Does this mean an external keyboard and mouse is required for this step? For all steps? -Step 12 describes plugging and unplugging a "TypeC device". Could you give us an example of a "TypeC device"? Thanks for any help-
  25. Ok - thanks for the reply. Jake's guide seems to imply that a "USBPorts kext" is required for Mojave+Clover, although it didn't make sense why a kext would be required only for an upgrade and not a clean install. But you obviously didn't need such a kext. I know many people follow Jake's guide for the E6XXX, so I wanted to make it clear that step (4) was not required.
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