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Everything posted by isnob

  1. Same problem of kenia,at startup o after sleep random the touchpad or the keyboard don't work.
  2. How i can invert fn keys? examples,i press f12 and volume up press fn+f12 and standard f12 function I switched to fn mode 1 but nothing, Any help? And how is work auto off backlight?
  3. Hi,i have an asus n56vz,with similar specs,why your geek bench is so high? My 2750-10700
  4. hi i have a asus n56vz,and i installed osx 10.9 with AsusNinstall.arc here i uploaded all kexts http://www.osx86.net/files/file/3690-asus-n56-n76-mavericks-complete-kexts/
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