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Everything posted by EMlyDinEsH

  1. what kind of kernel panic? get the picture of it.
  2. Can you provide the system log with my kext for the audio playback pause/play for 5 times with 5 sec interval between each? Just wanted to see what my kext doing with this.
  3. What are the kexts/version of mine you are using? Do you have any edits to plists? Do you have keyboard backlight? When exactly reboot happens? like when you do some gesture, keyboard press etc., and i need your system log/picture of the kernel panic for this reboot because it might be due to Kernel panic. Send me your ioreg file as well. If you provide these details then i can help you. Seems like you have some kind of configuration mistake between my kexts or OSX. PS: Use the reuploaded version of v3.8.5 today and let me know again.
  4. Yes, scroll speed more than 6 is not saved by the OSX prefpane which is a bug in that. So, i'm adding a workaround as temporary fix in my next update which lets to choose the boot scroll speed level for 8-10 levels.
  5. Well, its not a bug and seems like your problem is related to NumLock (which was changing these keys to function differently in some keyboards for others before and made me to lose huge amount of time to debug the driver and finally figured that its just NumLock function of that keyboard) which is turned on by driver. So, disable this in keyboard plist and install kext (or) manually toggle the NumLock key.
  6. wait for my new update which might solve your problem as there are many improvements and bug fixes. If you still have the problem in my update too that then PM me about your problem and i'll take a look.
  7. Well, scrolling in v3.8 has been enhanced by many ways to feature smooth so i've created four modes to choose which one feels good for the users. The swipe in launchpad depends on the scroll speed and inertia effect, so try to change the scroll speed or change scroll acceleration modes in plist and see which is best for you by reading features explanation threads. And the scrolling speed in the prefpane is a OSX bug and will reset to to 7 if you have scroll speed greater than 7. For now i don't have ideas to fix because its OSX prefpane not mine so i don't have control over that but i'll look and let you know if i find anything or will be fixed by my prefpane I'm doing soon.
  8. My driver has edge scrolling feature which disables some part of the touchpad on right and bottom edges if you touch only there. Let me see your System log and IOReg file so i take a look. Btw Do you have ELAN touchpad or others as you say your trackpad works with VoodooPS2? And my keyboard cannot be transferred to VoodooPS2 because its been tightly integrated with ELAN touchpad for many features.
  9. If patched IOAudioFamily works then standalone kext we use should work too. May be you have something else is wrong like your ACPI, AppleHDA patching etc., Did you try using old versions of AppleHDA/different boot loaders/OSX versions?so you confirm the problem. Let me see your codec dump and ioreg plz for any ideas.
  10. Updated driver to 2.4 with new features and bug fixes.
  11. You have Nvidia GPU only? or both Intel and Nvidia? Your ioreg file is corrupted because you have used new version of IORegistryExplorer app. Use IORegistryExplorer app v2.1 or lower and send me your ioreg again along with your DSDT you are using.
  12. I've uploaded new version with a option in plist to choose the HDEF address.
  13. use the attached debug kext and get me your logs again with your fn key presses. PS: Please send your dumps to me in PM instead of here. AsusNBFnKeys_v2.3.6debug.zip
  14. Yes, this new update has many changes to the some of the features and bug fixes. I'll update the post asp with all the details.
  15. I see you are using ACPIBacklightxxx kext instead of my kext according to your ioreg, does your brightness slider at Display settings works? If not then remove that kext and install my AsusACPIBacklightxxx kext and get me logs again. Also you need to enable "DisplayUsesNvidiaGPU" option in my AsusNBFnkeys kext and reinstall as you have Nvidia GPU.
  16. Try this build and let me know log again. Also this time try to press Fn + F3 and F4 keys few times then get the log. Send me your DSDT which you are using now. PM me all the files. AsusNBFnKeys_v2.3.6beta.zip
  17. I've edited your DSDT with this patch Try this with my kext and let me know your system log and ioreg file. EDIT: Use the attached kext plz. DSDT_PNLF_Patched.zip AsusACPIBackLightPanel_v1.5.5beta.zip
  18. You can control that delay by editing AccidentalInputTimeOut value in plist. There is a new update coming this week which will improve many features and fix bugs.
  19. Your Bluetooth hardware is not detected in ioreg which means its not installed properly. Follow the user "Skvo" post for details about the your card installation.
  20. Do you have BCM4352 wifi card? Your ioreg file is corrupted as you have used new version of IORegistryExplorer, so try to use IORegistrExplorer version 2.1 or lower and send me your ioreg without my kext installed and cold boot.
  21. What is your keyboard layout name? PM me your details along with your keyboard picture, so i help you with a debug kext.
  22. Well, if those generic drivers also have same issues then its something your touchpad hardware related issue which is not responding after reboots for some reason. So, need to debug and find out what exactly causing your PS2 controller to stop working after reboot. Lets discuss this over at Skype and try to understand your problem for a fix.
  23. There is a new update coming which might fix your issues. PM me for beta build if you want to try before release and give feedback.
  24. Yep, I'll add your id in the next minor update and thanks for showing the wrong id values in the post.
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