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Everything posted by EMlyDinEsH

  1. I made both to operate independently and there could have been a bug as i don't have hardware to test them very wel. I'm going specify about the requirement of need to use updated AsusNBFnkeys and Thanks for your feedback.
  2. I tried to apply my patch in your dsdt using DSDT editor and it worked without errors. Here is the patched dsdt with the WiFi status patch. DSDT.aml.zip
  3. Are you using new version of AsusNBFnKeys? What you need to edit in that to get it working? Can you explain your brightness level issue again as I'm confused still?
  4. let me see your ioreg file and system log with my kexts installed, so i can see whether you have Elan touchpad or not?
  5. any previous versions worked fine? What you mean crazy way after sleep, explain? Let me see your system log after installing the new version so i can see if there is anything wrong.
  6. For keyboard backlight in Elan, you need to use DSDT patch and plist edits as i've explained in the Features thread. For 3f swipes, if you have ISO keyboards like German, Italian etc., you need to edit Keyboard Type ID in keyboard plist as i've explained in the keyboard features thread for this to work as some of the keys in the keyboard are mapped differently.
  7. You did not have this visual scrolling lag in previous versions? its fine to me and you might see some lag in Chromo, Firefox etc, other than Safari which is related to OSX which i can see sometimes and its not related to my code. Test the inertia in new version and old versions then let me know your feedback so i can see if its related to my code or not. Also try Speed changes for scrolling at Trackpad preferences and see as sometimes you need to tweak this for optimal performance.
  8. Are you using my new DSDT patch from features explanation thread which is required to work? Let me see your DSDT.
  9. I will patch your files and let you know the steps to install OSX later today. EDIT: Check your PM for files.
  10. It doesn't but i can build one, PM me for 32bit kext.
  11. PCIRoot=0 works with my hack method? Btw i have added your model to EDP.
  12. Are you using new version of AppleHDA 2.6 from 10.9.2 or old version? Do you get pop after sleep? Is your Audio not working after sleep only?
  13. Did you edit plist for both Headphone and Speakers nodes? Does your HP works fine after sleep? PM me so i can debug your issue.
  14. I've checked your DSDT and found that your Battery DSDT patch is not complete. And for the audio part, the DSDT patch for this ok so you should check the system log for errors related to AppleHDA. However, still the DSDT is missing several patches needed to get the system working fine.
  15. My driver loaded and your keys should be working fine. Still no keys are working?
  16. Thanks for your donation. May I know your device ids? So i can update my kext plist in the next version.
  17. Do you have any modifier position changesespecially control key? If you do then try to set them to default and try. Also Let me know what you have changed in the modifiers. I dont understand about your Fn keys problem. Could you explain?
  18. Try the attached kext and let me know. EAPDFix_1.5beta3.zip
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