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Everything posted by EMlyDinEsH

  1. Like i said before, Atheros bluetooth uses standard bluetooth drivers which doesn't provide option to turn on/off bluetooth due to the unknown vendor status of the bluetooth driver. So, if your notebook has Fn key then use it to power on/off which is working for some machines. And why are you editing broadcom bluetooth kext for atheros card? Atheros card works better with standard bluetooth drivers and not sure about using Broadcom bluetooth drivers which i mostly expect not to work properly.
  2. According to your snapshots the bluetooth kext seems like broken, so i suggest you to install vanilla bluetooth kext again and try my kext v2.1 then let me know with an ioreg file and system log.
  3. Can i take a look at your codec dump and patched AppleHDA? So i can see the differences between yours and me to understand this better in order to look for any solutions.
  4. Yes, there are changes to EDP directory. Remove Extra folder and EDP.app, and follow this for new installation: http://www.osxlatitude.com/edp/documentation/post-installation/ Sorry, you can't run EDP completely in command Line to build. If you provide details of your model, OSX version and explain your problem, so i can help you to boot then you can install EDP and do build.
  5. Seems like its missing SSDT files (or) kernel cache is broken. Try to boot using all these flags 'UseKernelCache=No DropSSDT=No GeneratePStates=Yes GenerateCStates=Yes'. If you still can't boot then try to boot from myHack USB installer and choose the installed OSX to boot with the above flags and see. After booting, try to check Extra folder for SSDT files and run myFix to generate kernel caches again. If you still have problems then let me know.
  6. Well, i have not seen v4 hardware with physical buttons like v3 hardware. Seems like you have physical buttons in v4, so i need to debug my driver in your touchpad. PM me for beta testing.
  7. Just install my kexts and it will show you the version during boot in verbose mode. As you have Elan touchpad from Windows so it will work. No other steps, just follow my How to install steps in the first post.
  8. I don't see touchpad device in your ioreg file, so it could be either bios disable the touchpad (or) your dsdt is the problem. So, try to check the bios for the internal pointing device where some of the bios have this option to enable/disable and send me your DSDT((it would be better if you get the dump based on DSDT/SSDT patch request thread).
  9. Can you send me your system log and IOReg file, so i can take a look at your problem? Also how did you install the kexts? You need to remove my kexts before install as i have some changes to the kext identifiers in the new version so it may not work properly if you try to replace the kexts. It works for clicking. I don't get your problem, can you explain? Also there is a new mode for the v4 buttons in my next update which enables/disables the virtual buttons. If you disable the virtual buttons then it will work as only single Left button all over the touchpad in clicks.
  10. Try the attached files and let me know. BrightnessFix_v1.1beta.zip
  11. I have tested 2.6.0 AppleHDA from 10.9.2beta today and found no problems like you explained. Its working fine to me after 30 sec from sleep in both Jack sense and audio with my EAPDFix like before. I'm attaching my patched kext for your reference, so you can get some idea from my patched files. AppleHDA_ALC269_Patched_2.6.0.zip
  12. you don't need to patch bluetooth kexts from v2.0 or greater, can you send me your ioreg file and system log with my kext installed?
  13. I have firmware choices in my plist, so try that and see. Also there is a new update for my kext with firmware v5453 which will be released this week.
  14. Will add your IDs in next version which is due to release with AR3012 bluetooth this week. I have a new version which will be released this week and has some fixes for Atheros, so wait for that plz.
  15. Well, we are using standard Bluetooth drivers of OSX which doesn't provide power off option for disabling the bluetooth. So, only way to disable bluetooth for Atheros bluetooth is using the Fn keys.
  16. No idea, but i have not tested this version of AppleHDA yet in my notebook. Will give it a try today and let you know if i find anything useful.
  17. Thanks for your bug report, will try to check and fix it.
  18. I have fixed these brightness fn keys and tested in Samsung notebook, so should work fine for everyone like it does in VodooPS2. Wait for my new update which brings some good improvements in most of the features and keyboard this weekend.
  19. May I take a look at your ioreg file and System log with my kexts installed?
  20. Edge swipes are disabled by default and you need to enable using either plist edit and install (or) gesture to enable/disable. I've also restored NC to soft mode in the new version just like before, but you can set this to Keyboard shortcut by editing plist value to 14 and assigning shortcut like i explained in the features thread. By the way, you need to swipe a little faster for NC soft mode to work.
  21. Bluetooth in BCM4352 requires firmware patch in RAM in order to work properly, so injecting id's into Bluetooth kext which is done by toleda kext is not enough to get it working fully. Using toleda kext bluetooth might get detected but won't worry properly unless new firmware is uploaded by my kext for Half Mini PCIe BCM4352 cards in notebooks and I can confirm this. So, I suggest you to follow this thread for more details on bluetooth: https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/2925-bluetooth-firmware-uploader/ and for WiFi I have updated this thread with more details.
  22. You don't need to edit anything here in my kext. You need to inject your ids to Apple Bluetooth kext. You can find details on kext patch here: https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/1916-the-perfect-mini-pcie-wifi-and-bluetooth-combo-card-for-notebooks/
  23. AR3012 is not working with my kext very well so i would like to experiment on this to support and i need beta testers. If you would like to be beta tester then PM me.
  24. I've written guide for patching AppleHDA: https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/1946-complete-applehda-patching-guide/ Try to patch yourself and let me know if you have any doubts/can't patch it.
  25. What is your notebook model? The latest driver has been set to Fn keys mode 2 which doesn't need any Fn key to hold to access functions of fn key from F1-F12. I've changed this mode back to 1 in the new minor bug update. There is no synchronous scrolling built into OSX, i've seen this synchronous scrolling only in Office sheets in Windows. Why you are mentioning this here? My scrolling is not just like Wheel scroll and it has Inertial and Continuous effects which is more like apple touchpad scrolling. The scroll down doing scroll up sometimes is due to rubber/elastic effect which gets triggered(experimental feature) if you get your fingers at the very bottom/top of the touchpad and release. I've disabled this in a new minor update released today which also fixes right click bug in v4 hardware and an app switch gesture bug.
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