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Everything posted by EMlyDinEsH

  1. Please wait for new version and for scroll you need to change the scroll speed once at trackpad settings. Read my features explanation thread for details.
  2. Ok, i would like to debug this so i need a debug session. PM me for details so i can help you with this and many other things also as you have Asus for which i have developed some kexts and i would like to beta test.
  3. Strange, can you send me your ioreg file and System log? Also tell me what are the kexts, fixes etc., you have installed? And give brief details about your notebook model and specification. Are you using clover? If yes then send me your clover config and boot files.
  4. I tested the command in terminal and its working fine. Take a look at the screenshot from my notebook.
  5. I'll check this and get back to you asp. Give me a reminder in two days if you don't get reply.
  6. @everyone, new update for my driver is coming this week which is a major update and will fix everything mostly. Just wait for that update meanwhile don't use v3.8.5 and go for old versions if you have issues.
  7. What is your OSX version? Can you send me your ioreg and system log?
  8. Send beta kext in PM. Check that and let me know.
  9. We cannot modify version and changing version number alone won't solve this handoff feature. What is your Bluetooth device id btw?
  10. Firmware used by the Apple is different and should be custom for their device i think. So, we cannot use that and my kext uses the firmware from windows drivers which is based on latest version available.
  11. Is your card standalone or comes with WiFi? What is the model? I'm going to add support for both of your cards to my new version 2.6, PM me for beta kext.
  12. Can you edit your post with details of your notebook specifications and send me your working DSDT, SSDT and plists so i can add your model to EDP and provide support for improvements?
  13. Yes, we can do DSDT patch but need access to OSX in another machine to patch the DSDT using patches according to your hardware. Extract your DSDT and ioreg from your OSX by booting in safe. Are you using from USB3 port to boot? If so then you need USB3 kext GenericXHCI to overcome the still wait for root device.
  14. What is your codec name? PM me so i can take a look at your issue and can update EDP with updated files.
  15. EDP has been updated to Dell M4xxx models now, can you give a try and give your feedback?
  16. Try to delete the com.apple.Bluetooth.plist from /Library/Preferences and reboot then try to pair from Notebook (as there is a bug in visibility with OSX driver which sometimes doesn't show itself). PM me so i can give you new build i've been working on so you can try. EDIT: Seems like your firmware was not updated to new one as i can see from the picture which is still v4096, thats why it was not working properly. Lets try the new build and send me your system log from Console app for each so i can check.
  17. Well, you may get those errors because my kext was loaded so early in the boot process even before your device is ready to respond so it tried back again after some time then it succeeded at the end with patch success message. How and where did you install my kext? It works best if you have it in SLE. Let me see your system log file from Console app so i can take a look more. PM me for beta test so i can give you new build.
  18. Thanks, sorry for the very late repay as i was busy and way for a while. I see you made some progress in this to look for a good solution. Can we have a discussion at Skype about the above issue in my kext and your new solution? so i can take a look what i can do and test.
  19. Well, this firmware update/patch is applied to RAM and will be cleared on power down. You might see problems if you reboot from OSX to windows, so avoid doing that because windows might try to update its own firmware from the driver you have installed(otherwise update driver to latest version). PM me for new version of my kext to test.
  20. What is your Bluetooth device id from System profiler USB section? Did you add your device id or already there in my kext? Send me your ioreg file using IORegistryExplorer v2.1 or lower so i can add it to my kext.
  21. This is mandatory update needed even in Windows too and its applied to RAM so its not permanent and need to patch the firmware every boot which is fine.
  22. PM me with the details of your problems for beta test.
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