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[Closed] AppleHDA patching requests


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Someone can help me to enable HDMI Audio and CS4213 Audio on my Dell Vostro 2520 ?


Actually I have done this:


- rm /Volumes/Untitled/Extra/DSDT.aml (boot loader on USB) and /Extra/DSD.aml (bootloader on HD)

- Run MaciASL

- add 2 entry in Preferences Source: 

      PATCHES, http://raw.github.com/RehabMan/Laptop-DSDT-Patch/master
      HDMI, https://raw.github.com/toleda/audio_hdmi_hd4000/master

- extract DSDT.aml from the system (menu new from ACPI and DSDT)

- patched DSDT.aml to eliminate 2 errors

- patched to add HD4000 layout 3

- insert DSDT.aml in /Extra or /Volumes/Untitled/Extra/DSDT.aml


Add in bootloader options:





tried also to add:





Now probably I need to patch AppleHDA.kext but how ?

CodecDump.zipFetching info...

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I used kext downloaded from olarila AppleHDA ALC269VB,ALC269VB_v2 but still no sound, so I started to Patch but did not know I determine Line Speaker was right in ... You can  help me determine Line in, Mic , Speaker, Headphone. I was right not to do so?


0+ Line In: 8 35 24

1+ buiile-in Mic: 9 34 18



0 + Speaker: 20 13 3

1 + Headphone: 33 12 2




Thank you very much

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can you shed some light on how to use the calculation we did thus far in the Platforms.xml file? it will be very helpful if you can reference the data you calculated in the modification of the platforms.xml 


Here is my calculation, please let me know how to use it with the Platforms.xml 


Speaker Playback Switch 
0x14 0x0d 0x03
20 13     3
HeadPhone PlayBack Switch
0x15 0x0c 0x02
21    12    2
Audio Input
0x08 0x23 0x18  --> 0x18 0x23  0x08
8     35   24    --> 24  35   8
0x09 0x22 0x12  --> 0x12 0x22  0x09
9    34    18    --> 18  34  9 
Thanks in advance
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Hello to everybody.

Please help. I produse AppleHDA for my laptop ASUS n550lf with one jack, but I don`t have a sound from internal speaker, only external, also the same problem with VoodooHDA. Before I had OSX 10.9.2 and update to 10.9.5 averything working perfectly. After clean installation of the OSX 10.9.5 problem appear. May be somebody have same problem. Thank you in advance.

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I would like to thank everyone who made these articles and the others across the net.  After about 4 days and retrying a bunch of things, I finally got a fully patched AppleHDA.kext for my Lenovo p500 with ALC269VC.  All inputs are working, even the mic in the camera :)

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Hopefully not offtopic but could anyone please help me?


I followed several Guides/Tutorial all over the Internet but still didn't manage to patch my AppleHDA correctly.

Here is what i (hopefully) did correctly:


- Got a clean AppleHDA after updating to 10.10.2

- Extracted and converted to decimal my codec dump.txt and codec dump.txt.svg

- Manually created the PinConfig from the codec dump and corrected it

- Tested those with PinConfigurator and everything seemed fine.

- Converted the Platforms.xml.zlib and Layout12.xml.zlib to only .xml


And thats where im lost.

I tried to get the PathMaps, but im not sure if they are right (could someone please check)

Output: [Pin Complex] -> [Audio Output]

10 -> 19

11 -> 20

Input: [Audio Input] -> [Audio Selector] -> [Audio Input]

21 -> 23 -> 15

22 -> 24 -> 14

(one is missing)


Please help...

AppleHDA.zipFetching info...

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