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I'm trying to use the brand new "EDP", for my T430, but after BOOT, le KEXT test, and the KEXT Load, my Screen Became Black, full Black, and nothing else.


For your information, my Hack was running a little in 10.8.3, whitout DSDT, only instal some kext for sound, ethernet, battery.

A just Put this String"<key>device-properties</key>



in the "org.chameleon.Boot.plist" file, and the video card working great.


Please can you help me to make working this Version of EDP, starting OSX whitout black Screen ?


Sorry for me bad English.

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I try whith a new install, i got trouble with the resolution screen, i can see only half part of the Finder, their is a trouble with the DSDT for me, when i put it away, the résolution is ok.


Someone can help ME ?

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Hi hervé, Thank's for your answer.


For information i just Finish to make a new instal, and there is the same trouble. i can see only the first left part of the desktop, 

See the Picture below.

The strange thing is that with remote desktop, on my true OSX, the hackintosh screen is in full resolution.post-10544-0-39759800-1367410597_thumb.jpg

Here is my DSDT files, can you look on it please?


DSDT LENOVO T430.aml.zip

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give us your specs so we can help you.

Hi, Thank's for your Looking.


ProductName  : Mac OS X ProductVersion: 10.8.3 BuildVersion: 12D78

Kernel       : Darwin Kernel Version 12.3.0: Sun Jan 6 22:37:10 PST 2013

Model ID     : MacBookPro8,2 KernelMode: x86_64

CPU TYPE     : Intel® Core i5-3320M CPU @ 2.60GHz

Core         : 2594MHz Bus: 25MHz FSB: 100MHz

CPU ID       : Ox306A9 (198313) Cache L2: 0Mb

RAM          : 4096Mb HibernateMode: 0

SwapUsage    : total = 64.00M  used = 0.00M  free = 64.00M  (encrypted)

User         : chouby on macbookpro-0021ccd1f128.local


LENOVO T430 2349-GCG


Graphic Card Intel HD Graphics 4000 512 Mo, resolution 1600*900


Do you need more Specs ?

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Assuming you use Chameleon as boot loader, did you try to specify resolution in boot plist?

Yes i'm using Chameleon, and i try to put a screen value in the boot.list file, but nothing change, idem for the chameleon boot list file, nothing change, only during the boot log.

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Try this for your device properties

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Yes i'm using Chameleon, and i try to put a screen value in the boot.list file, but nothing change, idem for the chameleon boot list file, nothing change, only during the boot log.


let me see you dsdt, are you using the dsdt from EDP?


You don't have to use GraphicsEnabler flag if you are using patched dsdt which is the main reason for these kind of issues, try boot and smbios i've attached.


What is the version of your chameleon bootloader?

plist files.zip

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