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OSX 10.6.6


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So, 10.6.6 is out, and its time to regroup and see what works and what dosent.


I will update the main post with info from comments.


:::: UPDATE ::::


Link: http://www.osxlatitude.com/groups/d4xosx/wiki/a92b0/EDP_History_and_Changelog.html


We are now certifying the dells on the Wiki, should make it easier to track.


I need testers with models not listed here.


Once we have gotten a bit further we can release RC5

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I´m bringing my testing here too.

Will bring things together.


Dell D620 Nvidia - broke when updating from 10.6.5 to 10.6.6 .

Current state:


* As of 10.41PM(Estonian time) i have re-installed 10.6 using Chameleon RC5 - Pre8 and i am using EDP5 RC-2. RC-4 breaks under the unbelievable strain caused by 10.6 i believe. I have Pre-built a RC-4 Extra folder to insert if RC-2 does not work.


* Finally got the whole update downloaded and Installing. Fingers crossed!


* Rebooted and i got nothing. The apple screen shows up, the loader turns a few times and "Please reboot" sign comes on. I´m trying to see if any of the Kext´s in the EDP are messing it up. EDP 1.5 rc-2(and 4) and EDP 1.4 have not shown any sings. Also 1.4 showed KP which means 1.5 has made it go away but i can´t say anything for sure.


* Take my hair and eat it! I´m in! Researching why! Ill be back with news in a few seconds...


* You are probably wondering how i managed this feat. It is not accomplished with the EDP package. I went to the source and obtained Leppy´s original DSDT - Extra folders. The first version which started this all. Not the one on the CD but the one he provided with extra kexts and a DSDT.aml. Now these can be obtained from the original topic here: http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?s=&showtopic=178411&view=findpost&p=1223592 . It should land you on post number 2, scroll down and you will find three downloads. Pick the one you have.


As for the EDP´s i cannot say anything more. I´m going to work on the RC4 for a bit and see if it starts working. But as i´m only a beta tester i am not qualified to make mayor changes as i have no idea what i am doing. The ones that want to see 10.6.6 working can install it. Although the App Store is buggy as f*ck. I´m almost positive it´s because Apple has planted something in it to see what computer is used. It´s not letting me log in and it´s making funny stuff happen. Anyway, it might be because the first drafts of the Extra folder are not up to date for the requirements needed by the store. I shall report back if i get something!




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Found this on the web tonight and thought it might be useful.



  • The Mac App Store is included! This application shows up in the dock after reboot.
  • 10.6.0 Darwin kernel
  • Replacement NVIDIA drivers - not Fermi capable.

Most supported systems will not need to make post-installation fixes, but here are a few points to be aware of.

  • Graphics - If you're using a NVIDIA 4xx "Fermi" card, you will have to re-run the NVIDIA Update to regain full acceleration. Make sure you have a Mac Pro System Definition installed from multifail, or it will not let you install.

  • Audio - The Combo update will replace your AppleHDA.kext. If you aren't using the ALC889a codec, you will have to reinstall AppleHDA Rollback using multifail. If you're using VoodooHDA, you will not need to make any modifications.

  • USB - The Combo update will replace your IOUSBFamily,kext. To restore full USB functionality on a non-DSDT or EasyBeast system install USB Rollback using multifail before reboot. Download multifail.

  • Sleep enabler kexts are version specific. Remove before installing the update.
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Several glitches marred the Mac App Store's launch today, with some errors seemingly related to the way that Mac OS X 10.6.6 deals with non-native partitions, and others likely just launch-day bugs. And while the problems could certainly be related to an unexpected surge of passionate interest in a $5 Angry Birds for the Mac, it could also have to do with what appears to be a significant restructuring of how Mac OS X handles DRM.


Mac OS X 10.6.6 includes a new Objective-C framework: CommerceKit. If you don't have CommerceKit.framework and the updated Security.framework on, say, a hackintoshed Dell Mini 10v, the App Store won't run, causing an error about a missing helper application. With those two frameworks, the App Store will launch, but won't allow downloads: other frameworks control that. What seems afoot here, though, is that apps bought on the Mac App Store will need to be validated with CommerceKit, similar to the digital rights management on other online marketplaces like Steam.


It's interesting that the App Store app itself seems to be nothing more than a front-end to the iTunes Store. Web previews to Mac apps are located on itunes.apple.com, just like iOS apps; there's just a "View in Mac App Store" link where the "View in iTunes" link would be on a song or iOS app preview page.


Whether the dire warnings of some digital rights proponents - that Mac OS X is headed for the same walled garden fate as iOS - come to pass is something that will remain to be seen. However, it'll be interesting if the protections Apple has implemented to protect downloaded apps do eventually migrate over to the music and iOS app side of the store.


Source: CNET

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Several glitches marred the Mac App Store's launch today, with some errors seemingly related to the way that Mac OS X 10.6.6 deals with non-native partitions, and others likely just launch-day bugs. And while the problems could certainly be related to an unexpected surge of passionate interest in a $5 Angry Birds for the Mac, it could also have to do with what appears to be a significant restructuring of how Mac OS X handles DRM.


Mac OS X 10.6.6 includes a new Objective-C framework: CommerceKit. If you don't have CommerceKit.framework and the updated Security.framework on, say, a hackintoshed Dell Mini 10v, the App Store won't run, causing an error about a missing helper application. With those two frameworks, the App Store will launch, but won't allow downloads: other frameworks control that. What seems afoot here, though, is that apps bought on the Mac App Store will need to be validated with CommerceKit, similar to the digital rights management on other online marketplaces like Steam.


It's interesting that the App Store app itself seems to be nothing more than a front-end to the iTunes Store. Web previews to Mac apps are located on itunes.apple.com, just like iOS apps; there's just a "View in Mac App Store" link where the "View in iTunes" link would be on a song or iOS app preview page.


Whether the dire warnings of some digital rights proponents - that Mac OS X is headed for the same walled garden fate as iOS - come to pass is something that will remain to be seen. However, it'll be interesting if the protections Apple has implemented to protect downloaded apps do eventually migrate over to the music and iOS app side of the store.


Source: CNET


...time to jailbreak our hackintoshs --ROFL!!

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Hi Everyone,


Please go here and have a look:




You will now see a list of certified laptops + their status.


I need people to test EDP 1.5 RC5 - catch me on skype since i dont wanna release it public just yet.


Hi Leon. I'll give 1.5 a test on my 420 if you like but I still haven't got round to updating the BIOS, still A03, not sure if that will matter as everything has been fine so far. I'm away this weekend so won't be able to report back until Monday

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Hi Leon. I'll give 1.5 a test on my 420 if you like but I still haven't got round to updating the BIOS, still A03, not sure if that will matter as everything has been fine so far. I'm away this weekend so won't be able to report back until Monday




D420 is allready tested, so for your part.. update your bios, and wait for the 1.5rc5 release before updating to 10.6.6 if you want to be on the safe side :)


D420 and D430 are 99,9% alike...

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Hi Everyone,


Please go here and have a look:




You will now see a list of certified laptops + their status.


I need people to test EDP 1.5 RC5 - catch me on skype since i dont wanna release it public just yet.


Hi Leon, I'll a test 1.5 on my D620

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