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Complete set of files (Clover/Enoch) for El Capitan/Sierra


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  On 1/3/2016 at 2:04 PM, ktazn2k said:

I downloaded your new CLOVER.zip, replaced the CLOVER folder with my existing one, but things just went haywire.


Hmm… You mean you downloaded my Clover folder and replaced it with yours ?!? Nonsense :-o  !



As stated, I just removed all fixes in ACPI Old way/New way. Nothing else.


What version of Clover are you using ? You may have to move/copy all kexts from EFI/CLOVER/kexts/10.11 to EFI/CLOVER/kexts/Other. I know some versions of Clover fails to load kexts when placed in EFI/CLOVER/kexts/10.11 :?.


All works fine here with Clover r3330.


Anyway, I just uploaded a new Clover.zip with a copy of all kexts in EFI/CLOVER/kexts/Other so you can give a try.


And BTW, you can still reset removed fixes in Clover's boot menu > DSDT fix mask.

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Thank you for your update. Lid close sleep works well, and now it looks perfect.

In my case, the battery indicator doesn't work on the menu bar, and added one more kext, Rehabman's ACPIBatteryManager.kext. I also replaced PS2 controller to the latest VoodooPS2Controller.kext for Japanese keyboard.

As your reference, I'd like to upload my 10.11 kext folder.


Thank you for your great work!!



Updated on 6/Jan.

  I made a mistake to put the wrong kext folder. I replaced the uploaded file. Please replace the "kexts" folder.

  This will work for both 10.10 and 10.11 for d630/830.


kexts.zipFetching info...

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Guys, first of all, great Thank You for all this hard work!
Exceptional Thank You to 




I have been working with SL 10.6.8 since 2012 and this amazing post put an idea in my head to try with new EL Capitan!
The result is almost perfect!


Except one annoying issue - audio and mic do not work! :(


I see in log:
​28.02.16 12:32:11,000 kernel[0]: Kext org.voodoo.driver.VoodooHDA - library kext com.apple.iokit.IOAudioFamily not found.

28.02.16 12:32:11,000 kernel[0]: Can't load kext org.voodoo.driver.VoodooHDA - failed to resolve library dependencies.
28.02.16 12:32:11,000 kernel[0]: Kext org.voodoo.driver.VoodooHDA failed to load (0xdc00800e).
28.02.16 12:32:11,000 kernel[0]: Failed to load kext org.voodoo.driver.VoodooHDA (error 0xdc00800e).
28.02.16 12:32:11,000 kernel[0]: Couldn't alloc class "VoodooHDADevice"

Tried to move VoodooHDA to /S/L/E - messages disappear but still no working audio and mic:(

Could someone help me please!

I have a subject's config: Latitude D830 Nvidia NVS140M

I use Clover - latest version and CLOVER.zip from post #9

Thank You!
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No such issue on my D630 with v2.8.8, you may have something incorrectly configured in your Clover setup... Personally, I chose to stick to Enoch. CPU bus speed not set to anything above 200 000kHz in your Clover config for instance?

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You either use VoodooHDA (and you have to disable AppleHDA) or you patch AppleHDA for your audio codec (and you'd probably have to patch your DSDT too). There is no "HDAEnabler" kext...


Try an older VoodooHDA version such as v2.8.1 published in my D630 packs.


You may also try to play with some settings in the VoodooHDA PrefPane.

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