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Everything posted by Lorys89

  1. Try this, Keep I2c hid is declare immediately after https://github.com/blankmac/AlpsHID/releases/download/v1.2/AlpsHID1.2_release.zip
  2. Have you tried with correct order of kext? If you pass me log Ioreg and change this SSDT-TPD1.zip
  3. I previously posted order of kext ps2 and I2c in the config, follow that order
  4. this efi is easy.. you try to create them smbios mbp 15,2 , ssdt ec-usbx, plug, pnlf, xosi. rename osid to xsid and _osi to xosi i send you igpu patch and booter/quirks
  5. revert to voodo ps2 and plugin trakpad and mouse and remove kext i2c, or patch your i2c trakpad and use kext i2c or try this patch for i2c trakpad : apply this rename Current Path: \_SB.PCI0.I2C1.TPD1._CRS -----> Find: _CRS - 08A40A0FA103A4001446085F435253 --> Replace: XCRS - 08A40A0FA103A40014460858435253 and add this ssdt SSDT-TPD1.zip and add this bootarg -vi2c-force-polling after this test send log ioreg
  6. add ssdt xosi, add rename osid to xsid and rename _osi to xosi, add kext https://github.com/acidanthera/BrightnessKeys use ssdt pnlf without rename gfx0 to igpu, use ssdt ec, plug. not use dsdt. and you have i2c trakpad, i2c1 - tpd1 add kext i2c and i2c hid put in this order : add bootarg -wegnoegpu if you have dgpu
  7. @Maxd13 use my efi on the github but change the kext usb port, you have to use yours since you have an extra internal usb port which is the touchscreen. or look on hackintool that usb HS port is and correct the kext on my repo github. so I make it compatible with touchscreen models. I suppose HS08?
  8. @juico excellent result, but still to fix something. @Jazzoo send a log dmesg for AlpsHID and ioreg
  9. @davidfrei7as add this bootargs igfxagdc=0 reboot and test hdmi display i see your efi, is very BAD you have too many ssdt, I don't think you need them all. you have to use essential patches to rule out problems
  10. send a ioreg log and acpi origin or sysreport
  11. @adam sallimou please try this join in this chat for devs support https://gitter.im/AlpsT4USB-TEST-Room/community kext https://github.com/blankmac/AlpsHID/releases/download/v1.0/AlpsHID.zip in this order and if work touchpad and 2 button, send a ioreg log
  12. https://github.com/Lorys89/DELL_LATITUDE_7280 read my repo, unlock the cfg and modify the dvmt value, see patch igpu and other
  13. @djuby change the igpu patch, your ig platform id is bad the dell xps 9500 all have sleep problems, so i don't know if it can fix that.
  14. to me work the 2 buttons under the touchpad downloaded from my repo dell 7280 the kext Alpst4usb and i2c hid, are the beta version before the release of the kext that will be called AlpsHID https://github.com/blankmac/AlpsHID with that version go the buttons and trackpoints
  15. @Maxd13 send ioreg log and then I fix the touchscreen @Maxd13 change this ssdt from acpi folder and reboot
  16. @Maxd13 use this efi https://github.com/Lorys89/Lorys89/raw/main/FILE - TEST/EFI latitude 7280 wifi broadcoam.zip @Maxd13 does efi work for you? keep me update. Thank you. Lorys.
  17. i have some laptop latitude 7280, see the link and use this efi if you have broadcom wifi https://github.com/Lorys89/DELL_LATITUDE_7280 or @Maxd13 try this efi for intel wifi https://github.com/Lorys89/Lorys89/raw/main/FILE - TEST/EFI latitude 7280 intel wifi.zip
  18. use 3 finger to Dragging items @ICEGalaxy try this efi https://github.com/Lorys89/Lorys89/raw/main/FILE - TEST/EFI.zip
  19. @ICEGalaxy the gesture work use this kext: the order in config is this: use only for vodoops2 the plugin keyboard, not use plugin mouse, trakpad and input use only this ssdt: and use only this rename acpi:
  20. https://github.com/Lorys89/DELL_LATITUDE_7280 for Latitude 7280 try my efi work all unlock cfg and dvmt values before trying it for skl version change ig platform to igpu patch for wifi and bt if you use intel change the kext.
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