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Jake Lo's post in Latitude 5510: unable to boot macOS Sequoia was marked as the answer
Did you use your Sonoma EFI and update it with latest OC and kexts?
Jake Lo's post in Precision 7710: Enable Switchable Graphics Unchecked After Reboot was marked as the answer
You need switchable graphics enabled in the BIOS for the Intel graphics to work.
I think you can mod the BIOS like my Precision 7510.
Download my Precision 7510 ventura files. Inside the Boot folder is a folder call DVMT
Copy that whole folder into your Boot folder
Go to the your BIOS and create a boot option, point it to /EFI/Boot/DVMT/boot.efi, call it DVMT or whatever.
Reboot, select F12 and select this new boot option. It'll load the modified Grub
At the boot menu, select 1, this will enable the Intel Graphics and disable the Nvidia, change the DVMT pre-allocated to 96mb. With this you can disable these in the Config file
framebuffer-fbmem : 00009000
framebuffer-stolenmem : 00003001
After that, you should not have to keep re-enabling Switchable Graphics manually.
If you look in the grub.cfg file with textedit, you'll see it does work for both 7510 and 7710.
Jake Lo's post in [Solved] Dell Optiplex 7090 MT: USB ports not working (Ventura) was marked as the answer
You need to add USBToolBox.kext then UTBMap.kext. They go hand in hand.
Not sure you need to rename Eusb to EH01, EH02..etc
Jake Lo's post in Dell Latitude 7480 (Core i7-7600U): stuck trying to install Ventura was marked as the answer
replace the hynix drive, not supported
Jake Lo's post in Dualboot from same drive. How do i have 2 EFI Drives? was marked as the answer
Are the system running on 2 separate disks or partition?
If separate disks you can have an EFI partition per disk. Only thing is you'll need to hit F12 at boot so you can select the different EFI to boot from and then select the MacOS version.
You probably can add each to the Boot option in the BIOS and give it a customized name.
According to the title, you're running from 1 disk, you can boot with the same EFI set for Ventura, should be backward compatible.
Jake Lo's post in [Solved] Dell Latitude 5590: problem with touchpad buttons in Ventura was marked as the answer
According to the config, AlpsHID.kext is disabled. Try enabling it. Seems to work for some with similar hardware.
Jake Lo's post in Dell E7440: macOS Ventura won't boot after changing SIP was marked as the answer
no, you need to leave it in if you want to use MBP11,4 as smbios
Note: Machines running macOS Ventura or systems with non-Metal GPUs cannot enable SIP outright, due to having a patched root volume. Enabling will brick the installation. This is found in Dortania's guide for OCLP
Jake Lo's post in Dell Latitude E7240: how to install macOS Monterey and higher? was marked as the answer
Give my files a try here
Jake Lo's post in E7470 doesn't recognize usb hdds and pendrives after update to monterey was marked as the answer
Can't tell if you have Intel or Broadcom wifi / BT since you have both enabled. My files are only for Broadcom, so you'll have to make some changes.
you also have I2C kexts enabled, this system doesn't have I2C touchpad, so not sure why you have them added unless it has an I2C touchscreen...
SSDT-E7470.aml includes all those SSDT* patches already, so you can remove the rest.
why would you enable SSDT-DisableNVMe.aml? I assume your hdd is SATA SSD? then you don't need NVMeFix.kext
why would you have both RealtekCardReader.kext and Sinetek-rtsx.kext enabled? they both does the same thing although RealtekCardReader.kext might be faster
try my OC 0.7.9 files
Jake Lo's post in [Solved] E7240: bootloop after upgrading Monterey to 12.2.1 was marked as the answer
Found the mistake. Left out the executablepath for BlueToolFixup
Bootpack re uploaded with the fix
Odd that it works on 12.0.1
Jake Lo's post in E7270 USB installer was marked as the answer
sorry, I have not use Clover for a long time, so can't give you more clues.
You can try my OpenCore guide here if you like
Jake Lo's post in E7470 - Where to start? was marked as the answer
you can try my guide
It'll support Monterey
Jake Lo's post in [SOLVED] E5550: Big Sur OC - HDMI Audio not working was marked as the answer
here you go
Jake Lo's post in Dell E7440: not booting after upgrading to Monterey was marked as the answer
If you are still running BS, then enable bluetoothInjector. Just set the MaxKernel to 20.9.9 so it won't load on Monterey which causes hang.
And add BlueToolFixup.kext to load BT for Monterey, but set MinKernel to 21.0.0 so it'll only load for Monterey and up.
Even with BlueToolFixup.kext, BT may or may not work. Still in development.
Jake Lo's post in [Solved] Latitude 5480: Alps Trackpad in Monterey was marked as the answer
Try this one, set SecureBootModel to Disabled if it doesn't boot
Latitude 5480 HD520 OC_0.7.5.zip
Jake Lo's post in Optiplex 5040 SFF - Big Sur 11.1: 2 monitors DP+HDMI fail was marked as the answer
Following the link from Hervé and making the changes, I was able to get 3 displays working as well on my 7040 and no issue with turning on and off monitors.
Give this a try
Jake Lo's post in NUC6i3SYK: How can I enable the front USB ports (Big Sur) was marked as the answer
Try disabling XhciPortLimit in Config file and then use Hackintool again
Jake Lo's post in [SOLVED] OpenCore GUI not showing was marked as the answer
You need to enable OpenCanopy.efi under UEFI/drivers and
EnableVectorAcceleration enabled under UEFI/quirks
Jake Lo's post in Latitude 5590: Problems with BigSur was marked as the answer
Give this bootpack a try
Pick the Config for your system depending on wireless device (Intel or Broadcom)
Jake Lo's post in Latitude E7270 Complete OpenCore EFI for Big Sur needed was marked as the answer
Use files from here, but you'll need to make some edits for the Intel Wifi in the Config and add Intel kexts
Jake Lo's post in Dell Latitude 7480: microphone not working in Big Sur was marked as the answer
Try switching layoutid for ALC256 to
13, 14, 16, 21, or 56
Jake Lo's post in [Solved] M6800: trackpad no longer works was marked as the answer
try disabling SMCDellSensors.kext. It has known to disable touchpad on some Dell system
If still failed, try replacing with this kext
Jake Lo's post in Latitude E7250 - screen flashing white was marked as the answer
Sounds like it might be a loose video cable or LCD is going out.
Jake Lo's post in [Solved] Latitude 5580: trackpad from Catalina to Big Sur was marked as the answer
The kext ordering for IC2 is not correct. Move VoodooI2C down between voodooIput and VoodooI2CHID, that should fix it.
As for booting order, try setting the order in the BIOS boot Option. Move Windows Boot Manager to the top, above OPENCORE.