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iMick last won the day on December 16 2015

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    the Netherlands

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Master Sergeant (9/17)



  1. Is has been fixed. Thank you for reporting.
  2. Thanks for reporting. There was a leak in a WordPress plugin (fancybox) we were using on our main site. It is all solved now and it is totally safe again to visit our site. It can take 12 to 24 hours until we are fully removed from the Google Safe Search mechanism.
  3. Nice work Dinesh! Can you also make it show as 'built-in' bluetooth? Or is that impossible with an USB Bluetooth adapter. Nevermind; made some edits to your Bluetooth kext and now it shows as Built In (screenshot). However still no Handoff in Yosemite.
  4. Thanks for reporting! First problem fixed with the menu, on smaller screens. The other problem can take some more time, but will be fixed soon!
  5. In your case there is nothing downloaded from SVN, so it won't find the files we use. Can you download our installer again and run it. Please copy the 'installer log' here.
  6. This isn't an ISP / internet problem . It means that our 'helper' application can't find the location of the script; edptool.command. Would you please download our EDP installer again and install EDP again. We have updated some things on SVN which need the new installer. If it still doesn't work with the new installer, please upload a screenshot of /Extra.
  7. Hi Bert, Your English is okay . We can understand it. Have you installed OS X with myHack? Try booting -v -f to renew the caches. It should be able to run OS X on your system. For your 4870 you can use an Exotic patch from Netkas. You will find enough about it on Google. For Audio you can use VoodooHDA.
  8. There are a lot more things. Also you need to make sure that your ethernet (not wifi!) is the first in the list!
  9. No. You will need a Chameleon module, called FileNVRAM.dylib. Also make sure you have EthernetBuiltIn inside your boot.plist!
  10. You can change your org.chameleon.boot.plist with Chameleon Wizard for example. There you can change the boot resolution.
  11. Nice that you managed to get it working! We are aware that EDP used a 32 bit flag for some models. It has been solved now. https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/5589-edp-mavericks/
  12. Nope, myHack 3.3 won't solve this. It sucks that the original tester of this system isn't active anymore. I know you from Hackintosh.nl . The thing you should try is using an different VoodooHDA version inside EDP, or another one you download.
  13. Thanks for reporting. It's changed now.
  14. iMick


    Welcome on our forum! As you could see, we are working on our systems . I hope we can help you.
  15. Thanks for reporting. Everything should be fixed now! As Bronx says, you can save the page as webarchive. (in Safari).
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