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Posts posted by Hervé

  1. That set of kexts looks Ok.


    The only thing I can think of is that you're using Lion 10.7.5 directly, not a previous release like 10.7 or 10.7.2. I have no personal experience on installing 10.7.5 directly on a D830, just with 10.7.2 which I then updated to 10.7.5 (this worked Ok). However, I have seen several people experiencing difficulties installing Lion versions greater than 10.7.3. Or maybe it's not a full retail version. I did not even know Apple offered Lion 10.7.5 as a downloadable version; well I certainly haven't seen Lion available for download for quite some time...


    I'd advise you to try installing a different version of Lion, but I guess you probably don't have that.


    Let me check which kexts is used for SATA controller and we can check if it's there or loads on your system.

  2. I'm on my D620 nVidia NV110m right now, a system extremely similar to the D820 and I'm running Cham v2.2 r2170, so these recent versions are Ok with nVidia card. In the boot plist, you should have GraphicsEnabler activated and, possibly, some long chain in Device Properties at the bottom.


    Assuming things look Ok at the moment, take a backup of your /Extra folder somewhere before running EDP. You would then be able to restore current Chameleon boot plist, SMBIOS plist or DSDT, in case something went wrong...


    You could also try to simply update Chameleon through dropbox to rule in/out Cham version.

  3. Mmm, could be a Chameleon version issue, it may not support the NVS110m. Can you try and re-install an older Chameleon, say v2.1 v1791 (that used to be provided by EDP)? Check for FileNVRAM in /Extra/modules and move if present before rebooting.


    I'll check the latest Cham version on my D620 nVidia (NVS110m) tonight and report back, but I think I already upgraded to Cham v2169 or thereabout...

  4. Some custom BIOSes caused problems. I don't know about the D520, I don't own one; so, as explained in the thread, try it/use it at your own risk... Just be prepared. Anyway, this is not the place to discuss BIOS updates or Windows. This is a thread about Lion on D520.

  5. With BootCD/ModCD, there really is no need for a bastardised installation... It's totally straightforward, indeed incomplete in terms of installation, but sufficent to install myHack and create the targeted USB Vanilla installer.


    For SL, you can either:

    1) install SL 10.6.3, install EDP & run kext installation, install 10.6.8 combo update and re-run EDP kext installation before reboot


    2) install SL 10.6.3, install 10.6.8 combo update, install EDP & run kext installation


    For ML, it's pretty much the same, but there's no need to re-run EDP kext installation after update to 10.8.2 if you've installed the kexts already.

    • Like 1
  6. Hi and Bienvenue!


    It's no secret that SL was/is an excellent version of OS X in terms of performance. Apple certainly did optimize their code on that one. SL really flies on the Latitude D Series, especially when compared to Lion or ML.


    Re: Xcode installation, unfortunately, your error message is pretty vague: "unknown errors"... Did you check the logs, just in case?


    Create a post in the support section if you need more help.

  7. Mmm, well, not all custom BIOS were successful, so careful... If you don't have an operational Win install, create a recovery USB key with a basic DOS bootable installation like Unetbootin. Then simply copy the downloadable exec from Dell on it and run it. That'll update your BIOS.


    If I were you I'd stick to standard/regular BIOS A08 and use regular DSDT file.


    Re: .hdr extraction, a little home work will suffice. I'd even expect you to find the magic trick in less than a minute... ;)

  8. BIOS A08 for the D520 is an official Dell update, available from the Dell web site. Have a look at it (support section) for details of what it brings compared to previous versions but you shouldn't expect any negative impact on your existing XP installation. Re .hdr file, that can be extracted from the downloadable BIOS archive (tools are available from the web), but if you have XP, why use a linux bios upgrade tool???


    Re: OS X installation, read-up the EDP pages & documentation that explain the whole procedure in details. You'll probably try and fail but learn along the way.

  9. Small update with progress to date...



    • MyHack (& ModCD/ModUSB) installation of SL 10.6.3 + combo update to 10.6.8
    • IDE & SATA controller (with IOATAFamily kext containing ICH5-capable AppleIntelPIIXATA plugin)
    • audio (with AppleAudioAC97 kext)
    • 32 & 64bit kernel mode with ModCD/ModUSB installation
    • various legacy kernels (from Darwin 10.4.0 to 10.8.0 v2)
    • full CPUs detection (2 CPUs, 2 threads if/with 2nd CPU + Hyperthreading are enabled in BIOS)
    • native CPU power management (no NullCPUPowerManagement kext)
    • restart & shutdown


    Not working:

    • audio in 64bit kernel mode (would-be 64bit AC'97 kext does not appear to work in 64bit kernel mode)
    • built-in Adaptec AIC-7901 Ultra320 SCSI adapter is not recognised/detected at all (haven't found a kext for it)
    • nVidia FX1400 support (I can only force resolution through Cham boot plist, no acceleration or FrameBuffer support)

    With myHack installation, the Precision 670 does not appear to support NullCPUPowerManagement + PState kexts (it accepts default NullCPUPowerManagement with ModCD installation though). NullCPUPowerManagement resets the computer during startup and causes boot loop and PState will render it unbootable. This could be due to the fact that the Xeon Irwindale CPUs are of an unsupported/unknown type for Chameleon, I'm not sure.


    Keeping this in mind, updating from 10.6.3 to 10.6.8 works OOB.


    For some reason, I cannot get the nVidia Quadro FX1400 to work properly. I've used a Chameleon bootloader that supports the card and I've patched the GeForce + NVdaNV40Hal + NVdaResMan kexts to include the card device id (0x00ce), but that remains unsuccessful. More work to be done on that, or that card will have to go (well, I have a spare ATI Radeon Pro X1300 that I now know to be fully supported in SL).


    I more or less achieve identical results installing through Nawcom's ModCD/ModUSB or myHack + Generic /Extra. I can update both installations to 10.6.8 without issue but, contrary to its ModCD/ModUSB's counterpart, the myHack installation cannot boot in 64bit kernel mode for some unknown reason.

  10. There's a quicker way. Check what's reported in System Preferences (Apple Menu -> About this Mac -> More info/System report). In hardware section, you'll see a PCI item. Your wireless card should be listed there with details of Vendor id and Device Id. Intel Vendor id is 0x8086, so if you have that, you need to change your card since Intel cards are not supported by Mac OS X.


    The DW1490, DW1390 or DW1395 (the latter requiring a kext) are possible replacements. All those are 54Mbps cards (802.11g). You can also opt for 300Mbps card (802.11n).

  11. Well, to start with, there is no ML bootpack for the D630 GMA, so you have to make your own from the other ones. But it's perfectly do-able.


    Now, I can't repeat this enough, there is really no point in installing ML on this D630. I've done it myself and I can confirm that it will boot Ok and well (I still have the installation on a HDD), but with default CPU-handled graphics since there are no kexts to load. The machine appears quite usable until graphics acceleration has to be called. At that point, it all becomes very painful: web browsing can be next to unusable, no video/graphics animation can be viewed (eg: flashplayer won't install) and you can get severe graphics disruption on screen with degraded system performance as the CPU can't handle the load. Even something as basic as moving the mouse over a window slider bar causes artefacts...


    So, again, there's absolutely no point in wasting time installing ML on the D630 GMA. It's nearly as unusable as Win XP on a Pentium 233Mhz with 64Mo EDO RAM)...

  12. Which version of Chameleon is that D520 now running? Did you try to re-install EDP's older version (v2.1 r1791 if memory serves me right...)? Make sure the NVRAM module is out before reboot.

  13. Which version of SL are you installing? What did you choose when running EDP? I'd opt for "my own settings" and select patched AppleHDA for audio. I'm also a bit surprised by your VoodooHDA version (2.7.2) because I believe EDP installs a much more recent version...


    install the following EDP kexts:

    - VoodooPS2 controller

    - nullCPUPowerManagement

    - sleep enabler

    - TSCsync

    - patched STAC9205 for D630

    - Voodoo battery


    Your system KPs with VoodooHDA 2.7.2, so that kext needs to be replaced.

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