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Posts posted by Hervé

  1. Ok, good, that's exactly what I experienced the other day. It's totally consistent and the black parts on the external screen are due to the widescreen ratio that is being maintained across both displays. You should still be able to select 1440x900 on the built-in LCD and another resolution on the external display; it'll then adjust with bars accordingly.

    Now, coming back to the issue you reported in extended mode, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that I can 100% reproduce the problem with my D620 GMA low res; the bad news is that there is indeed a problem!

    I hooked my D620 (GMA950) to a 19" 4:3 1280x1024 external LCD and booted SL 10.6.8. Internal display was @1280x800 as usual and external screen got automatically set by default @1152x864 (75Hz). No problem, external display looking nice enough.
    D620_LCD_1280x800.jpg Extended_1152x864.jpg

    I then started to play with higher resolutions.
    1) @1280x768 (60Hz), no problem, but graphics and text are a bit distorted/squeezed horizontally due to resolution. Not nice at all (doesn't show on screencopy).

    2) @1280x960 (60Hz), no problem. Graphics and text look very much like @1152x864, there is just a bit more space available on the screen.

    3) @1280x1024 (60Hz/75Hz), I too get the graphics corruption at the bottom. The issue is bad enough to even temporarily affect screen contents during moves.
    Extended_1280x1024_garbled.jpg Extended_1280x1024_garbled04.jpg Extended_1280x1024_garbled01.jpg Extended_1280x1024_garbled02.jpg Extended_1280x1024_garbled03.jpg

    Conclusion: stick to 1152x864 or 1280x960!

  2. There are 2 LCD models for these laptops:

    1) lo. res.: WSXGA (1280x800)

    2) hi. res.: WSXGA+ (1440x900)


    By default, Mac OS X uses the highest res. supported by the display, so if you're not getting better than 1280x800, you're on a low res. model. You can confirm that through the BIOS system page where you'll see information about the laptop's hardware.


    You can only improve that by changing/swapping LCD (incl. inverter + cable, not just the glass panel) or by attaching a higher res. external display. dry.gif

  3. Well, you plug your adapter in a USB port, the laptop sees it and reports what it reads out of the device. That's all.


    It's not activated, not usable because you need to install & load a kext (=a driver) for that new hardware, if such a kext exists (Google might be your friend). Once this is done, go to Network Preferences and you should get a popup message advising you that new hardware has been detected.


    At the bottom of the listed hardware, just above the lock, there are '+' and '-' clickable buttons. Click on '+', then open up the list of available network interfaces and select your newly installed equipment.

  4. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds that you just want your laptop LCD to turn off/turn on (i.e. display sleep) when lid is closed/re-opened, right? Or do you just want to close the lid without anything happening at all, i.e. no display sleep, no computer sleep?


    Whatever it is, it differs from initial design, which is to sleep the computer when lid is closed. So you use 3rd party software (InsomniaX/Caffeine/Sleepless) to try and reach your goal. I don't know how it's done, but I guess those software somehow intercept the call for the code that puts computer to sleep. From your description, it also appears that those software do not put the display to sleep and that you have to use hot corner to do that, right? Or does closing the lid, with those software enabled, still put display to sleep but opening the lid failing to wake it?


    I'm failing to comprehend how a DSDT edit would help you here.


    I recently played around with hot corners on all my Latitudes. Works great, I can either put display to sleep or launch screensaver. With display sleep, I do not have to return to the specific hot corner to wake display, I simply press a key or move the mouse.


    If that does not work anymore once your 3rd party software is installed, I'd say the problem comes from them. Don't you agree?

  5. Hi, it's very simple: Intel cards are not (usually/longer) supported by Mac OS X, so you'll have to take that card out.


    Replace it with a supported model:

    - 'G' (54Mbps) Broadcom-based (BCM4311/4312) cards such as Dell DW1390, DW1395, DW1490, etc.

    - 'N' (270-300Mbps) Broadcom-based (BCM4321/4322/94321/94322) cards such as Dell MX846 (DW1505?), etc.

    - non Dell-branded (eg: HP, Asus, Apple) but nevertheless Broadcom-based cards

    - some Atheros cards (but I'm not familiar with those devices)


    You need a full-size mini PCIe card, not a half-size one (at least not without an adapter).

  6. I have the same (good) behaviour whether I use a BT350 or a BT360 adapter, so I rule out hardware/model-related issue.


    In your System Profiler, can you check your extensions for IO80211.kext? Which version does it show? I expect 1111, i.e. myHack. Provided you've run myFix (full) after that you copied "my" kext to /E/E, I would expect to find no 80211Family plugins (or empty plugins folder) in /S/L/E/myHack.kext.


    Can you check that out to establish if the "new" kext is indeed loaded?

    2) open contents of myHack.kext and check plugins folder

    2) you should find IO80211Family.kext

    3) open that kext and check its plugins folder -> should be empty

    4) open the version.plist file -> should show v3.1.2


    You say your firmware at v4315 is higher than mine. Not exactly... After my tests, I said:

    - BT350 adapters -> firmware v2422

    - BT360 adapters -> firmware v4315

    so everything certainly looks Ok to me on that matter.


    I attach copy of the reported specs of the BT360 adapter as fitted to my D630 X3100 running Lion 10.7.5. You'll see that hardware is identical and software is different, presumably due to different versions of OS X.


  7. It's probably worth checking the version of your IO80211Family kext; the issue may be there...

    I have no conflict whatsoever on any of my D630s:
    - D630 nVidia 135m + DW1395 (with IO80211 kext v3.1.2) + BT350/BT360 -> All Ok under SL/Lion/ML
    - D630s X3100 + DW1390 + BT350/BT360 -> all Ok under Lion

    BT services resume after wake on all 3 laptops (after 30 to 40s with DW1395 wifi card).

  8. If the firmware on the adapter is of the supported version, I would suggest to look at the patched IO80211 kext.


    My D630 nVidia has DW1395 Wifi card and BT350 adapter (firmware v3.2422). BT works perfectly after wake.


    I swapped the adapter with a BT360 (firmware v3.4315) from another D630 and did some tests. I have patched IO80211Family.kext v3.1.2 in /E/E and its contains the following plugins:

    . AirPortAtheros21.kext, v4.2.4

    . AppleAirPortBrcm4311.kext, v4.2.3

    . AppleAirPortBrcm43224.kext, v4.2.6

    . IO80211NetBooter.kext, v1.0.1


    After a dozen sleep/wake tests through either close/open lid, or Fn-F2/On button, or AppleMenu->Suspend/On button, I can report that I did not experience a single issue. Wifi immediately resumes on wake and Bluetooth some 30-40s later. No subsequent Bluetooth failure/misbehaviour at all.


    EDIT: After 6hrs sleep, BT still resumes Ok on wake this morning.

  9. You may have an Intel wireless card and that is not supported. You would need a different brand such as Broadcom (highly recommended) or Atheros. There are 802.11g or 802.11n models available; it just depends on what you want or what your access point can support.


    Vendors like Dell, HP or many others rebrand Broadcom cards under their own name, but the hardware remains Broadcom.

  10. Ok, I've delete SL 10.6.8 and installed to Lion on my D620 GMA using current bootpack and re-tested things:

    Test 1: Initial pre-EDP retail 10.7.2 installation
    1) set display sleep to 1min and active corners to display sleep
    2) wait 1min -> display goes to sleep
    3) press a key or move mouse -> display wakes, screen normal
    4) move mouse to corner -> display goes to sleep
    5) press a key or move mouse -> display wakes, screen normal

    Test 2: 10.7.2 post-EDP v4 r65 installation & execution
    1) wait 1min -> display goes to sleep
    2) press a key or move mouse -> display wakes, screen normal
    3) move mouse to corner -> display goes to sleep
    4) press a key or move mouse -> display wakes, screen normal

    Test 3: 10.7.5 post-EDP v4 r65 installation & execution
    1) wait 1min -> display goes to sleep
    2) press a key or move mouse -> display wakes, screen normal
    3) move mouse to corner -> display goes to sleep
    4) press a key or move mouse -> display wakes, screen normal

    -> All kosher to me. No issues at all with display after display wake or even after computer wake, i.e. no apparent bug. I assume latest bootpack contains updated DSDT with Joe82's fix and that updating EDP to rev. 65 does apply this newest DSDT.

    Please note that:
    - my D620 runs BIOS A10
    - my BIOS settings are as per specified in dedicated thread
    - I opt for my own EDP kexts settings, not pre-defined settings:

    • VoodooPS2
    • NullCPU
    • SleepEnabler
    • SpeedStep
    • TSCSync
    • PatchedHDA (D620)
    • VoodooBattery

    - I also opt for Hibernation & touch /S/L/E fixes

  11. My mistake, I only registered "sleep", not "display sleep". So, did some tests again (without external display).


    1) waiting for the configured display sleep delay (setting it to 1min)

    2) using active corners


    On both cases, display goes to sleep as expected and wakes without issue as soon as I do something like move the mouse or press a key. Again, that was with SL 10.6.8 + EDP v4 r65.


    Off to install Lion now and retest.

  12. Hi guys, just to confirm that display mirroring + USB Wake are definitely supported on the D620 GMA now.


    I'm gonna modify the D620 nVidia DSDT to verify if USB Wake will also be supported. As Mario said, it's quite amazing to be able to keep on improving the support for these ageing machines! Hardly anything left to fix, except maybe the dark screen energy saving issue of the D620 nVidia...


    Thanks for your most valuable contribution Joe.

  13. EDIT 2: Post updated following thorough test with latest DSDT following Joe82's research and fixes. Display mirroring is now confirmed fully operational on the D620 GMA + USB Wake supported.

  14. Just made some tests on my D620 GMA with Mario standing by. Laptop was running fresh installation of SL 10.6.8 with the latest EDP (v4 r65) & downloaded boot pack DSDT.

    Tried mirroring on 2 different external displays:
    - a 19" standard screen LCD 1280x1024
    - a 20" widescreen LCD 1680x1050

    Here are my findings:

    D620 with following BIOS settings:
    . System password: set (mandatory or BSOD on wake)
    . Password bypass: reboot & resume Bypass
    . USB wake support: disabled or enabled (both tried)

    Test 1: D620 connected to 20" 1680x1050 screen
    1) screen extension and/or mirroring -> all Ok
    2) laptop to sleep with either Fn-Esc or Close lid or Apple menu -> Suspend -> all Ok (both screens shut off)
    3) laptop to wake with either On/Off button or Open lid -> LCD back on, external screen stays off. VGA cable has to be unplugged & replugged to get external video back (sometimes several times)

    Test 2: D620 connected to 19" 1280x1024 screen
    1) screen extension and/or mirroring -> all Ok
    2) laptop to sleep with either Fn-Esc or Close lid or Apple menu -> Suspend -> all Ok (both screens shut off)
    3) laptop to wake with either On/Off button or Open lid -> LCD back on, external screen stays off. VGA cable has to be unplugged & replugged to get external video back and freq set to highest (75Hz vs. 60Hz - screen stays dark @60Hz)

    I also noticed that external screen and built-in LCD can be set to resolution that differ between them. For instance, when screen resolution is 1280x800 on the built-in LCD and 1280x1024 on the external screen, the latter may not work at 60Hz but it will at 75Hz! So, there's definitely something about frequency & resolution here...

    Key point: no garbled screen, whether built-in LCD or external screen at no point. There does not seem to be a DSDT issue as far as I'm concerned here.

    The good points are that, on the D620 GMA:
    a. screen mirroring now works
    b. USB wake is now supported

    I'll try and retest with Lion 10.7.5 tomorrow.

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