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Posts posted by Hervé

  1. Hardware wise, you have everything to support Lion on that D620 (provided your Wireless card is not Intel). You did not say which graphics you have (Intel GMA or nVidia Quadro) but I'll assume that you chose the right bootpack.


    This being said, I believe myHack (and or other installers) only supports retail versions of OS X, not the kind of recovery version you made, hence the "Mac OS version not found" error message.


    There's good information here:



    "[...] a bootable installer drive has advantages over Lion Recovery. For starters, Lion Recovery doesn't include the full Lion installer, it requires you to download nearly 4GB of data before you can reinstall Lion, whereas a bootable installer drive contains the entire Lion installer [...]"

    I'd say you extracted the Lion Recovery version which is missing the Lion installer files. And you need those!

  2. Hi, it would help to know the hardware specifications + BIOS settings of your system... dry.gif


    Is that a laptop or a desktop? Then who knows how you installed ML (other than with multifail)? I mean what kexts did you install, what bootloader, etc ?

  3. Inspiron6000.JPG
    Well, I've been adamant I'd get SL on that old thing.
    The specs:

    • Intel Dothan Pentium M 745 1.8GHz FSB400 CPU (overclocked to 2.4GHz/FSB533 through FSB pin mod + VID4 volt mod)
    • 2GB DDR2-533 RAM (the max. supported)
    • Intel 915GM chipset
    • Intel GMA900 graphics controller
    • 15.4" WXGA (1280x800) LCD
    • Intel ICH6-M SATA controller with P-ATA/IDE HDD
    • 5400rpm 160GB IDE HDD
    • Ricoh R5C822 SD Card Reader
    • Broadcom BCM440x 10/100Base-T FastEthernet
    • Dell DW1470 (broadcom-based) mini-PCI wireless
    • Dell 350 Bluetooth adapter
    • Sigmatel STAC9751 AC'97 audio

    This old laptop has been running Leopard 10.5.8 without a hiccup other than the occasional tiny graphics artifact since 2010: wifi, SD card, full QE/CI, screen extension tested up to 1920x1280 on my 40" TV, sound, etc.; all work.

    Different story with SL. I've always had trouble accessing the HDD when trying to install SL, whether with Nawcom's ModCD or with myHack. It's seen, but can't be accessed properly. 'tried various IOATAFamily kexts or AppleIntelPIIXATA kexts, no luck so far. I always have to format the disk on another Hack and installation freezes immediately when HDD is to be written (at scrolling blue/white bar).

    So I recently thought to try and do an installation off a D6x0 and simply port the HDD to the Inspiron. I first installed off my D630 nVidia (basic myHack installation, no EDP follow-up) and was able to boot SL 10.6.3 onto the Inspiron with the help of my own-made/partially patched DSDT table and legacy kernel 10.3.0. I was only getting basic graphics, but the rest appeared to work Ok. I was able to update to 10.6.7 and replace legacy kernel by 10.7.0 version. The laptop worked exactly the same afterwards, except for USB ports which were non-responsive. USB kexts had to be replaced by 10.6.3 versions to recover. I gradually started to add kexts to get Wireless, SpeedStep, Keyboard, etc. working. I got as far as I could, but could never get full graphics support like under Leopard.

    Dinesh prepared a new, much more tuned-up DSDT table which I started to use. Regarding graphics, I noticed that the GMA950 kext (as used in Leopard) were not loading, presumably due to blacklisting during installation on the D630 nVidia. No matter what I tried, it would no work.

    So I tried the same, but with an installation pre-made on a D620 GMA950. The difference this time is that it would not boot to completion and I would only get an empty gray screen at the very end, right when the desktop should appear.

    I then tried to replace all GMA + IntegratedBuffer kexts by those from my 10.5.8 installation. On reboot, I got to desktop with 1280x800 resolution, but no GMA950 or IntegratedFramebuffer kext appeared loaded. Ok, I had not done re-run myFix after replacing the kexts.

    Following re-run of myFix, right at the point where I should get the SL desktop screen, all I get is a blue background screen for a few seconds and the laptop does a reset. However, if I boot in safe mode, I get to the SL desktop Ok and the IntegratedFramebuffer kext is loaded. I don't appear to have full QE/CI (menu bar is not translucent) but I'm provided with a choice of screen resolution. It'll run stable for hours in that mode.

    It looks like I'm getting there, but I admit being lost as to why the laptop resets on completion of regular boot.

    If anyone has any ideas...

  4. Once you've created your myHack 10.8 installer, you need to re-run myHack again ans opt for the 'Create Extra' option. You will be asked to use a Generic bootpack or your own. Choose your own and point to the folder containing the bootpack you have previously downloaded.


    You then proceed with installation on your HDD booting off your newly created installer. At the end of the installation process, you'll again be asked for the /Extra folder and you should point to the folder off your installer.


    That's it.

  5. Guys, please create a thread for your specific model, try not to mix several machines in this E6400/E6500 post. Also do a search on the forum to check if your model has not already been discussed.


    As always, provide hardware specs of your system so that it can be evaluated:



    Storage media

    Graphics card/GPU


    Screen resolution






  6. We don't support iboot (chameleon, stolen and rebranded) here, that has its own site if you want to go that way.


    Your installation will clearly not go through without the boot pack or, at least, the appropriate DSDT table...


    I can only recommend that you use myHack/EDP method as it is 100% guaranteed to work on your laptop model, provided you have the compatible hardware (eg: no Intel Wifi...).


    Understood that you don't have access to a Mac/Hack, so do a temp legacy-kernel based SL installation with Nawcom's BootCD. You can then create the myHack installer and redo a full Vanilla installation.

  7. @Dantes: for the Nawcom's ModCD/ModUSB method:


    1) download ModCD or ModUSB off Nawcom's blog:

    ModCD -> http://nawcom.com/osx86/ModCD/

    ModUSB -> http://nawcom.com/osx86/ModUSB


    2a) ModCD is a small image that you burn on a CD/DVD that you can then boot to install Snow Leopard off a retail DVD or a USB key that contains the restored image of the retail SL media (unless that key is obtainable off Apple, you need access to a Mac to create it!).


    2b) ModUSB is a Mac package (so you need a Mac) that you install on a USB key that contains the restored image of retail SL, so that you can boot off that key directly, without the need of the ModCD.


    3) proceed with installation (based on legacy kernel) as usual, having hopefully copied the bootpack's DSDT table to /Extra on the USB key.


    However, if you have access to a friend's Mac, I can only encourage you to proceed with the myHack method directly. It's a much better way, a direct one too!

  8. Instead of using Lion.app, try and use the 'InstallESD.dmg' image found inside Lion.app.


    Afterwards, re-run myHack and select 'Create Extra' to copy the boot pack to your USB installer. When asked for the bootpack, select your own, not the generic one and point to your downloaded bootpack.


    Go into the BIOS to check your screen resolution, it's indicated in one of the 1st info pages. It's important to choose the right bootpack or you could get black screen issues.


    Then reboot off USB installer to proceed with Lion installation and add option 'USBBusFix=No' before or after your '-v' flag. Which version are you loading by the way?

  9. My mistake, the zipped file is too large for the forum...


    There's no need to replace those kexts to proceed with installation.


    To get to your 'InstallESD.dmg' image, you need to right click on your ML installer package and select 'Display package contents'. Then open 'Contents' folder and move to 'Shared Support'. That's were you'll find the correct image to use. Copy that image to your desktop for example and, when myHack 10.8 installer asks for the location of the installation source, point to the 'InstallESD' image on the Desktop so that it can be mounted.

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