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Posts posted by Hervé

  1. Hi guys, just to confirm that display mirroring + USB Wake are definitely supported on the D620 GMA now.


    I'm gonna modify the D620 nVidia DSDT to verify if USB Wake will also be supported. As Mario said, it's quite amazing to be able to keep on improving the support for these ageing machines! Hardly anything left to fix, except maybe the dark screen energy saving issue of the D620 nVidia...


    Thanks for your most valuable contribution Joe.

  2. EDIT 2: Post updated following thorough test with latest DSDT following Joe82's research and fixes. Display mirroring is now confirmed fully operational on the D620 GMA + USB Wake supported.

  3. Just made some tests on my D620 GMA with Mario standing by. Laptop was running fresh installation of SL 10.6.8 with the latest EDP (v4 r65) & downloaded boot pack DSDT.

    Tried mirroring on 2 different external displays:
    - a 19" standard screen LCD 1280x1024
    - a 20" widescreen LCD 1680x1050

    Here are my findings:

    D620 with following BIOS settings:
    . System password: set (mandatory or BSOD on wake)
    . Password bypass: reboot & resume Bypass
    . USB wake support: disabled or enabled (both tried)

    Test 1: D620 connected to 20" 1680x1050 screen
    1) screen extension and/or mirroring -> all Ok
    2) laptop to sleep with either Fn-Esc or Close lid or Apple menu -> Suspend -> all Ok (both screens shut off)
    3) laptop to wake with either On/Off button or Open lid -> LCD back on, external screen stays off. VGA cable has to be unplugged & replugged to get external video back (sometimes several times)

    Test 2: D620 connected to 19" 1280x1024 screen
    1) screen extension and/or mirroring -> all Ok
    2) laptop to sleep with either Fn-Esc or Close lid or Apple menu -> Suspend -> all Ok (both screens shut off)
    3) laptop to wake with either On/Off button or Open lid -> LCD back on, external screen stays off. VGA cable has to be unplugged & replugged to get external video back and freq set to highest (75Hz vs. 60Hz - screen stays dark @60Hz)

    I also noticed that external screen and built-in LCD can be set to resolution that differ between them. For instance, when screen resolution is 1280x800 on the built-in LCD and 1280x1024 on the external screen, the latter may not work at 60Hz but it will at 75Hz! So, there's definitely something about frequency & resolution here...

    Key point: no garbled screen, whether built-in LCD or external screen at no point. There does not seem to be a DSDT issue as far as I'm concerned here.

    The good points are that, on the D620 GMA:
    a. screen mirroring now works
    b. USB wake is now supported

    I'll try and retest with Lion 10.7.5 tomorrow.

  4. If you wanted to keep similar settings, you'd obviously have to change the CPU-specific elements such as ratio (in boot plist) and clockings (in smbios plist) so that they match your CPU specs (see Intel web site for those). Check your RAM speed too and adjust if necessary.


    All these are "normally" properly detected at OS X installation, except RAM speed on occasion.

    • Like 1
  5. When you install the EDP kexts, opt for your own settings, not the default ones and go through the options. For audio, try the patched AppleHDA kext that is listed for the D620. I'll have to have a look at my own settings later on, can't remember what they are right now...



  6. Ha, the West. I studied a year in Bishopstown area, that's sufficient to pinpoint where...


    Good that you met success on that D630. To answer your points:

    1) BT will only work if the adapter's radio was enabled within Windows, BT blue LED being lit permanently. Otherwise, the adapter's ROM/radio is disabled and you cannot activate it from Mac OS, not even from the laptop's BIOS.


    2) Correct, the D630 nVidia is fitted with a Quadro NVS 135m (or 140m). When you ran EDP, the DSDT file was replaced and the new one refers to the 8400M as opposed to the NVS 135m, but I believe that is just cosmetic. What you can do is replace your current DSDT file by the file from the bootpack and your Hackintosh will report the right model. That's what I did on my D630 and look:



    I don't know about chimera (chameleon, stolen and rebranded), but you can change the look of Chameleon too. If you install Chameleon Wizard, you'll see the various themes available:



    No problem installing Win7 for dual boot on a GUID partitioned HDD. My disk is setup just that way. Win7 will install on a 2nd partition, reformatting it NTFS. Win7 will overwrite the Chameleon bootloader so you won't see it any more and you'll no longer be able to boot OS X directly. To fix this, simply reboot off your USB installer (since it has Chameleon bootloader), press [ENTER] at the delay bar and select your hard drive OS X installation. Once booted in OS X, just re-install Chameleon on your HDD. That's it. At subsequent reboot, Chameleon will autoboot OS X, unless it's interrupted to boot Win7.

    • Like 1
  7. Downloads of combo updates are recommended over updates via the Apple-menu facility. The reason is you often have to re-run EDP kext install before reboot upon update installation as some are overwritten during the update, rendering your Hackintosh potentially unbootable. The Apple-menu software update does not let you do that.


    There are exceptions naturally, where updates can be done straight through: 10.7.4 -> 10.7.5 or 10.8 -> 10.8.1 -> 10.8.2 for instances.


    But updating from 10.7.3 to 10.7.4 required to re-run EDP. Same with updates to SL 10.6.8.

  8. There are ways, you would find several methods with a little Google help...


    A D430 will run Snow Leopard and Lion, the former performing better on that small machine in my opinion. Now, in the case of Snow Leopard, you can use Nawcom's ModCD to install a retail version of SL. It's an ISO image that you download off Nawcom's blog (or other dedicated spaces like OSX86.net) and that you burn to CD to get a bootable SL installer package.


    By default, ModCD uses a legacy kernel, but it nevertheless gets you to a Snow Leopard installation. That can be kept and fine-tuned with our EDP tool or considered as a temporary base from which you then create a myHack installer to get the OSXL-supported full vanilla (mach kernel) installation, whether SL or Lion.


    So, in summary, Nawcom's ModCD + retail Snow Leopard (DVD or USB key) will get you going/started.

  9. Well, I managed to make good progress thanks to the advice and support of Dinesh + Mario. Thanks guys.

    The biggest challenge was getting the Video/Graphics to work properly and with acceleration. That was kind of achieved by pretending GMA900 to be GMA950 but quite buggy (most notably the top menu bar) ... dry.gif

    Added Voodoo Battery + SpeedStep emulator + Wireless + Bluetooth + Audio as well. All Ok and sleep even works natively (no SleepEnabler, BT + Wireless resume on wake + wake on USB supported)! :rolleyes: SD card reader to be tried.

    It shuts down Ok, but does not restart... huh.gif

    I now need to finalise settings to EDP standards and attempt updates to 10.6.7 and 10.6.8. Updating to 10.6.7 should nearly be a straight thing but I already know that I'll have to revert to 10.6.3 USB kexts to get the ports back. I'll probably wait for the EDP validation (if any) before attempting 10.6.8.

  10. If you booted post a ModCD installation (which would explain your black screen), copy the entire bootpack contents to /Extra, overwriting anything that might exists. You should then be able to reboot Ok.


    Let's see how that goes.


    From there, you have 2 options:

    1) install EDP & run it, install combo update and re-run EDP, then boot the mach kernel instead of the legacy one.

    2) redo your myHack USB installer and start afresh.

  11. You should also find info about your laptop's hardware in the BIOS settings.


    Your CPU is good. You'll have to confirm chipset (should be visible in the BIOS)


    Your Graphics card appears supported:



    Your Sound card (IDT 92HD73C) should be Ok:




    You'll need to replace your Intel wireless card as it will not be supported.


    For the bootloader, try and re-install whatever you've used or Chameleon (if that is possible off a multifail installation).

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