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Posts posted by Hervé

  1. No, there's no such method that we support here. Bear in mind that you need a (legit') retail version to succeed with an installation. If you're looking for an "easy" way to install OS X, that does not require an existing Mac or Hackintosh to create the installer, then turn to ModCD + Retail Snow Leopard to start with. Afterwards, the world is your oyster...

  2. You did not do your search properly...


    I've just placed the DSDT.aml file out of the 4300 bootpack on my desktop and double clicked on it. ChamWizard created a DSDT.dsl file on my desktop and I opened it up with TextEdit. On searching for "NVDA" string a few times (you must not stop at 1st match), I found that particular section towards the end of the "Device (AGP)" section. It's just about mid-way down the table.

  3. Just so that there is no confusion, are you talking about battery slice as illustrated below?

    dell_battery_slice.jpg dell_battery_slice_02.jpg


    If that's the case, I see no reason why it would not. After all, Latitude D6xx run OS X ok when connected to a docking station and so do attached devices (screen, keyboard, mouse, USB devices, etc) + power block.


    I would not expect any need for dedicated kexts...

  4. Hi guys, those of you on D620 GMA950 HiRes (1440x900), could you check whether you use the LoRes (1280x900) DSDT or HiRes DSDT? There's no easy way to check the version except decompiling the table to DSL file (via ChamWizard for example) and checking it out in a text editor (look for "Width" and/or "Height" parameters in Hex -> 0xA0 0x05 and 0x84 0x03 respectively for Hi Res, 0xB0 0x04 and 0x20 0x03 respectively for LoRes).


    I say this because there is only one D620 GMA950 bootpack wich contains both DSDT tables and, by default, the LoRes table is installed as /Extra/DSDT.aml. You have to go to model specific subdirectory of /Extra to find the HiRes DSDT.


    Maybe the root cause of the problem is simply the wrong DSDT. I could not reproduce the problem with my D620 GMA950, but it's a LoRes model...

  5. Hi and welcome.


    The D630 is one of the easiest platform to turn into a Hackintosh. You'll find all you need on the Web site's pages, not just the forum. Start at the EDP pages where you will find documentation, procedure, bootpacks (you'll need to choose the right one), compatibility table, etc. Then you can read-up the D6xx pages of the forum.


    You'll find that Snow Leopard runs exceedingly well and exceedingly fast on a D630. Just remember that Intel wireless cards are incompatible with Mac OS X and that, to date, there's no solution to get PCMCIA port working well along all the other hardware. For the rest, it's 100% operational.


    Note that our recommended installer creation solution (i.e. myHack © by Conti) works only with retail versions of Mac OS X. Anything else will fail as only retail versions have all the files required for installation from scratch.


    Have a go and let us know how it went.

    • Like 1
  6. To all of you who got stuck at:

              ACPI: System State [s0 S3 S4 S5]

              [ PCI Configuration begin ]


    please download new D830 boot pack. The ACPIPlatform kext might have been missing from the boot pack, resulting in above state/issue.


    The boot packs certainly are Ok now. If one of you could try again, that'd be great. Thanks.

  7. Was that after a straight update to 10.8.2?


    There is a ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin.kext as a plugin inside /S/L/E/IOPlatformPluginFamily.kext on my D630 under 10.8.2. I need to check if it's loaded or not, but if it is the case with 10.8.1 (something you can check), maybe you could try to port that onto 10.8.2. You never know...


    Of course, I'd take a full backup of /S/L/E + /Extra before the update.

  8. 'glad you found this site of assistance.


    The D630 nVidia is indeed a great C2D platform to run ML. My own one has an ultra crisp LCD with WSXGA+ resolution + SSD drive which makes for a superb oldish laptop to run Mac OS X (Ok, I'm a great fan of 13"-14" size laptops). I might replace my 11g wifi card by a 11n model to get improved internal network performance, especially with my Win-based server.


    Enjoy your latest Hackintosh!

  9. Ok, we found that a kext had gone missing from the bootpack. it's been corrected. Re-download and re-apply the bootpack (re-run myHack -> install /Extra) and all will be in order, although it looks like you got there with that other /Extra folder which had the required kext!

  10. Because the bootpack is what it's called: a boot package. It's the basic stuff required to boot and get started (DSDT table + mandatory kexts and modules). It does not contain all the additional EDP stuff or whatever a user may add post-installation (eg: Chameleon themes) in /Extra.

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