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Everything posted by Bronxteck

  1. remove the dash just put arch=x86_64 or if you have chameleon wiz remove all the check marks for arch type. by default chameleon boots into 64 bit
  2. you use the arch=x86_64 flag not force 64. if i remember the d620 nvidia uses nvhal40 kext which i think is 32bit only. as for the drive... cloning /swapping should work fine as long as you have edp built for the machine your testing before swapping.
  3. do a myfix with myhack. maybe a bad cache or boot with -f flag and see if the audio loads
  4. maybe make a backup of applehda.kext then delete it from s/l/e from the installer package to see if it goes further?
  5. the d630 id is injected already... but if you want to change the options you would have to open the kext file with show contents then edit the info plist with an editor like text edit. save the file.
  6. well if that works out then you can clone the drive to your second partition on your windows 7 hdd. but have you tried using different usb ports? also having intel wifi in the machine as well as the bt even though it's off can sometimes cause the issue. are you an latest bios? i think earlt bios also had similar issues. another test is try with the npci=0x2000 flag at chameleon boot and or trying sata mode instead of ahci.
  7. you sure your using the correct boot pack? intel video d630 does not run ml. the nvidia model does. so maybe you have an nvidia model? check your bios if it mentions crestline graphics then it is intel GMA x3100.
  8. the sd slot will not work in osx.
  9. sometimes if you press the spacebar on a file it will give you a bit of info. or in system info you go to extentions and it should list all loaded extensions with some info
  10. you know you can just buy a mac. they dont have these issues.
  11. well since you are using an ssd you should change your hibernatemode to save the life of you ssd. in terminal the command is sudo pmset hibernatemode 0... the default is 3 but what mode 3 does is dump all your ram to the ssd on every hibernate or shutdown so if you have 8 gigs of ram lets say. it will dump that 8 gig to the ssd every time therefore reducing the lifetime writes your ssd has and shortening it's lifespan. and it might also help with sleep.
  12. you can try CCC but i think superduper works. usually yeah you just clone your existing partition. but i do not believe superduper allows a loaded partition to be copied. now if it was offline then it would. but i think ccc does not care if the os partition is running. but i could be wrong i have not messed with clones in months and im going from memory.... memory is a fickle thing... lol. hope my nonsense makes sense.
  13. i have a dc7800 and i think i initially used that dsdt but that was a long time ago.... sleep and shutdown was a problem i remember. and on board graphics. but the 7800 ran ml.
  14. boot with the -f -v flags.... you might have to disable one of the graphics cards if possible in bios as osx does not have optimus support
  15. yeah those usually don't work. it has to be retail.
  16. you can try the bootpack and see.
  17. what osx version are you trying to install?
  18. have you tried myhack with a generic extra?
  19. they might have adapters from that hdd to cf or sd media. i think. but i dont know how that would work out.
  20. found this http://www.osx86.net/downloads.php?do=file&id=2982
  21. also check your sata ahci setting in bios
  22. thats a pentium 4 laptop you might be able to run 10.5 leopard but you will need some sort of modified kernel. or one of those distro installers that work with p4. i personally have not had much luck with pentiums and osx.
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