I've successfully managed to install Mavericks 10.9.4 with a Clover USB. I updated to 10.9.5 flawlessly through the AppStore.
My E6410 is a nVidia variant, updated to the last BIOS (A16), and the system feels quite stable...the notebook heats up a bit more then usual, but that is out of scope right now.
Initially, after the setup went well, i tried installing Clover UEFI on my GPT Disk, however, this notebooks UEFI implementation is whack, i tried every possible EFI file entry, uppercase lowercase backslash frontslash, ubuntu/windows masking, whatever was left to try, googling UEFI for E6410 ends up showing people moaning how shitty the UEFI implementation from DELL i left this as a dream for the future, i can live without it.
After that, i wiped the EFI partition with this command "newfs_msdos -v -F 32 EFI /dev/disk0s1" (disk0s1 might differ to your setup, careful), after adding -F 32, things got better and installing Clover with MBR bootloader (boot0ss) boots the system.
I ended up copying my USB's clover settings as it wouldn't boot my system with the default one, so that will require further investigation...but yea, it works .
i used Clover Configurator to load extra EFI drivers for Clover...very handy tool, and also placed the DSDT to the /EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/PATCHED/ folder...
so from this build, i have witnessed a few catches:
first, battery monitor is inconsistent, a lot of times battery percentage freezes, and only a reboot will give it the right numbers, however, it rarely works as it should.
Audio suddenly disappeared, rebuilding caches didn't help (Kext Wizard) so i installed the VoodooHDA manually, even though it is on the /EFI/CLOVER/KEXTS/10.9 folder present. after the kext install, audio is back. (also happened during the 10.9.5 update)
External Displays, i definitely need VGA for work, and DisplayPort for home, none work so pure guess is DSDT, but as i said, it is a guess.
care to help me guys, this thread could end up being a guide for clover
thanks in advance