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Everything posted by PlutoDelic

  1. 25 CPU States with MacBookPro13,2 and 00001619 platform. There's a bit of sluggish responsiveness, i will try a combination of the changes to see if it makes a difference. Still got a lot of polishing to do, but i'll have to see for what i settle for first. EDIT: Oh well, @Jake Lo seems like you didn't leave anything to be done for the post install, haha. Apart from the USBMap, LFM and further iGPU connections, i really didn't see anything that wasn't done, and i have the feeling i don't need any of them. I'll report back as soon as i switch between the ig platform and 13,1. EDIT2: Sluggishness is the result of MacBookPro13,2, no matter the ig platform. Where as 13,1 works a lot better, a lot more responsive. Also here ig platform does not make a difference. On all occasions, the cpu states was 25. That could be due to the i5-6200u.
  2. @Jake Lo I've finished packaging my post-install OC, and made sure i cross checked it with my debug and most importantly your package. So i just wanted to ask a few things out, just in case if i may be hindering performance. 1. Should i OPT for my own generated SSDT's (SSDT Time). I'm asking especially due to SSDT-HPET, as during the generation, it also created additional Acpi Patch entries to be added. Should i add them? 2. Before gathering the files, i had the AAPL,ig-platform-id ready with the value 00001619. Yours has 00001B19, any differences? 3. Also, i've noticed this in your config.plist, although HASHED in front which probably means disabled, but are they of any importance? NVRAM > ADD > 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82 #booter-fileset-basesystem #booter-fileset-kernel 4. Are there any benefits choosing MacBookPro13,2 (with NoTouchID of course) over 13,1? 5. I have an incoming Display replacement, mainly switching from 1366x768 to 1080p. The screen and connectors are compatible. Would this upgrade require any changes? 6. Is alcid=1 neecded on the boot arguments, or is that not necessary with the Device Properties values? Thanks a lot for your time and patience, really appreciate it.
  3. That was the only relevant article i came through, and i was fearing that it was way over my abilities. Again, many thanks. Dual Boot works flawlessly through UEFI, just as i like them to. Now off to post-install.
  4. I will be ashamed if you generated that just for me. It worked like a charm. Initially, i disconnected the unsupported NVMe to install BS on the 2nd SSD. All went well. The Device Properties entries did not work, and i assume it's due to missing values. But the SSDT works painlessly. For an SSD running at 1x PCIe, macOS boots up in incredible speed, and i still have everything under debug variants. @Jake Lo, i cannot thank you enough sir. Hats off.
  5. Great, i'll change it straight away. Is there anything specific needed for the child fields? I was copying most of the stuff from the GPU guides out there, going in with a blind eye.
  6. Yes, this one's a very weird one. Micron 2200S, i cant believe i didn't check that link to see the KP on it, but my mind was telling me that only happens when one tried to install on it. OpenCore clearly has parted way with it: I'm expecting my WD SN520 to arrive any moment specifically researched and ordered for macOS. Had a friend tested it for me on his e7470. It's a 2242 NVMe SSD that works on the WWAN slot as long as you change fastboot to thorough (which we obviously need to) and enable it as PCIe on the Disk list in the BIOS. The slot runs at x2 speed, but that's not a buzz killer. I will have to dig in to knowing how to disable it, either through Device Properties or SSDT. I like the challenge, seems like something worth learning :).
  7. Confirmed. That evil monster. Anyway, i assume i can make use of the Device Properties to disable it similar to the unsupported dGPUs, right? From the Device Manager location path in windows, i found out that it sits on PCI bus 0, target id 0, and something else 0. Would this suffice? Or is the SSDT the right way? EDIT: Yea, that didn't work out. I can't find much documentation for Device Properties, and those that i found seem to be used mostly for GPU's.
  8. Gentlemen, I am having a really hard time to get the installer with BS Beta 10 to boot up, but keep hitting a kernel panic. It's either this one, or in some cases where only the last line of the kernel panic appears (Contact apple etc etc). Weirdly, it happens randomly and not because of changes. The struggle is that, in the past, the kernel panics at least gave me a glimpse of what was wrong, and with this one, i can't get much information out of it. I've tried the OC Vanilla Guide very carefully as i wanted to get familiar with OC. The issue happens in both 0.6.2 and 0.6.3. Needless to say, debug releases dont seem to help much either as the log file gets scrambled with <0x00> after 2-3 seconds in to the boot (a rough estimate). Even generating the SSDT's with SSDT Time or using the prebuilt ones gave the same result. I also tried using the latest unreleased kexts just to see if kext support may be the issue. I've tried all the EFI's here as well, even the latest one from Jake Lo, with the same result. I even tried to incorporate Jake Lo's config carefully to 0.6.3, again with the same issues. config.plist / EFI Files (image) A few things i did before the overall OC setup, was to Unlock CFG, Unlock Overclocking (for undervolting future use) and changed the DVMT flags. My current specs on the machine are: i5-6200U / UHD 520 16GB RAM @ 2400mhz (Crucial) SSD1: Micron 2200S (not supported by OC/macOS, but this will be dedicated to Windows). SSD2: WD SN520 (2242 format on the WWAN slot, dedicated for macOS, yet to arrive). Also, current screen is 1366×768 but got a compatible 1080p incoming. Using stock 8260 Intel Wifi since it's supported (but not injected in OC yet). Latest BIOS (October), correctly configured. I dont think the hardware is majorly different, i even tried using the exact UHD 520 layout on the config.plist but that doesnt seem to be the culprit.
  9. PlutoDelic

    CFG Lock

    Hi lads, During a recent reddit chatter regarding CFG Lock, i was told that it is possible to change it, with quite ease too. It looks like something that wouldn't survive a BIOS update (quite normal for dual booters). Anyway, i know from the Desktop builds that i did, having the option on the BIOS to have the CFG unlocked was seen as massive, and while i have limited deep knowledge, i know that it spares you the kernel patches needed for it. Is it worth going for it? I wouldnt mind the hassle of repeating the process as it looks quite scriptable with a small thumbdrive. Are there any advantages of having it "native" instead of patched through Clover or OC? PS, here's the links: CFG Unlock & Undervolting Extra Thanks in advance.
  10. Absolutely, i did some research before going with it, according to this guy, i'm good to go. It''s a buzz killer that it only operates at one lane. Worst case scenario, it'll sit there as a second storage, which i prefer having one anyway. PS, just a few side questions. Is it worth having 32GB RAM, and what is the best speed it can do (mine's a i5-6200u). Got 16GB at 2400mhz right now. And yea, any thoughts on OpenCore? Seems like a lot of people are jumping ship with good feedback. Thanks for the quick response.
  11. Hi Guys, I was wondering if i may stumble on any struggles if i change a few organs inside the laptop. Mainly planning to change the M.2 SATA to M.2 NVMe, and trying to get my hands on a M.2 NVMe 2242 SSD to use on the WWAN slot (confirmed that it works, but it has to be NVMe/PCI interface). I know that the WWAN interface runs at only one pcie lane, but would Catalina work on it at all? It will definitely be a dual-boot scenario, although i still havent made my mind up which OS goes where. Thanks in advance.
  12. I just made a hackie for a friend, a E5410. I loved its method of booting in to an EFI File, it even had a Browse click. That said, it even booted and detected the EFI partition of GPT Drives. The same thing applies for the HDD. I have a Dual HDD system in my E6410, where i installed Windows 10 in UEFI. Copying Clover there WORKS, but i dont know WHY. I will join the testing soon, work has left me 6 months without a challenge...
  13. boy i am happy you did this. Let me get this one straight, a GPT USB drive...how did you manage to boot it? (UEFI Approach??) Also, i really thought i knew a few things, but the Hackie community makes it really easy to confuse oneself. The kexts, is there any benefit of installing them in /L/E (or /S/L/E) compared to injecting them in the kext folder in Clover? again dudu, thanks a lot for this .
  14. My honest opinion for your scenario, hands off dual booting in a single disk, nothing but issues there.
  15. Lads, i will be having some spare time soon and am willing to try it out any guide. Whoever has a caddy on the side, you can benefit a lot by having a UEFI Windows 10 installation on the first disk, where one can put Clover there, and leave OS X completely Stock/Vanilla on the other disk. Our Dell seems to be interested only in the Windows type of EFI implementation, therefore its GPT scheme is not the same as the standard. While standard GPT creates an EFI partition in the beginning of the disk, Dells do not seem to be looking there. Here's a view of the Windows EFI scheme (notice the 2nd Disk, which is my OS X, it has a Standard scheme) Manual EFI entries in the Dell Bios work if you apply the correct path for EFI, and it's pretty easy as all you have to do is reverse engineer Windows EFI path. Really looking forward to this thread .
  16. I have a similar update for a thunderbolt firmware showing up on my E6410. I've found the Hide update thing in App Store, but it doesnt work on Yosemite, strange.
  17. It seems, injecting EDID parameters in Clover/Chameleon messes up the internal options of any screen attached in VGA. For odd reasons, i have a 23" that shows 1080p at OS X, but in Windows it wont go further then 1024x768, it actually shows that resolution as Native. What a ridiculous issue. PS, i have found out that the BIOS/UEFI is way less strict in detecting EFI partitions in the secondary SATA port, which is the Optical interface (i have a 2nd HDD installed), will investigate further in to this. So far, i havent found an EASY WAY for UEFI boot. EDIT: anyone have any idea why some drives are mounted as external drives, the 2nd HDD is actually OS X and it detects and mounts itself as a Yellow Icon, exactly like the external hard drives? Interestingly though, i think HDD I/O times feel faster.
  18. Yes, however only under clover. I have attached a config.plist somwhere in this thread. No DP Audio btw.
  19. UEFI seems full of surprises For whatever reason, Ethernet decided to show up. Battery readings are a bit better but still with break ups on reading (X on battery appears less frequently). The graphics driver update trick i found out before does not work, and sometimes it even boots as it doesnt have any kext at all. The built-in graphics kext however underperforms comparing to Legacy boot, and i am not sure why this would make any difference. Do DSDT stuff matter when switching from Legacy to UEFI???
  20. In my utmost honest opinion, hands off from dual booting on the same drive. I removed my OS X drive when i installed WIN, and the same from the other side, just so i dont touch their boot factors. My plan previously was to include both in Clover somehow, now i just split them in UEFI (but nothing escapes clover ). I found that Windows can screw things up for OS X, especially that it touched the MBR stuff now (seriously, i have no idea why). Wait another week at least if you need a full guide for Clover, i am still fighting with a few anomalies, for some reason my Ethernet disappeared.
  21. no need for experimental testing as it really works, but the way it works is weird...i have pin pointed everything in here, nothing concrete of a guide yet. Most of the tips came from a thread i've posted at InsanelyMac, the last few inputs really progressed this research. If you are comfortable with clover, it wont take more then 10 minutes to figure out what i did, but i just cant put a guide on without knowing why the UEFI is behaving this certain way. Do you plan to Dual Boot by any chance?
  22. Guys, i've made it to a fully bootable UEFI installation, is there anything i can do that may help us? The guide is still under development and not ready for everybody as it isnt very standard yet, but i am working on that.
  23. There is some progress here and i may need the pro's help in figuring things out. A few months a go, i ordered a Hard Drive Caddy since i desperately need a machine that can run Microsoft Visio. I made a UEFI/GPT USB through Rufus, installed it and now i'm a happy windows camper. That's when i started the research for OS X UEFI as well and stumbled on the Clover ISO's. Initially, i wiped a USB into a GPT one and found out no matter what i do, the EFI partition will not play any role for our Dell BIOS. Then i stumbled on a guide in Insanelymac where a guy mimicked the partition layout of GPT in to an MBR, meaning he did a MBR USB with two partitions, one for clover and one for OS X. He made a package filtered for UEFI only, but pretty much contained the same what the ISO's have. It booted and it installed 10.10.3 all fine. Now before i installed OS X on the Hard Drive, i've done the same USB procedures on the hard drive, but with GPT (mind you, the USB boots with GPT as well, but you totally have to ignore the original EFI). Apart from the original EFI partition, i created a 300MB FAT32 partition named CLO and a 100GB partition for Yosemite, and went for the installation. To my surprise, UEFI did not detect it, and this pissed me off. I asked myself a single question, WTF does Windows have that Clover/OS X doesnt. I tell you what, a very weird partitioning layout. Look for yourself: /dev/disk0 #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: GUID_partition_scheme *500.1 GB disk0 1: EFI EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1 2: Microsoft Basic Data CLO 314.6 MB disk0s2 3: Apple_HFS Yose 99.1 GB disk0s3 4: Apple_Boot Recovery HD 650.0 MB disk0s4 5: Apple_HFS Data 399.7 GB disk0s5 /dev/disk1 #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: GUID_partition_scheme *320.1 GB disk1 1: DE94BBA4-06D1-4D40-A16A-BFD50179D6AC 314.6 MB disk1s1 2: EFI NO NAME 104.9 MB disk1s2 3: Microsoft Reserved 134.2 MB disk1s3 4: Microsoft Basic Data Windows10 107.9 GB disk1s4 5: Microsoft Basic Data WinData 211.6 GB disk1s5 Notice the different locations for both EFI partitions. DISK0 is obviously OS X with a proper GPT layout and the EFI is the first partition, even if you totally wipe a GPT-ed drive, the EFI will always be there (there are ways to delete it however). Now notice the EFI on DISK1, it's the 2nd partition, right after what microsoft calls MRP (Microsoft Recovery Partition), and after EFI you have the so called MSR (Microsoft Reserved Partition) partition. I went so far, that i started a Windows UEFI installation at my OS X drive, just so i can have those partitions, and for odd reasons, Disk Utility does not like them at all, it wont even delete them. And on the brink of giving up, i had this idea to copy Clover on the already existing Windows EFI partition, AND IT WORKS, i had to add it manually in the BIOS, but it actually works. I know one thing, the standard GPT means EFI at the beginning, and im pretty sure UEFI has to play along. This case seems like Dell adapted to Microsoft, and Microsoft does not give a single crap about standards. This all started as a reason for me to give a proper guide for Clover on E6410, but i cant tell people to get a HDD Caddy. Is there any way i could cross-compare the two EFI's? Mounting the Windows EFI with Clover Configurator it responds with "Unexpected disk identifier: disk1s2", but it does mount it successfully.
  24. I have to say, 10.10.3 has improved stability, and especially boot and shutdown times.
  25. Great news lads, UEFI is nearly solved out . Just a few things left to clear out. https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/7870-uefi-and-clover-partitions/?p=49274
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