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Found 6 results

  1. Hello, peoples... I have a e6420 and e7240 I'm having this wierd issue with this e6420 while making music and working on it... It freezes.... And the mouse moves around But when click it's just irresponsive... I'm not sure... What is the problem... And if somebody have a stable working config... Please give me... And im really afraid... Of this issue.. . Coz it'll be very painful If this freeze happens.... When I perform live I used some patched Intelhd3000 graphics kexts... Also... But I'm getting this unexpected issue at very crucial times Some shed some lights on this...guide me Save me
  2. Hi guys, I updates my Latitude to Sierra, but had to disable the NVS4200M in the BIOS and go with the HD3000 graphics. Now, I am facing problems during work: when I start the Photos App or Safari and download a file, the display freeze, sometimes the mouse can be moved, but nothing reacts any longer. I see activity for the HDD and system seem to work, but screen refresh seems to hang. Does anybody is facing the same?
  3. I'm on Yosemite 10.10.3. I'm using this version: "RehabMan-Generic-USB3-2014-1016" corresponding the GenericUSBXHCI.kext provided by RehabMan. With this version everything seems to work perfectly. But when using an external display through the HDMI port and an external USB audio interface, the system freezes when trying to initialize core audio inside Logic Pro X. If I disconnect the external display I can work perfectly inside Logic Pro X using the external USB audio interface. I didn't have this issue with Mavericks. Also If I use an older version of the mentioned kext I can work inside Logic with the external display and USB audio interface, but leaving functional just one USB port.
  4. Hello there, I own an ASUS N73SV laptop and have been trying to install Mac on it for a while. I found this website yesterday and eagerly started the installing procedure with myHack. Now, whenever I want to boot the installer, it goes like this; - laptop boots from USB - chameleon pops up, I enter -v (sometimes -x -f too, also tried GraphicsEnabler=No) - Mac (or chameleon?) starts loading all Kexts - screen clears, and new commandline screen pops up (the one with the bold, white letters) - everything goes well until it's done loading, the screen freezes at the commandline and stops responding until shutdown I've got Mac installers to succesfully boot with different distro's, and the USB installer I created is working perfectly on my PC, aside from not detecing my HDD's, but that's a problem I can solve myself. I thought it was the NVDA kexts that I had to remove, so I did, but still no luck. I'm going to try removing the AppleIntelHD kexts this evening/afternoon and see what it does. (with removing I mean I just take the kexts from the USB and move them to the trash, that's the way to do it right?) The compatibility page also shows this laptop as compatible (https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/2933-asus-n73sv/). I got practically the same hardware, the only real difference is my screen being full HD, and I have 6GB RAM instead of 4. I hope you guys can help me with this, I'm coming closer and closer to having no idea what I should do. I'm still searching on Google what could help, if I find something I'll post it here.
  5. I have the Asus G75vw with the nvidia 670m graphics card. It works fine it ml with the open cl > 2gb patch and graphicsenabler=yes but in mavericks, whenever I attempt to play any flash videos or videos with quicktime, my computer completely freezes and the only thing that responds is the mouse (but it can't click anything). Any ideas to what's up with mavericks?
  6. I am using 10.6.8 on D630 intel 1440x900 with a dell port replicator and an external monitor. Everything works fine except at random times the UI freezes completely. I had the same problem in Lion as well, on the same machine. I followed the EDP bootpack process to install 10.6.8. There is nothing in the logs but I have observed that this problem happens under certain conditions that I am listing below. Please feel free to add your observations and hopefully someone can pick a pattern and fix it. - It started happening after I installed Quicktime version 10.0. Recording a screencast in Quicktime is one of the surest way of triggering a UI freeze. - Editing large movies in iMovie'11 version 9.0 build 1073 can also trigger a freeze but not as often a recording in Quicktime does. - Viewing a content heavy page in Safari can sometimes trigger a freeze. Common culprit in all of the above is Quicktime so that might be it but I am not sure. If it is working well for you then please let me know what version of Quicktime of iMovie you are using. Thanks
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