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DW1820a - the general troubleshooting thread


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Hi everyone, 


Through testing, I've managed to confirm the following, FYI @Hervé maybe it will be of use.


When using Rehabman kext to inject firmware (BrcmPatchRam2& BrcmFirmwareRepo/Data), bluetooth is:

- Able to be enabled

- Able to detect bluetooth devices

- NOT able to sustain connection to bluetooth devices


When using Rehabman kext to ONLY inject bluetooth  (using BrcmBluetoothInjector.kext, or when firmware fails to load), bluetooth is:

- Able to be enabled

- Able to detect bluetooth devices

- Able to connect to bluetooth devices, but not stable/jumpy connection, and will disconnect/crash bluetooth after a while



It is weird, but without firmware upload, the card is able to do more with bluetooth, than without firmware upload. However, the card is still not usable with this setup. Note also that this behaviour is only happening to 1028:0021cards. for 1028:0023, there are no bluetooth issues, but wifi is garbage on this model

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I have 1028:0023 and have bluetooth issues like the ones mentioned here. In fact, my bluetooth is not even recognized without using bluetoothinjector kext.


I'd also like to say that I finally got this card working without issues on wifi. All my previous problems are fixed, to do so I had to tape the pins like Naidis did and the moment I did it I stopped having crashes or slow downs.

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There's really nothing to it; it's as described in previous pages, i.e. Rehabman's latest build with uncompressed firmware v5803 posted on p5. Make sure to adjust PCI ids if required of course...

Bluetooth_kexts.zipFetching info...


I've remembered I had my 12yr old Vostro200 Bluetooth mouse & keyboard lying around so I connected the mouse via Bluetooth and been using it without issue whatsoever for the last hour or so.



SysInfo reports BT firmware v7 c5799, so not sure the targeted firmware actually loads but everything works fine for sure...


Edit: no BT mouse disconnection or other issue after over 3hrs. All Ok as far as I'm concerned.


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