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Cloning a Drive?


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I have a D620 with a disk that has both 10.6 and 10.7 on it (I can boot either)? I want to clone the 10.7 to a smaller disk, which I want to be bootable. The smaller disk is connected through a USB adapter.


Whats the best way to do this?

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Cloning an os x partition is straight forward with the tools mentioned above as os x can easily boot from any new partition created. Cloning a windows partition is tricky as it may not boot from the new partition created. So far I've been successful using winclone only. However, you need to a create an external or second hard disk with os x system as the winclone will unmount the whole hard disk and not just the windows partition.



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I've had great success using Clonezilla to clone an entire drive (tri-boot, 10.6.0/Win7/Win8 preview). However, things got a lot trickier when I tried backing up/restoring *single* partitions via Clonezilla. I believe this was due to some bootloader/hybrid partition table issues complicated by the presence of Windows 8. However, even after restoring the whole disk (with the "whole disk" image, not just one partition at a time) I still had to repair my bootloaders.


Specifically, I had to delete /Extra (using Terminal, when booted from the OS X Install USB drive), use the bootloader off the USB drive to boot into my local HDD's OS X install, re-run EDP (v1.9 on OSX 10.6.0) and then re-install Chameleon. If you're just dual-booting OS X and Win 7 or XP, that should be sufficient.


In my case, I then had to go in and repair the Windows 7 bootloader and make it load BEFORE Chameleon. However, the only reason I'm using the Win7 bootloader is because Chameleon seems to have issues loading Windows 8. I haven't determined if it's a problem with my partition map, or if there's some new funky formatting thing that Windows 8 does, causing Chameleon not to recognize the partition correctly.


I expect everything to go to heck when I do the 10.6.8 upgrade (and apply EDP 1.9.2), and will probably have to go through all this again :)

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Hi cristosic,


You can boot Windows 8 with chameleon. However, you need to reinstall the mbr, bootsector and bootmenu before you reinstall chameleon. The Windows 8 will detect both the windows 8 and Windows 7 partitition. I'm assuming you have updated your hybrid partition table off course.



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