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ELAN, FocalTech and Synaptics (Smart Touchpad) Driver


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  On 11/4/2017 at 11:12 AM, gelomon said:

Hello everyone. I have been using Smart touchpad for weeks now and loving it as I get near mac gestures on my hack for configuring it properly according to my taste. But i have some issues I want to resolve or if there are any suggestions you can give.

1. Scroll speed(2 finger scroll and edge scroll) in some places are so fast(terminal, app store) compared to browsers, pdf, etc.

2. Mouse in inactive for 1-2 seconds after typing. Most of the time it happens but sometimes it is not.

3. Backlight flickering when adjusting brightness down or down. Screen flickers(i dont know if its the right word) it seems like it blinks when changing brightness via keyboard that appears like blinking.


UPDATE: Fixed some of my issue by just configuring the driver


Problem 2: FIXED(interim) by disabling fine adjustments


Problem 3: FIXED(interim) by setting TimeOutEnablesTPadAfterAccInput to 100

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Just signed up to thank you for this awesome driver! XPS 15 L521X running the installer for High Sierra and everything worked perfectly after dropping the kext file into the Clover kexts directory.

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Does not work for Asus VivoBook Pro N552VW it uses the ELAN smart touchpad HID\VEN_ELAN&DEV_1000 I am running 10.12 sierra and the kext does load as the kextstat command shows that it does, but there is no keyboard or touchpad support even with all other related kexts removed, tried installing in clover/kexts/other and /System/Library/Extensions and the touch pad does not pickup input and is not detected in the touchpad area of the preference pane

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i have high sierra 10.13.2 beta 4. I installed  SmartTouchpad v4.7 beta 5.zip. Trackpad, gestures and keyboard works but not all the gestures are working. and when i make changes to the gesture settings in the PrefPane, it does not work --- the gesture settings that are in the prefpanel does not work. maybe you can make the source code open source, so that other people can improve on it to free up your time. thanks

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@fan0, thank you for your feedback. This kext is compatible with Sierra and have not been updated to work with highSierra. Also the developer has stated in OP that he will working on this kext soon. If he doesn't. He will be releasing the source code. Please refer to first page for more info.

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thanks. looking forward to it. everything works anyway (keyboard, trackpad and gestures). the only issue i have with the kext installing it in my high sierra is that the gesture settings in the prefpane does not work (when i change a gesture setting, it doesn't happen). But there is gesture. it's just not the ones stated in the prefpane settings and i cannot change the gestures. thanks

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It's noted in the 1st post that most of the features won't work! 

You just have to read the fine notes.


Version v4.7 beta 5 (10 - 12 - 2016) (work in progress, available to try from attachments).

  • Added back feature multi finger drag due to users request (can be dragged using 1-3f, Note: This drag wont be as smooth as 1f because the data is not as good as 1f in 2-3f which is why I stopped working on this long time ago, but currently it works nicely and usable in my touchpad. So its usage varies to each touchpad). You have to hold fingers for 2-3 sec at fixed position and move to trigger drag.
  • Improved support for Sierra 
  • Support for new style prefpane (most of the features wont control my feature, but I will fix them by next weekend to match them) [Drag, scroll, double click speed can be controlled inside Accessibility Settings->Mouse & Trackpad]
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