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HP 250 G6: Seeking EFI for Ventura or Sonoma


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Thanks for the response but being a 60-year-old total noob and novice, I have no idea how to do that since I got that EFI from a Github.

Any ideas or help for this?

Thank you so much.


This is an error message with [AHCI] in Ventura, is a loop.


Efi com from Olarilla for Kaby Lake laptops.



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Unfortunately I no longer have this PC in my hands. I generated new ACPI files for compatibility with the new Bios, but Ventura and Sonoma I was unable to install them for users I followed. I hope to get this PC back soon so I can fix this problem.

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9 hours ago, Baio77 said:

Unfortunately I no longer have this PC in my hands. I generated new ACPI files for compatibility with the new Bios, but Ventura and Sonoma I was unable to install them for users I followed. I hope to get this PC back soon so I can fix this problem.

Thanks, in the meantime I have to settle for Big Sur, that's why the other day I asked if there was another EFI on your channel, but now with the new HP Bios they no longer install any of Maldon nor do their EFIs work for me. Additionally, HP does not allow you to downgrade the bios to a previous version.

11 hours ago, Jake Lo said:

try EFI from here

That's the EFI I have in Big Sur. And in Monterey it doesn't work since it doesn't recognize hard drives.

And I'm a newbie and I don't have any idea how this is going, I'm 60 years old and this is a bit out of my mind. Thank you.

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Yes i put kext in kext folder and in Config.plist mark on

This is strange, before i update my bios from F-42 to F-74, i can install any OS but now only with bios F-74 Big Sur.

All my EFI come frome Maldon or Olarilla.


Thank you for your interest and for all.




I have tried updating from Big Sur to Ventura but when I start I get kernel errors and many other things.

Nothing, I leave it as an impossible cause since I cannot put the bios that I had before on the laptop: F-42.


Edited by Miguel-1964
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