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[Guide] E7440 with Clover


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Hey Jake,


I have a question for you, its about Yosemite not El Captian :)


Few days ago you give me a new config.pst and a dsdt for my E7440, to fix some minor issue I had, since that, sometimes (random) during the bootstrap of my laptop I receive a new error regarding the Audio kext ( I guess)


any suggestion how to fix? should I continue updating my Yosemite to elCaptin even with this error ?


thanks a lot



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  On 10/5/2015 at 3:02 PM, punjabigator said:

Jake I have added the 4th AppleHDA patch already. Do we need 1-3 patches as well or only the two mentioned in the post you provided the link. Thank you for your help.

Keep all the patches in addition to the 2 new patches otherwise your audio will fail.



  On 10/5/2015 at 5:50 PM, uranis said:

Oh well,  I did run the upgrade to elCaptian and after the restart nothing works, print screen attached, works only on safe mode :(

Remove EAPDfix. It's know to cause KP in El Capitan. EmlyDinesh is working on a new supported version. Get rid of VoodooHDA is you're using the patched AppleHDA.

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All looks good except one. You have it disable where it should be set to 9202EC10

<string>AppleHDA ALC 292 #1</string>
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i'm a realy stupid man...! :  

in post @482 i have read "rename" and not "replace".......and now i'm not able to restart, same allocating error, also if i try to start from a other disk...

i'm able to start on 10.10.5  from a older version of clover, but impossible to mount the EFI partition to change back the name.

i'm stuck with a dead system....

did someone have a idea how to solve this without reinstall.... i don't want to lose my working partition.

for information, in my laptop , i have 2 HDD, one is 1Tera ssd, with a backup of a working 10.10.5, and a backup of EFI.

the other HDD is 256 Giga ssd, with WIN8, osx 10.10.5 , and EFI partition.

only Win8 is able to start....


thank for hep a stupid man !

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Thanks for the info, but I had to restore from the last backup :D I will keep Yosemite for now, and when I have some free time I will try again ;) 


anyone knows if Airdrop and Handoff works ? and how ? any guide ? 


thanks a lot all.

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  On 10/6/2015 at 3:50 PM, girardpallet said:


i'm a realy stupid man...! :  

in post @482 i have read "rename" and not "replace".......and now i'm not able to restart, same allocating error, also if i try to start from a other disk...

i'm able to start on 10.10.5  from a older version of clover, but impossible to mount the EFI partition to change back the name.

i'm stuck with a dead system....

did someone have a idea how to solve this without reinstall.... i don't want to lose my working partition.

for information, in my laptop , i have 2 HDD, one is 1Tera ssd, with a backup of a working 10.10.5, and a backup of EFI.

the other HDD is 256 Giga ssd, with WIN8, osx 10.10.5 , and EFI partition.

only Win8 is able to start....


thank for hep a stupid man !

Try EFI Mounter v2, you can select the disk to mount and fix your issue.

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